(Click to open topic with navigation)
This section describes the behavior of a Service (an interdependent collection of workflows). It is possible for a Service to be composed of multiple Services. This section describes the URLs, request bodies, and responses delivered to and from Moab Web Services for each approach.
Services are tenant objects. If you have implemented a multi-tenant environment (see About Tenants for more information) and are logged in with an application account, you must include a proxy-user with each service call to limit the results to information that the user has permission to see. If you are logged in with an LDAP account, MWS will automatically limit the results to information that the LDAP user has permission to see. For more information, see Roles.
Moab Web Services reports a service's lifecycle, or a series of phases that a service goes through. The lifecycle allows you to follow the service's tracking job(s) in Moab as certain events occur. Services change phases as Moab enforces policies and as users request changes. For instance, you can choose to migrate, unblock, or terminate a service and trigger a phase change. Knowing a service's current phase lets you determine not only when a service has failed, but what might have caused it. For more information, see "" in the Moab Cloud Suite 7.5.0 Installation Guide.
The events that cause phase transitions to occur have a feature called phase hooks that you can use to run scripts during phase transitions. For instance, if you want to receive an email alert when a service becomes blocked, you can write a script that will send the email and attach it to an individual service, a service template, or globally on all services that will be created. You would then set the hook on the "block" event so that it runs whenever the service experiences this event. For more information, see the "Creating Service Lifecycle Phase Hooks" section of this page.
The Fields: Services reference section contains the type and description of all fields in the Service object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.
Supported methods
Resource | GET | PUT | POST | DELETE |
/rest/services | Services | -- | -- | |
/rest/services/<id> | Get Single Service | Modify Service | -- | Delete Service |
This topic contains these sections:
The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Service information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.
Quick reference
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3[&query={"field":"value"}&sort={"field":<1|-1>}[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true]] GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>?api-version=3[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true&recursive=true] GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<name>?api-version=3[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true&recursive=true] GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>/root?api-version=3[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true&recursive=true] GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<name>/root?api-version=3[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true&recursive=true] GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/vms/<vmId>?api-version=3[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true&recursive=true]
Get All Services
URLs and parameters
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3[&query={"field":"value"}&sort={"field":<1|-1>}[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true]]
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description | Example |
query | No | JSON | -- |
Query for specific results. It is possible to query services by one or more fields based on MongoDB query syntax. |
query={"type":"storage","label":"exlabel"} |
sort | No | JSON | -- | Sort the results. Use 1 for ascending and -1 for descending. | sort={"account":-1} |
show-recursive-vc | No | Boolean | true or false | true shows extended details about the service's virtual container including nested virtual containers and nested jobs. Default is false. | show-recursive-vc=true |
show-vc | No | Boolean | true or false | true shows details about the service's virtual container. Default is false. | show-vc=true |
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Sample response
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3&query={user:"bob"}
"tenant": {
"name": "Research"
"dateCreated":"2011-12-07 16:03:40 UTC",
"lastUpdated":"2011-12-07 16:03:40 UTC",
"version":1, "type":"container", "label":null, "user":"bob", "account":"bamboo", "startDateRequested":"2012-14-10 20:51:07 UTC", "startDateScheduled":"2012-14-10 20:51:07 UTC", "status":"A custom status message", "statusCode":0, "includedServices":[ "machine0.1", "OSStoremachine0.1" ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"parent":null, "serviceTemplate":{ "id":"4fbd42cfc4aa4c444cc54112", "name":"CentosVmPlusStorage" }, "attributes":{ "moab":{ "vc":{ "id":"vc56" }, "dependencies":[ { "service":"machine0.1", "dependency":[ "OSStoremachine0.1" ] } ], "jobRequested":{ "nodeSet": { "selection": "FIRSTOF", "type": "VARATTR", "name": "MOAB_DATACENTER", "values": ["vcenter-datacenter-416"] } "rules":{ "MOAB_DATACENTER":[ { "value":"datacenter3", "restriction":"must", "comparator":"%=", "displayValue":null } ] } } } }, "id":"4edff0cc6852f709fa777826" }, { "tenant": { "id":1234567890abcdef12345678", "name": "Research" }, "dateCreated":"2011-12-07 16:03:40 UTC", "lastUpdated":"2011-12-07 16:03:40 UTC", "dateDeleted":null, "name":"machine0.1",
"phase":"Analyzing", "version":1, "type":"vm", "label":"bobs machine", "user":"bob", "account":"bamboo", "startDateRequested":"2012-14-10 20:51:07 UTC", "startDateScheduled":"2012-14-10 20:51:07 UTC", "status":"A custom status message", "statusCode":0, "includedServices":[ ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"parent":"bobService.1", "serviceTemplate":{ "id":"4fbd42cfc4aa4c444cc54113", "name":"CentosVm" }, "attributes":{ "moab":{ "vc":{ "id":"vc57" }, "jobRequested":{ "id":"Moab.24", "template":"genericVM", "image":"centos5.5-stateless", "features":[ "vlan3" ], "variables":{ "QOS":"High" }, "resources":{ "mem":2, "procs":2, "disk":2 }, "nodeSet": { "selection": "FIRSTOF", "type": "VARATTR", "name": "MOAB_DATACENTER", "values": ["vcenter-datacenter-416"] } "rules":{ "MOAB_DATACENTER":[ { "value":"datacenter3", "restriction":"must", "comparator":"%=", "displayValue":null } ] } } } }, "id":"4edff0cc6852f709fa777827" }, { "tenant": { "id":1234567890abcdef12345678", "name": "Research" }, "dateCreated":"2011-12-07 16:03:40 UTC", "lastUpdated":"2011-12-07 16:03:40 UTC", "dateDeleted":null, "name":"OSStoremachine0.1",
"phase":"Analyzing", "version":1, "type":"storage", "label":null, "user":"bob", "account":"bamboo", "startDateRequested":"2012-14-10 20:51:07 UTC", "startDateScheduled":"2012-14-10 20:51:07 UTC", "status":"A custom status message", "statusCode":0, "includedServices":[ ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"parent":"bobService.1", "serviceTemplate":{ "id":"4fbd42cfc4aa4c444cc54114", "name":"OpSysStorage" }, "attributes":{ "moab":{ "vc":{ "id":"vc58" }, "jobRequested":{ "id":"Moab.23", "template":"OSStorage", "resources":{ "OS":200 }, "nodeSet": { "selection": "FIRSTOF", "type": "VARATTR", "name": "MOAB_DATACENTER", "values": ["vcenter-datacenter-416"] } "rules":{ "MOAB_DATACENTER":[ { "value":"datacenter3", "restriction":"must", "comparator":"%=", "displayValue":null } ] } } } }, "id":"4edff0cc6852f709fa777828" } ] }
It is possible to query services by one or more fields based on MongoDB query syntax.
