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4.4 Application Template Details

This topic identifies how the application template information is organized and the available fields and functions available when creating or editing an application template.

On the Application Templates page, click CREATE APPLICATION TEMPLATE or click on an application template name in the list to open the Create/Edit Application Templates page. The following is an example of the Create Application Template page. This page displays if you clicked CREATE TEMPLATE. If you clicked on an application template name, the page displays as Edit Application Template.

Click to enlarge

In this topic:

4.4.1 Page Actions and Navigation

These buttons let you perform actions on this page:

At the right of the page there are two floating buttons that can be pressed to navigate to the top and the bottom of the page.

Click to navigate to the top of the page.

Click to navigate to the bottom of the page.

4.4.2 Application Template Name

The name of the application template appears towards the top of this page. Using the example in this topic, the application template title is "Untitled Application Template". The application template name is displayed in the application template list shown in the Application Templates page.

To edit the template name, click on the name label and enter the desired name.

4.4.3 Application Template Type

Directly under the application template name, you can specify the template type. To choose, select one of the options from the drop-down menu. The available template types are:

When editing an existing application template, you can modify the template to create job arrays by changing the template type to Job Array.

4.4.4 Template History

To the right of the template type drop-down, you can provide a version description. To specify your version, click inside of the version description box, and edit it accordingly.

Every time a template is saved, a new version is created. When a template has been saved at least once since it's initial creation, a new button appears in the editing field labeled HISTORY. The following image is an example of an application template header after it has been saved at least once.

Click to enlarge

To view the template history, click on the HISTORY button (which is only visible if the template has been modified). A window will open displaying details on each of the changes made to the template.

You can edit the description of a template version by clicking on the description of the version you wish to change.

Click to enlarge

From this menu, you can choose any of the following options:

4.4.5 Available Fields

The available fields used for creating/editing application templates are grouped into five areas. Specifically:

Expand an area to view its fields. This section provides information on these different areas and their associated fields. See 4.4.6 Field Information and Actions for information on using the fields.

4.4.5.A Application Description

This area allows you to provide a description for your application template. Use this area to tell users any necessary information to use or access this template. This field provides multiple options for styling and formatting, among other ways to make your description more detailed.

The following image shows the Application Description area.

Click to enlarge

4.4.5.B Basic Settings

This area, as well as the Advanced Settings area, contains Moab-specific input for the job. If the template will be used for creating job arrays, the Basic Settings area also specifies starting and ending job indexes.

This area breaks the basic setting information into functional groups. The information will also be grouped similarly on the Job Details page.

The following images are examples of the functional groups.

4.4.5.C Advanced Settings

This area contains advanced inputs that can be requested to Moab for the job such as whether to include Moab environment variables at job submission time. You can also define job environment variables that can be used when creating submission scripts.

The following image is an example of the Advanced Settings area.

Click to enlarge

When enabled, the User Priority field requires the Moab ENABLENEGJOBPRIORITY server parameter set to "TRUE". This Moab parameter should have been set when Viewpoint was installed. See Moab Parameters in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide for more information on this parameter.

4.4.5.D Node Policy Settings

This area contains policies that can be requested to Moab for the job such as whether to include Moab environment variables at job submission time.

The following image is an example of the Node Policies Settings area.

Click to enlarge

4.4.5.E Custom Settings

This area lets you add any custom settings to a template.

Click to enlarge

4.4.6 Field Information and Actions

This section describes the different information and actions available for the fields in the Basic Settings, Advanced Settings, and Custom Settings areas of the application template.

4.4.7 Application Template Permissions

In addition to being able to restrict which fields the user may see or edit, you can also restrict who has access to the application template itself. This is done using the Permissions area at the top right of the page.

The following image is an example of the Permissions area.

Click to enlarge

Using this area you can restrict access by:

4.4.8 Published/Unpublished Application Template

Viewpoint also lets you configure whether this application template is available (published) for use.

When an application template is marked "Unpublished" only the creator of the application template or template admins can view/edit the application template; regardless of the Permissions settings. In addition, the application template does not appear in the application templates list when a user creates a job.

On the Create/Application Template page, under the "Permissions" area, select the appropriate radio button for the publish status.

You can also change the publish status directly from the drop-down menu in the Application Templates page. See 4.1.3 Additional Functions.

4.4.9 Job Submission Script

Viewpoint provides a Submission Script widget on the Application Template Details page (in the Basic Job Settings area). This widget provides a Script Builder window where you can create/edit, upload, or export the script information.

In order for users to submit jobs using the application template, the application template must have a defined job submission script. As with any field in the application template, you can choose whether to make the script visible and editable by the user when creating a job.

Click Customize Script (located in the Default Value area in the Submission Script field) to access the Script Builder window.

The following image is an example of the Script Builder window.

Click to enlarge

Using this window you can:

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