4.29 Creating or Editing Roles

Use the Role Management page to create new roles or edit existing roles and their permissions.

Do the following:

  1. If you have not already done so, access the Role Management page. (Click Configuration from the menu, then click Roles from the left pane.)
  2. Click Create to add a new role or click the name of the role you want to edit.

    The Roles page displays.

  3. If you are creating a role, enter the name of the role.
  4. Add or modify the role description, if needed.
  5. Select and/or clear permissions for the role's purpose and use. See 4.32 Role Permissions for permission descriptions.
  6. When finished, click DONE to save your changes and close the page; otherwise, click CANCEL to discard the changes and close the page. Clicking APPLY will save your changes, but does not close the page.

If you are editing a default role (HPCAdmin or HPCUser), the "RESET" button displays. Click this button to reset the role back to the default settings. This will not close the page. In addition, this will not remove principals from the role. The "Reset Permissions" check box on the Basic Configuration page will reset the role back to the default settings and remove all principals assigned to the role. See 4.33 Resetting Default Roles for more information.

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