Simple queries
More complex queries
Conditional operators
You can perform <, <=, >, >= comparisons using the $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte operators.
Operator | Comparison |
$lt | < |
$lte | <= |
$gt | > |
$gte | >= |
Querying services by date
http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3&query={"dateCreated":{"$gt":"2012-02-08 13:00:00 MST"}}
http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3&query={"dateCreated":{"$lte":"2012-02-08 13:00:00 PST"}}
http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3&query={"dateCreated":{"$lte":"2012-02-08 13:00:00 EST","$gte":"2012-02-08 12:00:00 EST"}}
Querying services by containing service
Services can contain other services. When a service is contained within another service, you can find out what its container is by looking at the parent field. A service that is not contained in any other service is called a top level service. If you want to see only top level services you need to query for services with a null parent.
In MongoDB syntax you query for services whose parent field have a $type of 10 (with 10 representing null). The following query shows all of bob's top level services:
Once you have the top level service, you can find the direct child services:
Once you have the direct children, you can find the children of those children with a similar query.
See the sorting section of Global URL Parameters.
Limiting the number of results
To cause only certain fields to return for each service, use the fields parameter. For example, to show only the name field for each service:
This returns:
{ "totalCount": 9, "resultCount": 3, "results": [ {"name": "aliceService.1"}, {"name": "machine0.1"}, {"name": "OSStoremachine0.1"} ] }
To show the name, type, and user:
This returns:
{ "totalCount": 9, "resultCount": 3, "results": [ { "name": "aliceService.1", "type": "container", "user": "alice" }, { "name": "machine0.1", "type": "vm", "user": "alice" }, { "name": "OSStoremachine0.1", "type": "storage", "user": "alice" } ] }
URLs and parameters
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>?api-version=3[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true] GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<name>?api-version=3[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true]
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description | Example |
id | Yes | String | -- | The unique identifier of the service. Must contain exactly 24 alphanumeric characters. | -- |
name | Yes | String | -- | The name of the service. | -- |
show-recursive-vc | No | Boolean | true or false | true shows extended details about the service's virtual container including nested virtual containers and nested jobs. Default is false. | show-recursive-vc=true |
show-vc | No | Boolean | true or false | true shows details about the service's virtual container. Default is false. | show-vc=true |
recursive | No | Boolean | true or false | true shows details about all included services, including nested services. Default is false. | recursive=true |
Only one of id or name is required.
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
If the service requested is a VM service and API version 2 is used, the full job and VM details will be returned in the output in the jobDetails and virtualMachineDetails fields. The format of these fields match the full output of Get Single Job and Get Single Virtual Machine. If Moab is not configured correctly to use API version 2, the request will fail just as it would with the Job and Virtual Machine resources if they were called directly.
These fields are also returned if a parent of a VM service is requested with the recursive flag set to true. This means that children services will also contain job and VM details if available.
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/bobService.1?api-version=3
"tenant": {
"name": "Research"
"dateCreated":"2011-12-07 16:03:40 UTC",
"lastUpdated":"2011-12-07 16:03:40 UTC",
"dateDeleted": null,
"phase":"Analyzing", "version":1, "type":"container", "label":null, "user":"bob", "account":"bamboo", "startDateRequested":"2012-14-10 20:51:07 UTC", "startDateScheduled":"2012-14-10 20:51:07 UTC", "durationRequested":86400, "status":"A custom status message", "statusCode":0, "includedServices":[ "machine0.1", "OSStoremachine0.1" ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [{
"id": "51f9395484aeed592c4d658e",
"name": "myHook",
"type": "after",
"currentPhase": "analyzing",
"transition": "accept",
"nextPhase": "deploying",
"url": "exec:///opt/mws/spool/hooks/approval.pl",
"timeoutInSeconds": 3000
"id": "62g1416595bffe613d5e769f",
"name": "emailOnBlock"
"type": "after"
"currentPhase": "deploying",
"transition": "block",
"nextPhase": "blocked",
"url": "exec:///opt/mws/spool/hooks/blockEmail.pl",
"parent":null, "serviceTemplate":{ "id":"4fbd42cfc4aa4c444cc54112", "name":"CentosVmPlusStorage" }, "attributes":{ "moab":{ "vc":{ "id":"vc56" }, "dependencies":[ { "service":"machine0.1", "dependency":[ "OSStoremachine0.1" ] } ], "jobRequested":{ "nodeSet": { "selection": "FIRSTOF", "type": "VARATTR", "name": "MOAB_DATACENTER", "values": ["vcenter-datacenter-416"], "displayValues": ["Data Center 416"] }, "rules":{ "MOAB_DATACENTER":[ { "value":"datacenter3", "restriction":"must", "comparator":"%=", "displayValue":null } ] } } } }, "id":"4edff0cc6852f709fa777826" }
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/bobService.1?api-version=3&recursive=true&api-version=3&fields=...
