TORQUE Resource Manager > Submitting and Managing Jobs > Service Jobs > Managing Service Jobs

Managing Service Jobs

Managing a service job is done much like any other job; only a few differences exist.

Examining the job with qstat -f will reveal that the job has the service = True attribute. Non-service jobs will not make any mention of the "service" attribute.

Canceling a service job is done with qdel, mjobctl -c, or through any of the GUI's as with any other job. TORQUE, however, cancels the job by calling the service script with the "stop" argument instead of killing it directly. This behavior also occurs if the job runs over its wallclock and TORQUE/Moab is configured to cancel the job.

If a service job completes when the script exits after calling it with "start," or if TORQUE invokes the script with "status" and does not get back "running," it will not be terminated by using the "stop" argument.

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