Moab Web Services > Resources > Policies


This section describes behavior of the Policies object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, request bodies, and responses delivered to and from MWS.

The Fields: Policies reference section contains the type and description of fields of all Policies.

Supported policies

Name ID
Automatic VM Migration auto-vm-migration
Fairshare fairshare
Hypervisor Allocation Overcommit hv-allocation-overcommit
Migration Exclusion List migration-exclusion-list
Node Allocation node-allocation

Supported methods

/rest/policies Get All Policies -- -- --
/rest/policies/<id> Get Single Policy Modify Policy -- --

This topic contains these sections:

Getting Policies

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Policies information.

Quick reference

GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/policies?api-version=3

Get All Policies

URLs and parameters

GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/policies?api-version=3
Parameter Required Type Description Example
query No JSON Query for specific results. query={"state":"DISABLED","conflicted":"false"}
sort No JSON Sort the results. Use 1 for ascending and -1 for descending. sort={"id":-1}

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample response

GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/policies?api-version=3&fields=id,state,conflicted

  "totalCount": 4,
  "resultCount": 4,
  "results": [  {
    "conflicted": false,
    "state": "DISABLED",
    "id": "auto-vm-migration"
    "conflicted": false,
    "state": "DISABLED",
    "id": "hv-allocation-overcommit"
    "conflicted": false,
    "state": "DISABLED",
    "id": "node-allocation"
    "conflicted": false,
    "state": "DISABLED",
    "id": "migration-exclusion-list"

Get Single Policy

URLs and parameters

GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/policies/<id>?api-version=3
Parameter Required Type Valid values Description
id Yes String -- The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample responses

Auto VM Migration

  "conflicted": false,
  "description": "Controls how virtual machines are automatically migrated.",
  "id": "auto-vm-migration",
  "name": "Auto VM Migration",
  "potentialConflicts": [],
  "priority": 1,
  "state": "DISABLED",
  "tags": [],
  "types": [],
  "version": 0,

    "conflicted": false,
    "decayFactor": 0.44,
    "depth": 4,
    "description": "Control job feasibility and priority decisions based on system utilization targets for users, groups, accounts, classes, and QoS levels.",
    "intervalSeconds": 600,
    "name": "Fairshare",
    "potentialConflicts": [],
    "priority": 16,
    "state": "ENABLED",
    "tags": [],
    "types": [],
    "version": 3,
    "id": "fairshare"
Hypervisor Allocation Overcommit

  "conflicted": false,
  "description": "Controls how hypervisors are overallocated with regards to processors and memory.",
  "id": "hv-allocation-overcommit",
  "name": "Hypervisor Allocation Overcommit",
  "potentialConflicts": [],
  "priority": 2,
  "state": "DISABLED",
  "tags": [],
  "types": [],
  "version": 0,
Migration Exclusion List

    "conflicted": false,
    "description": "Controls which machines are excluded from automatic live migration operations.",
    "hvExclusionList": ["blade05", "blade02"],
    "name": "Migration Exclusion List",
    "potentialConflicts": [],
    "priority": 100,
    "state": "DISABLED",
    "tags": [],
    "types": [],
    "version": 1,
    "vmExclusionList": ["vm1", "vm5"],
    "id": "migration-exclusion-list"
Node Allocation

  "conflicted": false,
  "description": "Controls how nodes are selected for workload placement.",
  "id": "node-allocation",
  "name": "Node Allocation",
  "potentialConflicts": [],
  "priority": 3,
  "state": "DISABLED",
  "tags": [],
  "types": [],
  "version": 0,
  "nodeAllocationAlgorithm": "CustomPriority",
  "customPriorityFunction": "-100*GMETRIC[vmcount]"

Modifying Policies

The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Policies.

Quick reference

PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/policies/<id>?api-version=3

Modify Policy

URLs and parameters

PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/policies/<id>?api-version=3[&change-mode=set]
Parameter Required Type Valid values Description
id Yes String -- The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Additional URL parameters

URL parameters for modifying a Migration Exclusion Lists Policy.

Migration Exclusion Lists parameter Required Type Valid values Description
change-mode No String

set (default)



If set, replace existing exclusion list(s) with the given one.

If add, add the given VMs/HVs to the existing exclusion list(s).

If remove, remove the given VMs/HVs from the existing exclusion list(s).

Request body

In general, the fields shown in the Fields: Policies reference section are not available for modification. However, the state field may be modified to a valid PolicyState. All other fields listed in the specific policy type sections (i.e. AutoVMMigrationPolicy) may be modified unless documented otherwise.

Sample response

JSON response

    "messages": ["Policy auto-vm-migration updated"]


Enable the Auto VM Migration Policy and set values.

PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/policies/auto-vm-migration?api-version=3

  "state": "enabled",
  "migrationAlgorithmType": "overcommit",
  "processorUtilizationThreshold": 0.5,
  "memoryUtilizationThreshold": 0.4

As noted in the Fields: Policies reference section documentation for AutoVMMigrationPolicy, if the state is set to ENABLED, then the migrationAlgorithmType must not be set to NONE.


All policies:

Auto VM Migration


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