Moab Web Services > Plugins > Plugin Developer's Guide > Configuration


Plugin types can access two different kinds of configuration: an individual plugin's configuration, and the global MWS application configuration.

Individual plugin configuration

The individual plugin configuration is separate for each instance of a plugin. This may be used to store current configuration information such as access information for linked resources. It should not be used to store cached information or non-configuration related data. The individual datastore should be used instead for these cases (for more information, see Individual Datastore).

It is accessed by using the getConfig method discussed in Dynamic Methods.

public void poll() {
  def configFromMethod = getConfig()
  // OR an even simpler method…
  def configFromMethod = config

A common case is to retrieve the configuration in the configure method, verify that it matches predetermined criteria, and utilize it perform initial setup of the plugin (e.g. initialize libraries needed to communicate with external resources). For example, to verify that the configuration contains the keys "username" and "password," the following code may be used.

public void configure() throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException {
  def myConfig = config
  // This checks to make sure the key exists in the configuration Map and that the value is not empty or null
  if (!myConfig.containsKey("username") || !myConfig.username)
  	throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("The username configuration parameter must be provided")
  if (!myConfig.containsKey("password") || !myConfig.password)
    throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("The password configuration parameter must be provided")

Access MWS configuration

The MWS application configuration can also be accessed in plugin types. This configuration is global for the entire application and can be modified by the administrator as shown in Configuring Moab Web Services.

It is accessed by using the getAppConfig method discussed in Dynamic Methods. This is demonstrated below:

public void poll() {
  // Retrieve the current MWS_HOME location
  def mwsHome = appConfig.mws.home.location
  // OR an even simpler method…
  def mwsHome = getAppConfig().mws.home.location

Any of the properties shown in the Configuration reference may be accessed. Custom properties may also be registered and accessed:

------------------------------------ = "This is my custom property"

public void poll() {
  assert"This is my custom property"

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