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This topic contains instructions on how to install, configure, and start Moab Workload Manager (Moab).
For Cray systems, Adaptive Computing recommends that you install Moab and Torque Servers (head nodes) on commodity hardware (not on Cray compute/service/login nodes).
However, you must install the Torque pbs_mom daemon and Torque client commands on Cray login and "mom" service nodes since the pbs_mom must run on a Cray service node within the Cray system so it has access to the Cray ALPS subsystem.
See Installation Notes for Moab and Torque for Cray in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide for instructions on installing Moab and Torque on a non-Cray server.
In this topic:
Moab uses a configurable server port (default 42559) for client-server communication. If you intend to run client commands on a host different from the Moab Server Host, or if you will be using Moab in a grid, and if you have a firewall enabled, then you will need to configure the firewall to allow the server port.
On the Moab Server Host, do the following:
[root]# iptables-save > /tmp/iptables.mod [root]# vi /tmp/iptables.mod # Add the following lines immediately *before* the line matching # "-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited" # Needed on the Moab server for off-host client communication -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 42559 -j ACCEPT [root]# iptables-restore < /tmp/iptables.mod [root]# service iptables save
If your configuration uses firewalls, you must open the necessary ports before installing the Moab Server. See 3.7.1 Open Necessary Ports.
On the Moab Server Host do the following:
[root]# yum install moab-workload-manager moab-workload-manager-hpc-configuration
If installing on RHEL, some package dependencies required by Moab are not be provided in the default-enabled RHEL distribution repositories. However, they can be found by enabling the RHEL server optional RPMs and EPEL repositories. You can choose whether to temporarily or permanently enable the additional repositories.
For example, on RHEL 7 systems:
[root]# yum install --enablerepo=epel,rhel-7-server-optional-rpms moab-workload-manager moab-workload-manager-hpc-configuration
[root]# subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
[root]# yum install moab-workload-manager moab-workload-manager-hpc-configuration
[root]# yum install moab-torque-client
[root]# yum install moab-accounting-manager
[root]# . /etc/profile.d/moab.sh
[root]# cp moab.lic $MOABHOMEDIR/etc/moab.lic
To verify the current status of your license, run the following command:
[root] # moab --about 2>&1 | grep License
You should get something similar to the following in the response:
Moab Workload Manager Version '9.0.2' License Information: Current License: Max Procs = 10000 Current License: Valid Until - Thu Jul 13 19:42:10 2017
A license is required for Moab. A trial license may be included in your Moab installation enabling you to run Moab for a limited time and with limited features. Email [email protected] for information on obtaining licenses.
If you are using Torque as your resource manager and you installed the Torque Server on a different host (Torque Server Host) from the Moab Server (Moab Server Host), do the following:
[root]# echo <Torque_server_hostname> > /var/spool/torque/server_name
[root]# cat /var/spool/torque/server_name | perl -lpe '$_=(gethostbyname($_))[0]'
If different, take the necessary steps to make them match. For example, it may be necessary to add the Torque Server hostname to the /etc/hosts file on the Moab Server Host.
[root]# vi /etc/hosts <Torque_server_ip_address> <Torque_server_hostname> <Torque_server_FQDN>
[root]# service trqauthd start
[root]# service moab start
3.7.3 Configure Torque to Trust Moab
If you are using Torque as a resource manager and you installed the Torque Server on a different host (Torque Host); recommended, do the following:
[root]# qmgr Qmgr: set server managers += root@<moab_server_hostname> Qmgr: set server submit_hosts += <moab_server_hostname Qmgr: exit
If you have a resource manager configured, verify that the scheduler is able to schedule a job. Do the following:
[root]# su - adaptive [adaptive]$ echo sleep 150 | msub [adaptive]$ showq [adaptive]$ exit
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