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These properties can be modified by setting the appropriate values in the mws-config.groovy file. This file is located in MWS_HOME/etc/ or /opt/mws/etc/ by default as explained in Configuring Moab Web Services.
For documentation clarity, "/opt/mws/" is used in the file names instead of "MWS_HOME".
The configuration file is read not only on startup, but also each time it is changed. Several properties, including those for Moab Workload Manager (moab), Moab Accounting Manager (mam), Mongo (grails.mongo), and authentication (auth) are processed after each change and can affect the runtime behavior of MWS.
Configuration files can also be placed in the /opt/mws/etc/mws.d directory. Any configuration files here get merged with /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy. In case of conflict, the configuration in /opt/mws/etc/mws.d takes precedence.
For all possible values that can be set, please see the Grails reference guide. For project specific settings (usually the only ones you'll need to change), you may set the following properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
auth.defaultUser.password | String | changeme! | Unencoded password of the default admin user. |
auth.defaultUser.username | String | moab-admin | Username of the default admin user (only created if no other users exist). |
grails.mongo.host | String | | The MongoDB host to use (Note that MongoDB runs on and not localhost by default). |
dataSource_insight.password | String | changeme! | The password for the username used to log in to the Insight database. |
dataSource_insight.url | String | jdbc:postgresql:// |
The JDBC URL for the Insight database. For more information, see Insight Database Configuration Using /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy. |
dataSource_insight.username | String | mws | The username used to log into the Insight database. |
grails.mongo.port | Integer | 27017 | The MongoDB port to use. |
grails.mongo.replicaSet | List of Strings | n/a | The MongoDB replica set servers to use (for example, ["moab1:27017","moab2:27017"]); note that grails.mongo.host must be set to null to use this option. |
grails.mongo.databaseName | String | mws | The MongoDB database name to use. |
grails.mongo.username | String | - | (Optional) The username to use when connecting to MongoDB. |
grails.mongo.password | String | - | (Optional) The password to use when connecting to MongoDB. |
grails.mongo.options.connectionsPerHost | Integer | 50 | The number of connections allowed per host. |
grails.mongo.options.threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier | Integer | 5 | The number of threads per connection allowed to wait for an available connection. |
grails.mongo.options.autoConnectRetry | Boolean | true | Controls whether the system retries automatically on connection errors. |
grails.mime.use.accept.header | Boolean | false | When enabled, uses the HTTP Content-Accept header to determine the content type used for return data (JSON only for now). |
grails.plugins.springsecurity.basic.realmName | String |
The HTTP realm used when using basic auth. |
grails.plugins.springsecurity.active | Boolean | true | Enables or disables security for MWS as a whole, including all providers. |
grails.plugins.springsecurity.useBasicAuth | Boolean | true | Enables or disables basic auth with a simple username/password. |
grails.plugins.springsecurity.oauthProvider.active | Boolean | true | Enables or disables the OAuth2 provider. |
insight.server | String | localhost | The Insight server's host name or IP address. |
insight.command.port | Integer | 5568 | The port on which Insight accepts commands. |
insight.command.timeout.seconds | Integer | 5 | Number of seconds MWS waits for Insight to respond. |
ldap.baseDNs | List of Strings | - | A list of distinguished names that are the root entries for LDAP searches. |
ldap.bindUser | String | - | The distinguished name of the LDAP bind user. |
ldap.directory.type | String | - | The type of LDAP directory (for example, "Microsoft Active Directory"). See Configuring Moab Web Services for valid values.. |
ldap.password | String | - | The password of the LDAP bind user |
ldap.port | Integer | - | LDAP server's port |
ldap.security.server.certificate | String | - | The filename of the LDAP server's PEM encoded X.509 certificate. See Setting up MWS Security for more information. |
ldap.security.type | String | - |
How the connection between MWS and LDAP is secured. See Setting up MWS Security for more information. |
ldap.server | String | - | LDAP server hostname or IP address |
mam.server | String | localhost | Moab Accounting Manager server hostname or IP address |
mam.port | Integer | 7112 | Moab Accounting Manager server's port |
mam.secretKey | String | mamsecret | Secret key used to communicate with Moab Accounting Manager |
mam.messageDigestAlgorithm | String | SHA-1 | The message digest algorithm that MWS uses to communicate with Moab Accounting Manager. For now, MAM supports only SHA-1. |
moab.databaseName | String | moab | The name of the MongoDB database to use to retrieve current Moab data; this should match the database setting in Moab. |
moab.messageDigestAlgorithm | String | SHA-1 |
The message digest algorithm that MWS uses to communicate with Moab Workload Manager. Possible values are SHA-1 and SHA-512. ![]() If the Moab parameter SERVERCSALGO is set to HMAC64, then moab.messageDigestAlgorithm must be set to SHA-1. Likewise, if SERVERCSALGO is set to HMACSHA2, then moab.messageDigestAlgorithm must be set to SHA-512. |
moab.messageQueue.port | Integer | 5570 | The port on which Moab publishes ZeroMQ messages. |
moab.messageQueue.secretKey | String | - |
