TORQUE Resource Manager > Submitting and Managing Jobs > Service Jobs > Submitting Service Jobs

Submitting Service Jobs

There is a new option to qsub, "-s" which can take either a 'y' or 'n' (yes or no, respectively). When "-s y" is present, then the job is marked as a service job.

qsub -l walltime=100:00:00,nodes=1 -s y

The example above submits a job to TORQUE with a walltime of 100 hours, one node, and it is marked as a service job. The script "" will be used to start, stop, and check the status of the service/workload started on the compute nodes.

Moab, as of version 5.4, is able to accept the "-s y" option when msub is used for submission. Moab will then pass this information to TORQUE when the job is migrated.

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