"tenant": {
"name": "Research"
"phase:"Deployed", "dateCreated":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "lastUpdated":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "dateDeleted": null, "type":"container", "label":null, "user":"moab-admin", "account":null, "includedServices":[ "Virtual Machine 2 container", "Virtual Machine 3 container" ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"parent":null, "startDateRequested":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "startDateScheduled":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "durationRequested":null, "version":0, "status":"Service waiting to be scheduled at 2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "statusCode":null, "attributes":{ "moab":{ "vc":{ "id":"vc6" }, "dependencies":[ ], "jobRequested":{ "nodeSet": { "selection": "FIRSTOF", "type": "VARATTR", "name": "MOAB_DATACENTER", "values": ["vcenter-datacenter-416"], "displayValues": ["Data Center 416"] }, "rules":{ "MOAB_DATACENTER":[ { "value":"datacenter3", "restriction":"must", "comparator":"%=", "displayValue":null } ] } } } }, "children":[ { "tenant": { "id":1234567890abcdef12345678", "name": "Research" }, "name":"Virtual Machine 2 container", "dateCreated":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "lastUpdated":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "dateDeleted": null, "type":"container", "label":null, "user":"moab-admin", "account":null, "includedServices":[ "vm 2", "Virtual Machine 2 container OS Storage" ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"parent":"TestService1.1", "startDateRequested":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "startDateScheduled":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "durationRequested":null, "version":0, "status":"Service waiting to be scheduled at 2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "statusCode":null, "attributes":{ "moab":{ "vc":{ "id":"vc7" }, "dependencies":[ ], "jobRequested":{ "nodeSet": { "selection": "FIRSTOF", "type": "VARATTR", "name": "MOAB_DATACENTER", "values": ["vcenter-datacenter-416"], "displayValues": ["Data Center 416"] }, "rules":{ "MOAB_DATACENTER":[ { "value":"datacenter3", "restriction":"must", "comparator":"%=", "displayValue":null } ] } } } }, "children":[ { "tenant": { "id":1234567890abcdef12345678", "name": "Research" }, "name":"vm 2",
"phase":"Deployed", "dateCreated":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "lastUpdated":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "dateDeleted": null, "type":"vm", "label":null, "user":"moab-admin", "account":null, "includedServices":[ ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"parent":"Virtual Machine 2 container", "startDateRequested":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "startDateScheduled":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "durationRequested":null, "version":6, "status":"VM successfully provisioned", "statusCode":null, "attributes":{ "moab":{ "vc":{ "id":"vc8" }, "jobRequested":{ "id":"Moab.9", "template":"genericVM", "image":"centos5.5-stateless", "resources":{ "mem":1024, "procs":1 }, "nodeSet": { "selection": "FIRSTOF", "type": "VARATTR", "name": "MOAB_DATACENTER", "values": ["vcenter-datacenter-416"], "displayValues": ["Data Center 416"] }, "rules":{ "MOAB_DATACENTER":[ { "value":"datacenter3", "restriction":"must", "comparator":"%=", "displayValue":null } ] } } }, "vmId":"vm3", "hypervisor":"i04" }, "virtualMachineDetails":{ "name":"vm3" }, "jobDetails":{ "name":"Moab.9" }, "id":"50f58eade4b03bfe59ca30c4" }, { "tenant": { "id":1234567890abcdef12345678", "name": "Research" }, "name":"Virtual Machine 2 container OS Storage",
"phase":"Deployed", "dateCreated":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "lastUpdated":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "dateDeleted": null, "type":"storage", "label":null, "user":"moab-admin", "account":null, "includedServices":[ ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"parent":"Virtual Machine 2 container", "startDateRequested":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "startDateScheduled":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "durationRequested":null, "version":2, "status":"Storage successfully provisioned", "statusCode":null, "attributes":{ "moab":{ "vc":{ "id":"vc9" }, "jobRequested":{ "id":"Moab.8", "template":"OSStorage", "resources":{ "gold":100 }, "nodeSet": { "selection": "FIRSTOF", "type": "VARATTR", "name": "MOAB_DATACENTER", "values": ["vcenter-datacenter-416"], "displayValues": ["Data Center 416"] }, "rules":{ "MOAB_DATACENTER":[ { "value":"datacenter3", "restriction":"must", "comparator":"%=", "displayValue":null } ] } } }, "mount":"nfs://simulatedMount8", "server":"vlan3-gold", "size":"100" }, "id":"50f58eade4b03bfe59ca30c5" } ], "id":"50f58eade4b03bfe59ca30c3" }, { "tenant": { "id":1234567890abcdef12345678", "name": "Research" }, "name":"Virtual Machine 3 container", "dateCreated":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "lastUpdated":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "dateDeleted": null, "type":"container", "label":null, "user":"moab-admin", "account":null, "includedServices":[ ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"parent":"TestService1.1", "startDateRequested":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "startDateScheduled":"2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "durationRequested":null, "version":0, "status":"Service waiting to be scheduled at 2013-01-15 17:15:25 UTC", "statusCode":null, "attributes":{ "moab":{ "vc":{ "id":"vc10" }, "dependencies":[ ], "jobRequested":{ "nodeSet": { "selection": "FIRSTOF", "type": "VARATTR", "name": "MOAB_DATACENTER", "values": ["vcenter-datacenter-416"], "displayValues": ["Data Center 416"] }, "rules":{ "MOAB_DATACENTER":[ { "value":"datacenter3", "restriction":"must", "comparator":"%=", "displayValue":null } ] } } } }, "children":[ ], "id":"50f58eade4b03bfe59ca30b6" } ], "id":"50f58eade4b03bfe59ca30c2" }
This output is using field selection for id, name, attributes.moab.jobRequested.id, attributes.vmId, jobDetails.name,and virtualMachineDetails.name—meaning not all of the output is shown. This example is simply to show the behavior of API version 2 with a VM service.
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/vm3service.1?api-version=3&fields=...
"name": "vm3service",
"attributes": {
"moab": {
"jobRequested": {
"id": "Moab.9"
"vmId": "vm3"
"id": "50f58eade4b03bfe59ca30c4",
"name": "Moab.9"
"name": "vm3"
URLs and parameters
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>/root?api-version=3[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true&recursive=true] GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<name>/root?api-version=3[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true&recursive=true]
To see available URL parameters, see Get Single Service and Global URL Parameters.
Returns the root service container for a specific service. The root service, sometimes referred to as the top level service, either directly or indirectly contains all other services in a service hierarchy.
For example, assume there are services A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. A contains B and C. B contains D and E. C contains F and G:
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
The root service of A, B, C, D, E, F, and G is A.
In this example A is the root service of A.
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/centos6Vm/root?api-version=3&fields=name,type,includedServices
"name": "centos6VmPlusStorage"
"type": "container",
"includedServices": [
Get Service for Virtual Machine
URLs and parameters
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/vms/<vmId>?api-version=3[&[show-recursive-vc|show-vc]=true&recursive=true]
To see available URL parameters, see Get Single Service and Global URL Parameters.
Returns the service associated with a specific virtual machine. The service's type must be vm and the service's attributes.vmId must match the virtual machine's identifier (e.g "vm1").
A maximum of one service should be associated with a virtual machine. If more than one service is associated with a virtual machine only one service will be displayed.
