Moab Web Services > Resources > Standing Reservations

Standing Reservations

This section describes behavior of the Standing Reservation object in Moab Web Services. It contains the URLs, request bodies, and responses delivered to and from MWS.

The Fields: Standing Reservations reference section contains the type and description of all fields in the Standing Reservation object. It also contains details regarding which fields are valid during PUT and POST actions.

Supported methods

/rest/standing-reservations Get All Standing Reservations -- -- --
/rest/standing-reservations/<id> Get Single Standing Reservation -- -- --

This topic contains these sections:

Getting Standing Reservations

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve Standing Reservation information. Queries for all objects and a single object are available.

Quick reference

GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/standing-reservations/<id>?api-version=3

Get All Standing Reservations

URLs and parameters

GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/standing-reservations?api-version=3

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample response

GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/standing-reservations?api-version=3&fields=id

  "totalCount": 3,
  "resultCount": 3,
  "results":   [
    {"id": "sr1"},
    {"id": "sr2"},
    {"id": "sr3"}

Get Single Standing Reservation

URLs and parameters

GET http://localhost:8080/mws/rest/standing-reservations/<id>?api-version=3
Parameter Required Type Valid values Description
id Yes String -- The unique identifier of the object.

See Global URL Parameters for available URL parameters.

Sample response

JSON response

  "access": "DEDICATED",
  "accounts": ["account1"],
  "aclRules": [  {
    "affinity": "POSITIVE",
    "comparator": "EQUAL",
    "type": "USER",
    "value": "adaptive",
  "chargeAccount": "account2",
  "chargeUser": "user2",
  "classes": ["class1"],
  "clusters": ["cluster1"],
  "comment": "comment",
  "days": ["Monday"],
  "depth": 2,
  "disabled": false,
  "endOffset": 86415,
  "flags": ["ALLOWJOBOVERLAP"],
  "groups": ["group1"],
  "hosts": ["host1"],
  "id": "fast",
  "jobAttributes": ["TEMPLATESAPPLIED"],
  "maxJob": 2,
  "maxTime": 0,
  "messages": ["message1"],
  "nodeFeatures": ["feature1"],
  "os": "Ubuntu 10.04.3",
  "owner":   {
    "name": "root",
    "type": "USER"
  "partition": "ALL",
  "period": "DAY",
  "procLimit":   {
    "qualifier": "<=",
    "value": 5
  "psLimit":   {
    "qualifier": "<=",
    "value": 60
  "qoses": ["qos1"],
  "reservationAccessList": [],
  "reservationGroup": "group2",
  "resources":   {
    "PROCS": -1,
    "tapes": 1
  "rollbackOffset": 43200,
  "startOffset": 347040,
  "taskCount": 0,
  "tasksPerNode": 0,
  "timeLimit": -1,
  "triggers": [],
  "type": "type1",
  "users": ["user1"]

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