Moab Web Services > API Documentation > Requesting Specific API Versions

Requesting Specific API Versions

Because of significant changes in the API introduced in release version 7.2.0, MWS possesses a versioned API. The api-version URL parameter may be used to change the requested API version for any call to MWS. The current valid API versions with their corresponding MWS versions are shown in the table below:

API version MWS version Documentation Additional notes
7.2.x 7.2.x documentation on As of the 8.1.0 release, API version 2 is officially deprecated and will be removed from Moab Web Services in the next major release.
3 8.0 Contained within this document --
latest Latest Contained within this document When the latest API version is requested, it resolves to the latest API version of MWS, such as api-version=3 for MWS 8.1.0.

If no API version is specified, the request is rejected. An API version must be specified with every call in Moab Web Services 8.1.0 and later.

Resources Introduction and Resources reference contain information for the latest API version. For documentation of previous API versions, please see the table above.


GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/nodes?api-version=2
// Data returned uses API version 2

GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/nodes?api-version=latest
// Data returned uses API version 3

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