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/vms/vm12?api-version=3&fields=name,type,attributes.vmId
"name": "centos6Vm.12",
"type": "vm",
"attributes": {"vmId": "vm12"}
The HTTP POST method is used to create a Service.
Quick reference
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3
If you are logged in as an application account or LDAP user and submit a service without specifying the user, MWS considers the user as which you are logged in the user of the service.
Create Service from Service Template
URLs and parameters
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Simple case
The tenant field is required and must contain only letters, digits, periods, dashes, and underscores. For POST and PUT actions, the tenant name or ID, or both the name and ID must be specified; if both the name and ID are specified, they must both refer to the same tenant or MWS returns an error.
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3
"tenant": {
"name": "Research"
"user": "steve",
"account": "cloud",
"startDateRequested": "2013-07-19 13:18:47 MST",
"durationRequested": 86400,
"data": [
"label": "My RHEL 5.4 VM Plus Storage",
"serviceTemplate": "Rhel54VmPlusStorage",
Alternatively you can submit:
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3
"tenant": {
"name": "Research"
"user": "steve",
"account": "cloud",
"data": [
"label": "My RHEL 5.4 VM Plus Storage",
"serviceTemplate": {
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3
"tenant": {
"name": "Research"
"user": "steve",
"account": "cloud",
"data": [
"label": "My RHEL 5.4 VM Plus Storage",
"serviceTemplate": {
Note that the name field must still be used for extending service templates and defining "included services."
Extending a service template
If you want to create a service from a service template, but wish to extend the service template with some additional variables or generic resources, you can use the extends field. Extending a service template is also helpful when you wish to override certain values, such as the amount of memory or processors the service requires.
To extend a service template, you will need to determine the extends path for the service you wish to override. The extends path is the name of the top level service, followed by one or more localNames as described in the includedServices field. All but the last <localName> are nested containers inside the top level container. For example:
<top level service name>::<localName>[:<localName>]+
For example, suppose you want to create a new service from the "Rhel54VmPlusStorage" service template, and you want to name this new service "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage". In this example, "Rhel54VmPlusStorage" contains a service template named "SubContainer1". The localName for "SubContainer1" in the "Rhel54VmPlusStorage" includedServices field is "sc1".
Rhel54VmPlusStorage service template ------------------------------------ { "name":"Rhel54VmPlusStorage", "type":"container", … "includedServices":[ { "localName":"sc1", "serviceTemplate":"SubContainer1" } ]
The extends path for the instance of "SubContainer1" in your "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage" is:
Let's say inside "SubContainer1" is another service template called "SubContainer2". The localName for "SubContainer2" as defined in the includedServices field for "SubContainer1" is "sc2".
SubContainer1 service template ------------------------------------ { "name":"SubContainer1", "type":"container", … "includedServices":[ { "localName":"sc2", "serviceTemplate":"SubContainer2" } ]
The extends path for the instance of "SubContainer2" in "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage" is:
Now let's say that "SubContainer2" contains two service templates, "Rhel54Vm" and "OpsysStorage" with localNames "rvm" and "oss" respectively.
SubContainer1 service template ------------------------------------ { "name":"SubContainer2", "type":"container", … "includedServices":[ { "localName":"rvm", "serviceTemplate":"Rhel54Vm" }, { "localName":"oss", "serviceTemplate":"OpSysStorage" } ]
The extends paths for the instances of "Rhel54VM" and "OpSysStorage" in "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage" are:
MyRhel54VmPlusStorage::sc1:sc2:rvm MyRhel54VmPlusStorage::sc1:sc2:oss
Now that we have the extends paths for all the services that will be created from the "Rhel54VmPlusStorage" template, we can add variables to these services that were not in the service templates.
In the following example, the specified tenant must match the tenant in the corresponding service template.
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3
"tenant": {
"name": "Research"
"user": "steve",
"account": "cloud",
"data": [
"name": "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage",
"serviceTemplate": "Rhel54VmPlusStorage",
"attributes": {
"sharedData":{ "extraAttribute":"some attribute not in the Rhel54VmPlusStorage template" }
"name": "MyRhel54Vm",
"extends": "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage::sc1:sc2:rvm",
"attributes": {
"moab": {"job": {"variables": {"extraVar": "An additional variable not in the Rhel54Vm template"}}},
"sharedData":{ "extraAttribute":"some attribute not in the Rhel54Vm template" }
"name": "MyOsStorage",
"extends": "MyRhel54VmPlusStorage::sc1:sc2:oss",
"attributes": {
"moab": {"job": {"variables": {"extraVar2": "An additional variable not in the OpSysStorage template"}}},
"sharedData":{ "extraAttribute":"some attribute not in the OpSysStorage template" }
When the "MyRhel54Vm" service is created, it will have a variable named "extraVar" even though this variable was not defined in the "Rhel54Vm" service template. Likewise, when the "MyOsStorage" service is created, it will have a variable named "extraVar2", even though no such variable was defined in the "OsStorage" service template. All three services will have an attribute named "extraAttribute" in their attributes.sharedData sections though "extraAttribute" does not appear in any service template.
Extending services and dependencies in a container service
To add a services to a container service that were not in the container's service template you first define the new services in the service request. Then you extend the includedServices field of the container with the newly defined services. This will add the new services to any that are already in the container as defined in the service template. It is only possible to add services to a container. It is not possible to remove services from a container that were defined in the container's service template.
For example, say the CentosVmPlusStorage service template contains an OpSysStorage service template and a CentosVm service template.
