Moab Web Services > Plugins > Plugin Overview > Custom Web Services

Custom Web Services

Although the events interface typically serves most cases, there are some instances where an event is not supported that is desired. This is especially true when an external resource is the source of the event. To address these issues, plugins can expose custom web services to external resources. These web services may be named freely and do anything they wish within the plugin framework.

For example, suppose a resource needs to notify a plugin that provisioning of a virtual machine has been completed. Instead of having the plugin poll the resource to verify that the provisioning was finished, the plugin could expose a custom web service to handle notification from the resource itself.

Sample custom web service

def vmProvisionFinished(Map params) {
        // Handle event
        return [messages:["Event successfully processed"]]

Additionally, plugin types may define web services which are unsecured, meaning that a user or application account is not required to access it. A full explanation of the syntax and creation of custom secured and unsecured web services may be seen on Exposing Web Services.

For information how resources can access plugin web services, see Accessing Plugin Web Services.

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