Moab Web Services > Setup > Version and Build Information

Version and Build Information

To get detailed version information about MWS, use one of the following three methods:


Using a browser, visit the MWS home page (for example, http://localhost:8080/mws/). At the bottom of the page is the MWS version information. See the screenshot below:

REST Request

Using a REST client or other HTTP client software, send a GET request to the rest/diag/about resource. Here is an example:

curl -u username:password http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/diag/about?api-version=3

This resource is also described under Diagnostics.


If MWS fails to start, version and build information can be found in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file inside the MWS WAR file. The version properties begin with Implementation. Below is an excerpt of a MANIFEST.MF file:

Implementation-Build: 26
Implementation-Build-Date: 2012-06-19_14-18-59
Implementation-Revision: 376079a5e5f552f2fe25e6070fd2e84c646a98fd

Name: Grails Application
Implementation-Title: mws
Implementation-Version: 7.1.0-rc2
Grails-Version: 2.0.3

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