CentosVmPlusStorage service template ------------------------------------ { "name":"CentosVmPlusStorage", "type":"container", … "includedServices":[ { "localName":"oss", "serviceTemplate":"OpSysStorage" }, { "localName":"cvm", "serviceTemplate":"CentosVm" } ]
To add two storage services to the service created from the CentosVmPlusStorage service template submit the following service request:
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3
"tenant": {
"name": "Research"
}, { "name":"NewStorageToAdd1", "serviceTemplate":"ExtraStorage" }, { "name":"NewStorageToAdd2", "serviceTemplate":"ExtraStorage" } ] }
The resulting service BobsCentosVmPlusStorage will contain NewStorageToAdd1, NewStorageToAdd2, a service created from the OpSysStorage template, and a service created from the CentosVm template. To add a dependency such that the CentosVm service will not be able to start until both NewStorageToAdd1 and NewStorageToAdd2 have been set up:
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3
"tenant": {
"name": "Research"
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"attributes":{ "moab":{ "dependencies":[ { "service":"BobsCentosVm", "dependency":[ "NewStorageToAdd1", "NewStorageToAdd2" ] } ] } } }, { "name":"BobsCentosVm", "extends":"CentosVmPlusStorage:cvm" }, { "name":"NewStorageToAdd1", "serviceTemplate":"ExtraStorage" }, { "name":"NewStorageToAdd2", "serviceTemplate":"ExtraStorage" } ] }
Extendable fields
You can only extend certain fields. Below is a table of fields that can be extended:
Extendable fields | Notes |
attributes.moab.dependencies | Dependencies can be added but not removed. Only applicable to containers. |
attributes.moab.job.features | Features can be added but not removed. |
attributes.moab.job.nodeSet | Overrides the nodeSet from the service template. |
attributes.moab.job.requestedHosts | Hosts can be added but not removed. |
attributes.moab.job.resources | Including procs, mem, disk, and any generic resource. |
attributes.moab.job.rules | Overrides all rules from the service template. |
attributes.moab.job.variables | Can either change the value of variables in the template or add new variables. |
attributes.sharedData | A place for arbitrary, site-specific data. |
image | |
includedServices | Services can be added but not removed. Only applicable to containers. |
label |
Sample response
If the request was successful, the response includes the unique ID of the new Service. On failure, the response is an error message.
JSON response ------------------------------------ {"name":"MyRhel54VmPlusStorage.1"}
URLs and parameters
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Request body
The tenant field is required and must contain only letters, digits, periods, dashes, and underscores.
The payload below shows all the fields that are available during service submission.
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3
"tenant": {
"name": "Research"
"startDateRequested":"2011-11-08 13:18:47 MST",
"label":"My New Service",
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"attributes":{ "moab":{ "dependencies":[ { "dependency":[ "myNetworkStorageWorkflow" ], "service":"myVmWorkflow" } ], "job":{ "nodeSet":{ "selection":"FIRSTOF", "type":"VARATTR", "name":"MOAB_DATACENTER", "values":[ "datacenter4" ] }, "rules":{ "ATTRIBUTE_1":[ { "value":"value_1", "restriction":"must", "comparator":"%=" } ] } } }, "sharedData":{ "extraAttribute":"Some arbitrary value", "extraAttribute2":"Another arbitrary value" } } }, { "name":"myVmContainer", "label":"My VM Container", "type":"container", "includedServices":[ "myVmWorkflow", "myOsStorageWorkflow" ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"attributes":{ "moab":{ "dependencies":[ { "dependency":[ "myOsStorageWorkflow" ], "service":"myVmWorkflow" } ] } } }, { "name":"myVmWorkflow", "label":"My VM Workflow", "type":"vm", "includedServices":[ ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"attributes":{ "moab":{ "job":{ "resources":{ "procs":2, "mem":2048, "disk":80 }, "variables":{ "QOS":"Premium" }, "image":"centos5.5-stateless", "template":"genericVM", "requestedHosts":[ "i16" ], "features":[ "vlan3" ], "flags":[ "novmmigrate" ] } } } }, { "name":"myOsStorageWorkflow", "label":"My OS Storage Workflow", "type":"storage", "includedServices":[ ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"attributes":{ "moab":{ "job":{ "template":"OSStorage", "resources":{ "OS":2500 } } } } }, { "name":"myNetworkStorageWorkflow", "label":"My VM Container", "type":"storage", "includedServices":[ ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"attributes":{ "moab":{ "job":{ "template":"extraStorage", "resources":{ "gold":500 }, "variables":{ "mount":"/path/to/mount" } } } } }, { "name":"myPmContainer", "label":"My PM Container", "type":"container", "includedServices":[ "myPmWorkflow" ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": []
}, { "name":"myPmWorkflow", "label":"My PM Workflow", "type":"pm", "includedServices":[ ],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"attributes":{ "moab":{ "job":{ "resources":{ "procs":2, "mem":2048, "disk":100 }, "variables":{ "QOS":"Premium" }, "image":"centos5.5-stateless", "template":"genericPM" } } } } ] }
The name field must still be used when extending service templates and defining "included services." For more information, see "name" and "label" fields.
Sample response
If the request was successful, the response includes the unique ID of the new Service. On failure, the response is an error message.
JSON response ------------------------------------ {"name":"myNewService.1"}
Child services can inherit certain attributes from parent (or grandparent) services. Inheritance happens when a child service’s attribute is a null value and when one of its parent service’s attribute is a non-null value. When a service is created from a service template, inheritance happens after any extensions. In other words, fields from the service template are overridden by corresponding fields in the service before inheritance occurs.
Currently, attributes.moab.job.nodeSet and attributes.moab.job.rules are the only attributes that support inheritance.
NodeSet inheritance
If a child service’s attributes.moab.job.nodeSet field is null, it inherits the nodeSet values from its nearest parent that has a nodeSet value (anything non-null). This means that a child service will inherit a nodeSet value from its parent if, and only if, its nodeSet value is null, and the parent’s nodeSet value is not null. If the parent service’s value is also null, the child service will inherit the nodeSet value from the grandparent service; if the grandparent’s service value is null, the child service will inherit the nodeSet value from the great-grandparent service, and so on.
If all parent services have a null value, then the child service retains its null value (as there is nothing it can possibly inherit).
It is possible for a nodeSet field to be an empty object. Even though the object is empty, it is considered to be a non-null value, and any child services with a null value will inherit the empty rules object from its parent service.
The following diagram shows a service hierarchy before any nodeSet values are inherited. Note that service A, the top-level or “grandparent” service, has a null nodeSet value.
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
Once nodeSet values are inherited, the services will change as follows:
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
Services B and D remain unchanged, because they have no parent services with a non-null nodeSet value. However, note that service F has inherited service C’s nodeSet value. This is because service F previously had a null value, but its parent service, service C, had a non-null value (ONEOF:FEATURE:C).
Let’s look at another example.
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
In this example, note that service A—the grandparent service—has a non-null nodeSet value (ONEOF:FEATURE:A).
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
Note that two things happened after inheritance occurred:
Rules inheritance
Similar to the way child services inherit nodeSet values, child services also inherit rules values. If a service’s attributes.moab.job.rules field is null, it inherits the rules values from its nearest parent that has a rules value (i.e. a non-null value). This means that a child service will inherit a rules value from its parent if, and only if, its rules value is null, and the parent’s rules value is not null.