Used to encrypt and decrypt messages on the message queue using AES. Must be a Base64-enoded 128-bit (16-byte) key. For example: "1r6RvfqJa6voezy5wAx0hw==" |
moab.port | Integer | 42559 | Moab server's port |
moab.secretKey | String | moabsecret | Secret key used to communicate with Moab. See Moab Configuration. |
moab.server | String | localhost | Moab server hostname or IP address |
mws.cache.duration.default | Integer | 60 | The default number of seconds to use for caching objects from Moab. This is only supported in certain objects such as policies. |
mws.cache.duration.policy | Integer | 180 | The number of seconds that the cache for policies is valid. If set to null, the default is used. |
mws.certificates.location | String | etc/ssl.crt | The directory (relative or absolute) where plugin certificates are stored. See the Managing SSL Connections. |
mws.events.expireAfterSeconds | Integer | 2592000 | Events older than this many seconds (30 days by default) will be deleted from the database. Effective only with MongoDB 2.2 or later. |
mws.health.check.period | Integer | 30 | The number of seconds in between health checks. Used in creating notification conditions if problems exist in configuration or connections. For more information, see Notification Conditions. |
mws.health.stale.threshold.seconds | Integer | 60 | Insight tables are considered stale if they have not been updated within this many seconds. |
mws.hooks.location | String | hooks | The directory (relative or absolute) where Hooks are stored. See Pre- and Post-Processing Hooks for more information. |
mws.plugins.location | String | plugins | The directory (relative or absolute) where Plugins are stored. See About Moab Web Services Plugins for more information. |
mws.messageQueue.port | Integer | 5564 | The port on which MWS publishes ZeroMQ messages. |
mws.messageQueue.address | String | - | The IP address on which MWS publishes ZeroMQ messages. |
mws.services.hooks.syncInterval | Integer | 30 | The number of seconds between each time MWS checks for service phase transition hooks that completed or timed out. |
mws.services.phases.syncInterval | Integer | 14400 | The number of seconds between each time MWS checks with Moab Workload Manager to verify that the service phases are correctly synchronized. |
mws.suite | String | CLOUD | The suite or context that MWS is running in (see Suite for valid values) |
pam.configuration.service | String | - |
The name of the PAM configuration file located in /etc/pam.d. This parameter and specification tells MWS which PAM configuration file you want to use. For more information, see PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) Configuration Using /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy. |
plugins.pluginType | String | - | Default configuration value for the plugin pluginType field (see Setting Default Plugin Configuration). |
plugins.autoStart | Boolean | true | Default configuration value for the plugin autoStart field (see Setting Default Plugin Configuration). |
plugins.pollInterval | Integer | 30 | Default configuration value for the plugin pollInterval field (see Setting Default Plugin Configuration). |
plugins.config | Map | - | Default configuration value for the plugin config field (see Setting Default Plugin Configuration). |
plugins.loadInitialPlugins | Boolean | true | If true, loads the initial plugins defined for uploaded or built-in plugin types (see Plugin Projects and Metadata). |
plugins.stateConsolidationPolicy | NodeStatePolicy | null | If "optimistic", treats state data optimistically. If "pessimistic", treats state state pessimistically. May be null. See Data Consolidation for more information. |
plugins.defaultHypervisorType | String | ESX | This is reported to Moab when a node report references a hypervisor image that does not have the hypervisorType or extensions.xcat.hvType fields set. See Fields: Images. |
Logging reference
The following loggers are available to use for debugging purposes:
Logger | Default | Description |
grails.app | debug | Most classes in the main MWS application. |
grails.app.bootstrap.BootStrap | debug | Handles startup and initialization of MWS. |
com.ace.mws | debug | The base logger for MWS specific functionality not included in other loggers (this comprises very few classes). |
grails.app.services.com.ace.mws.plugins.PluginUtilityService | debug | Class for initializing and helper methods of plugins. |
com.ace.mws.hooks.HookUtils | debug | Helper class for loading hooks during startup process. |
plugins | debug | All MWS plugins (see About Moab Web Services Plugins). |
com.ace.mws.plugins | debug | MWS plugin helper class, used to create and initialize plugins. |
com.ace.mws.gapi | warn | Base logger for all Moab connections, requests, and responses. |
com.ace.mws.gapi.Connection | info | Logger which controls all requests and responses from Moab. |
com.ace.mws.gapi.parsers | info | Loggers for parsers of Moab's data. |
com.ace.mws.gapi.serializers | info | Loggers for all serialization from MWS to Moab Wire Protocol. |
grails.app.service.grails.plugins.reloadconfig | info | Handles dynamic reloading of configuration files. |
net.sf.json | error | JSON and XML processing library. |
org.springframework.security | info | Authentication/authorization logger. |
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet | error | Loggers for request handlers. |
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping | error | URL mapping. |
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping.filter | error | URL mapping. |
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins | error | All grails plugins (MWS internal). |
org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons | error | Core application and classloading. |
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