TORQUE Resource Manager > Submitting and Managing Jobs > Job Checkpoint and Restart > Restarting a Job

Restarting a Job

Restarting a Job in the Held State

The qrls command is used to restart the hibernated job. If you were using the tail -f command to watch the output file, you will see the test program start counting again.

It is possible to use the qalter command to change the name of the checkpoint file associated with a job. This could be useful if there were several job checkpoints and it restarting the job from an older image was specified.

Restarting a Job in the Completed State

In this case, the job must be moved to the Queued state with the qrerun command. Then the job must go to the Run state either by action of the scheduler or if there is no scheduler, through using the qrun command.

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