If all parent services have a null value, then the child service retains its null value (as there is nothing it can possibly inherit).
It is possible for a rules field to be an empty object. Even though the object is empty, it is considered to be a non-null value, and any child services with a null value will inherit the empty rules object from its parent service.
The following diagram shows a service hierarchy before any rules values are inherited. Empty brackets ([]) indicate an empty rules object. Remember that an empty rules object is considered to be a non-null value.
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
Once the rules values are inherited, the services change, as follows:
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
Three things of note occurred with inheritance:
Let’s look at another example.
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
In this example, service A has a non-null rules value ([a must %= 0]). Once the rules values are inherited, the services change, as follows:
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
Two things of note occurred with inheritance:
The HTTP PUT method is used to modify Services.
Quick reference
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>?api-version=3&change-mode=<add|remove|set> PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<name>?api-version=3&change-mode=<add|remove|set>
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id|name>/unblock?api-version=3
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id|name>/terminate?api-version=3
URLs and parameters
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>?api-version=3&change-mode=<add|remove|set> PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<name>?api-version=3&change-mode=<add|remove|set>
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description |
id | Yes | String | -- |
The unique identifier of the Service. |
name | Yes | String | -- | The name of the Service. |
change-mode | No | String |
add remove set |
If add, add the specified steps or hook definitions to existing ones. If remove, remove the specified steps or hook definitions from existing ones. If set, replace all steps or hook definitions with the ones specified. |
Only one of id or name is required.
The change-mode parameter only applies to the stepsCompleted and hookDefinitions fields.
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Example request
Only the attributes, status, statusCode, and label fields may be modified in services. Note that the status and label fields must be a valid string, and the statusCode field must be a valid number (long). Any arbitrary string and number may be used to represent the current state of the service through status and statusCode respectively.
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/myStorageService?api-version=3
"label": "My Service",
"status": "Done provisioning!",
"statusCode": 200,
"attributes": {
"mount": "/mnt/myMount",
"size": "2500",
"extraAttribute":"Some arbitrary value",
"extraAttribute2":"Another arbitrary value"
The moab element of attributes cannot be modified. An error will be returned if this is attempted.
Sample response
JSON response ------------------------------------ { "tenant": { "id":1234567890abcdef12345678", "name": "ResearchGroup" }, "name": "myStorageService", "dateCreated": "2012-02-01 14:54:52 UTC", "lastUpdated": "2012-02-01 14:54:52 UTC", "type": "storage", "label": "My Service", "user": "john", "account": "corp", "status": "Done provisioning!", "statusCode": 200, "includedServices": [],
"stepsCompleted": [],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"parent": "myVmWithStorage", "attributes": { "moab": { "vc ": { "id": "vc3" }, "jobRequested": { "id": "Moab.1", "template": "extraStorage", "resources": { "gold": 2500 } } }, "sharedData":{ "extraAttribute":"Some arbitrary value", "extraAttribute2":"Another arbitrary value" }, "mount": "/mnt/myMount", "size": "2500" }, "id": "4f29b4abe4b03c2f8e3a1a40" }
Moving a service is a matter of updating an existing service. The following requirements must be met to move a service:
Moving a service moves that service and all its child services, plus all associated jobs and VMs. Jobs and VMs should automatically migrate to the new tenant's node(s) but may not due to resource availability, policies, and so forth.
Services that contain storage or physical machines as part of the service will not move as intended and your service will not work as intended. Do not use this option on services that contain storage or physical machines.
Sample request
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<serviced-id-or-name>?api-version=3
"tenant": {
"name": "ResearchGroup"
URLs and parameters
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id|name>/unblock?api-version=3
Returns a list of actions Moab took to unblock the service.
Sample response
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/genericVM/unblock?api-version=3
"requeued completed job 'Moab.3.genericVM-setup'"
If a job in the service workflow cannot be requeued, MWS will return an error message to explain why it failed. If the service is not blocked when this call is made, MWS returns an error that says there is nothing to unblock.
URLs and parameters
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id|name>/terminate?api-version=3
Ends a service's normal lifecycle but does not delete it.
Sample response
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/genericVM/terminate?api-version=3
"terminated job 'Moab.1.genericVM-setup'",
"terminated job 'Moab.2.genericVM-setup'",
"terminated job 'Moab.4.genericVM-destroy'"
"terminated job 'Moab.3.genericVM-setup'"
The HTTP DELETE method is used to delete Services.
Quick reference
DELETE http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>?api-version=3 DELETE http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<name>?api-version=3
If you delete a service without specifying who deleted it, MWS considers the deleter of the service the user as which you are logged in
URLs and parameters
DELETE http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>?api-version=3 DELETE http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<name>?api-version=3
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description | Example |
force-delete | No | Boolean | true or false | If true MWS will not check service dependencies before deleting it. | -- |
id | Yes | String | -- | The unique identifier of the Service. | -- |
name | Yes | String | -- | The name of the Service. | -- |
Only one of id or name is required.
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Sample response
JSON response ------------------------------------ {}
Getting Service Lifecycle Phase Hook Information
The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve information about all global service hooks and all running service hooks (global-definitions, and running, respectively.). You may also query for all hooks on a single service (definitions).
Quick reference
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/global-definitions?api-version=3
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/running?api-version=3
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>|<name>/hooks/definitions?api-version=3
Get All Global Hook Definitions
URLs and parameters
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Returns all configured global hook definitions.
Sample response
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/global-definitions?api-version=3
"totalCount": 1,
"resultCount": 1,
"results": [
"id": "51f9395484aeed592c4d658e",
"name": "auditHook",
"type": "after",
"includeServiceAsBody": true, "currentPhase": "analyzing", "transition": "accept", "nextPhase": "deploying", "url": "exec:///opt/mws/spool/hooks/audit.pl", "timeoutInSeconds": 3000 }, { "id": "12a8284373zddc481b3c547d", "name": "email", "type": "after",
"includeServiceAsBody": false, "currentPhase": "analyzing", "transition": "accept", "nextPhase": "deploying", "url": "exec:///opt/mws/spool/hooks/serviceEmail.pl" } ] }
Get All Hook Definitions on a Single Service
URLs and parameters
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>|<name>/hooks/definitions?api-version=3
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description | Example |
id | Yes | String | --- | The unique identifier of the service . | -- |
name | Yes | String | -- | The unique name of the service. | -- |
Only one of id or name is required.
