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4.9.1 Select an Appropriate Accounting Management Interface Type
There are two accounting manager interface types that Moab can use to interact with Moab Accounting Manager: MAM, which makes direct calls to MAM over the SSS wire protocol, and Native, in which customizable scripts are invoked to communicate with Moab Accounting Manager. The MAM accounting manager interface is the default as it is usually faster. The Native accounting manager interface can be used if higher customizability is needed, or if you need to interface with a third party accounting or allocation system. See Accounting Manager Interface Types in the Moab Workload Manager 9.0.2 Administrator Guide for more information. Choose the accounting manager interface type that is right for your needs and remember it. This information will be used in a later step.
4.9.2 Run Configure --with-am
It may be necessary or advantageous when installing Moab Workload Manager to run configure with certain accounting related options.
Configure Moab to use the Moab Accounting Manager by running ./configure with the applicable options when installing Moab:
The --with-am option specifies the accounting manager interface type that you want to use as either mam, which is the default, or native. Specifying this option will add essential entries into Moab configuration files. Although these entries may be added manually later, this step facilitates configuration by adding parameters appropriate for your selected accounting manager interface type.
Use --with-am-dir to specify the prefix directory for Moab Accounting Manager if it has been installed in a non-default location. This value is used to help the native accounting manager scripts find the Moab Accounting Manager libraries and server connection information.
Example 4-5: Configuring Moab to Use the Direct Accounting Manager Interface
$ ./configure --with-am
4.9.3 Edit the Moab Server Configuration File
Add or uncomment the essential AMCFG lines in the moab.cfg file.
Example 4-6: Configuring Moab to Use the MAM Accounting Manager Interface
If you are using the direct (MAM) accounting manager interface, at a minimum, you must tell Moab to use AMCFG[] TYPE=MAM. Additionally, if your Moab Accounting Manager server is running on a different host than the Moab Workload Manager server, you must specify the hostname via the AMCFG[] HOST parameter.
$ vi /opt/moab/etc/moab.cfg AMCFG[mam] TYPE=MAM HOST=localhost
Example 4-7: Configuring Moab to Use the NativeAccounting Manager Interface
If you are using the script (Native) accounting manager interface, at a minimum, you must tell Moab to use AMCFG[] TYPE=NATIVE. Moab Workload Manager will default to using a set of stock scripts to interact with Moab Accounting Manager.
$ vi /opt/moab/etc/moab.cfg AMCFG[mam] TYPE=NATIVE
4.9.4 Edit the Moab Private Configuration File
If you have chosen to use the direct MAM accounting manager interface type, you will need to configure Moab to have Moab Accounting Manager's symmetric key for secure authentication. This step is not necessary when using the Native accounting manager interface type since the secret key can be securely derived from Moab Accounting Manager and used via the connection libraries.
Example 4-8: Configuring Moab to Communicate Securely with Moab Accounting Manager
Add or uncomment a CLIENTCFG[AM:mam] KEY parameter line in moab-private.cfg. Copy the token.value parameter in /opt/mam/etc/mam-site.conf into the KEY value in /opt/moab/etc/moab-private.cfg.
# vi /opt/moab/etc/moab-private.cfg CLIENTCFG[AM:mam] KEY=UiW7EihzKyUyVQg6dKirDhV3
4.9.5 Restart Moab Workload Manager
In order for the configuration changes to take effect, restart Moab.
# service moab restart
# systemctl restart moab.service