To see available URL parameters, see Global URL Parameters.
Returns a combination of all global (global-definitions) and service hook definitions.
"totalCount": 1, "resultCount": 1, "results": [
{ "id": "51f9395484aeed592c4d658e", "global": true, "name": "hookDefinitionName", "type": "after",
"includeServiceAsBody": true, "currentPhase": "analyzing", "transition": "accept", "nextPhase": "deploying", "url": "exec:///opt/mws/spool/hooks/script.pl", "timeoutInSeconds": 3000
}, { "id": "62g1416595ffe613d5e769f", "global": false, "name": "hookDefinitionName2", "type": "after",
"includeServiceAsBody": false, "currentPhase": "", "transition": "migrate", "nextPhase": "", "url": "exec:///opt/mws/spool/hooks/script2.pl", "timeoutInSeconds": 900
}, { "id": "49e8284373zddc481b3c547d", "global": true, "name": "hookDefinitionName3", "type": "after",
"includeServiceAsBody": true, "currentPhase": "", "transition": "", "nextPhase": "deployed", "url": "exec:///opt/mws/spool/hooks/script3.pl", "timeoutInSeconds": 900 }
] }
URLs and parameters
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/running?api-version=3
To see available URL parameters, see Global URL Parameters.
Returns all running service hooks.
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/running?api-version=3
totalCount: 3,
resultCount: 3,
definitionId: "52cc461c6eab428c05104a15",
endDate: "2014-01-07 18:23:25 UTC",
exitCode: 0,
globalHook: false,
processId: 18368,
serviceId: "52cc461c6eab428c05104a2a",
standardError: "",
status: "Succeeded",
outcome: "On transition 'Submit' beforeSync and afterSync was Analyzing"
startDate: "2014-01-07 18:23:24 UTC",
status: "SUCCEEDED",
timeoutInSeconds: 900,
version: 2,
id: "52cc461c6eab428c05104a2b
definitionId: "52cc461c6eab428c05104a1f",
endDate: "2014-01-07 18:23:26 UTC",
exitCode: 0,
globalHook: false,
processId: null,
serviceId: "52cc461c6eab428c05104a2a",
standardError: "Can't remove /opt/moab/tools/cloud/VM/setup.vm.pl: Permission denied, skipping file.",
status: "Failed",
action: "Make Setup Script Fail",
transition: "Submit"
startDate: "2014-01-07 18:23:26 UTC",
status: "FAILED",
timeoutInSeconds: 900,
version: 1,
id: "52cc461e6eab428c05104a2e"
definitionId: "52cc461c6eab428c05104a16",
endDate: "2014-01-07 18:23:40 UTC",
exitCode: 0,
globalHook: false,
processId: 18416,
serviceId: "52cc461c6eab428c05104a2a",
standardError: "",
status: "Succeeded",
outcome: "On transition 'Accept' beforeSync and afterSync was Deploying"
startDate: "2014-01-07 18:23:39 UTC",
status: "SUCCEEDED",
timeoutInSeconds: 900,
version: 2,
id: "52cc462b6eab428c05104a73"
Creating Service Lifecycle Phase Hooks
The HTTP POST method is used to create a global-definition and service lifecycle phase hook on a service. The HTTP PUT method can also be used to create a service lifecycle phase hook on a service.
The Fields: Service Global Hook Definitions, Fields: Service Running Hooks reference sections contain the type and description of all fields in the definitions, global-definitions, and running objects. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.
Quick reference
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/global-definitions?api-version=3
POST http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id|name>?api-version=3&change-mode=add
Create a Service Lifecycle Phase Hook
Service phase hooks execute scripts you have configured to run during transitional events between service lifecycle phases. For more information about the service lifecycle and its phases, see "" in the Moab Cloud Suite Administrator Guide. You can configure global hooks that will exist on all services and service hooks that only exist on a single service or on any service that derived from a template with the hook(s). Configuration options allow you to be as vague or specific as you want when you specify when the hook should execute; for instance, you might have the script run when the service leaves the Analyzing phase for any reason, or you might have the script run only when the service leaving Analyzing is entering the Blocked phase.
URLs and parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description | Example |
id | No | String | -- | The unique identifier of the service, generated on POST. | -- |
currentPhase | Yes | String |
analyzing, blocked, cleaning, defining, deploying, deployed, migrating, rejected, reserved, terminated See Services for more information about each phase. |
When your service transitions from this phase to another, the hook executes. currentPhase can be used with nextPhase or with both nextPhase and transition to attach the hook to a more specific event. | currentPhase=submit |
global | No | Boolean | -- | Indicates whether the phase hook is global or belongs to a specific service. It is false by default. | global=true |
includeServiceAsBody | Yes | Boolean | -- | If true, MWS passes the full service JSON into the service's stdin. | includeServiceAsBody=true |
name | Yes | String | -- | The name of the hook. Because hooks run alphabetically, the name determines the run order in relation to other scripts. When you give a service hook the same name as a global hook, the service hook overrides the global hook. | name=myHook |
nextPhase | Yes | String |
analyzing, blocked, cleaning, deleted, deploying, deployed, migrating, rejected, reserved, terminated See Services for more information about each service lifecycle phase. |
When your service transitions to this phase from another, the hook runs. nextPhase can be used with currentPhase or with both currentPhase and transition to attach the hook to a specific event. | nextPhase=analyzing |
timeoutInSeconds | No | Integer | -- | The number of seconds that the hook will run before it times out. When a service hook times out, the service continues to run, but an error message is generated. The default is 900 seconds. | timeoutInSeconds=3000 |
transition | Yes | String |
accept, automigrate, block, clean, deploy, expire, migrate, migrateaccept, migratefail, migratesuccess, purge, reject, reserve, submit, terminate, unblock See Services for more information about each service lifecycle phase transitions. |
The event that causes the hook to execute. The services will not pause its transition to wait for the hooks to run, so the scripts must be short-run executions. transition can be used with currentPhase and nextPhase to attach the hook to a specific event. | transition=submit |
type | Yes | String | "after" |
The type of hook you are creating. The only valid type at present is after. |
type=after |
url | Yes | Path | exec:///<path>[?<field>=$<variable>[&<field>=<variable>]...] |
The location of the script that will run when the hook executes. You can include a list of variables from the service or hook to pass into the script. Because MWS does not pause the service transition for the hook, your script should be simple. If the script takes too long to run, the service could become unsynchronized with the associated Moab job. |
url=exec:///myScript.pl |
Only one of currentPhase, nextPhase, or transition is required; however, you can also choose to use both currentPhase and nextPhase together or all three parameters.
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
If you would like to view the status of script after its execution, make sure that your script prints the following statuses to stdout. See step 3 in the instructions below for an example.
To create a service with a service hook
> mkdir /opt/mws/spool/hooks
1 #!/bin/sh
3 is_succeeded=true
4 if $is_succeeded ; then
5 echo '{"output":"hello world!", "status":"succeeded"}'
6 else
7 echo '{"status":"failed"}'
8 fi
----------------------- { "name": "vm1", "type": "vm",
"tenant": { "name": "Gryffindor" },
"hookDefinitions": [ {
"name": "myHook", "transition": "submit", "type": "after", "url": "exec:///opt/mws/spool/hooks/helloWorld.sh" } ], "attributes": { "moab": { "job": { "resources": { "procs": "2", "mem": "1028" }, "image": "centos5.5-stateless",
"template": "genericVM" } } }
"includedServices": [
"localName": "vm1"
"type": "container",
"user": "rweasley",
"account": "cloud",
"tenant": {"name":"Gryffindor"},
"data": [
"name": "vmGreat",
You can override global hook descriptions by giving a service hook definition the same name as the global hook.
Once your service runs, you can find it when you query the running hooks (/services/hooks/running).
Sample response
Modifying Service Lifecycle Phase Hooks
The HTTP PUT method is used to modify service lifecycle phase hooks on Services.
The Fields: Service Global Hook Definitions, Fields: Service Running Hooks reference sections contain the type and description of all fields in the definitions, global-definitions, and running objects. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.
Quick reference
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>?api-version=3&change-mode=<add|remove|set> PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<name>?api-version=3&change-mode=<add|remove|set>
Modify a Service Lifecycle Phase Hook
URLs and parameters
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/<id>/global-definitions?api-version=3
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/<name>/global-definitions?api-version=3
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description | Example |
id | Yes | String | The unique identifier of the hook. | -- | |
name | Yes | String | The name of the hook. | -- | |
change-mode | Yes | String | One of add, remove, or set. |
Whether you are replacing certain settings of the hook (add), removing certain settings of the hook (remove), or replacing the hook entirely (set). ![]() The change-mode parameter is used to delete a service phase hook. See Delete a Service Lifecycle Phase Hook for more information. |
change-mode=set |
Only one of id or name is required.
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Sample response
Changing the Status of a Running Service Hook
URLs and parameters
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/running/<id>/?change-mode=set?api-version=3
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description | Example |
change-mode | Yes | String | set |
Lets you change the current status of the service hook (see Service hook status for valid statuses). When you manually change a hook from waiting to succeeded, MWS assumes that the script did succeed, regardless of what actually happened or whether the script is still running. ![]() You can only modify the status field of a running hook. |
change-mode=set |
id | Yes | String | -- | The unique identifier of the service hook. | |
name | Yes | String | -- | The name of the service hook. |
Only one of id or name is required.
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Sample response
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/running?change-mode=set?api-version=3
"status": "succeeded"
Deleting Service Lifecycle Phase Hooks
The HTTP DELETE method is used to delete service lifecycle phase hooks from Services. Deleting a service (see Deleting Services for more information) deletes all hooks attached to it.
Quick reference
DELETE http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id>?api-version=3 DELETE http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<name>?api-version=3
Delete a Service Lifecycle Phase Hook
URLs and parameters
DELETE http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/global-definitions/<id>?api-version=3
DELETE http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/hooks/global-definitions/<name>?api-version=3
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3&change-mode=remove
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description | Example |
id | Yes | String | The unique identifier of the hook. | ||
name | Yes | String | The name of the hook. |
Only one of id or name is required.
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Sample response
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services?api-version=3&change-mode=remove
"id": "23423h2l32kl23kkl2"
Getting stepsCompleted Information
The HTTP GET method is used to get stepsCompleted information.
Quick reference
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id|name>?api-version=3&fields=stepsCompleted
For information about using the stepsCompleted field in the Moab Cloud Suite, see "" in the Moab Cloud Suite Installation Guide.
Get Steps Completed Information
URLs and parameters
GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id|name>?api-version=3&fields=stepsCompleted
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description | Example |
id | Yes | String | -- | The unique identifier of the Service. | -- |
name | Yes | String | -- | The name of the Service. | -- |
Only one of id or name is required.
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Sample response
JSON response ------------------------------------
The HTTP GET method is used to modify the stepsCompleted.
Quick reference
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id|name>?api-version=3&change-mode=add
For information about using the stepsCompleted field in the Moab Cloud Suite, see "" in the Moab Cloud Suite Installation Guide.
URLs and parameters
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id|name>?api-version=3&change-mode=add
Parameter | Required | Type | Valid values | Description | Example |
change-mode | Yes | String | One of add, remove, or set. |
Whether you are adding steps (add), removing steps (remove), or replacing the steps entirely (set). |
change-mode=set |
id | Yes | String | -- | The unique identifier of the Service. | -- |
name | Yes | String | -- | The name of the Service. | -- |
Only one of id or name is required.
See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.
Sample response
PUT http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/services/<id|name>?api-version=3&change-mode=add
{ "tenant": { "id":1234567890abcdef12345678", "name": "ResearchGroup" }, "name": "myService", "dateCreated": "2012-02-01 14:54:52 UTC", "lastUpdated": "2012-02-01 14:54:52 UTC", "type": "storage", "label": "My Service", "user": "john", "account": "corp", "status": "Done provisioning!", "statusCode": 200, "includedServices": [],
"stepsCompleted": [step0,step1],
"hookDefinitions": [],
"parent": "myVmWithStorage", "attributes": { "moab": { "vc ": { "id": "vc3" }, "jobRequested": { "id": "Moab.1", "template": "extraStorage", "resources": { "gold": 2500 } } }, "sharedData":{ "extraAttribute":"Some arbitrary value", "extraAttribute2":"Another arbitrary value" }, "mount": "/mnt/myMount", "size": "2500" }, "id": "4f29b4abe4b03c2f8e3a1a40" }
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