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The Torque configure command has several options available. Listed below are some suggested options to use when running ./configure.
Table 4-15: Optional Features
Option | Description |
--disable-clients | Directs Torque not to build and install the Torque client utilities such as qsub, qstat, qdel, etc. |
--disable-FEATURE | Do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no). |
--disable-libtool-lock | Avoid locking (might break parallel builds). |
--disable-mom | Do not include the MOM daemon. |
--disable-mom-checkspool | Don't check free space on spool directory and set an error. |
--disable-posixmemlock | Disable the MOM's use of mlockall. Some versions of OSs seem to have buggy POSIX MEMLOCK. |
--disable-privports | Disable the use of privileged ports for authentication. Some versions of OSX have a buggy bind() and cannot bind to privileged ports. |
--disable-qsub-keep-override | Do not allow the qsub -k flag to override -o -e. |
--disable-server | Do not include server and scheduler. |
--disable-shell-pipe | Give the job script file as standard input to the shell instead of passing its name via a pipe. |
--disable-spool |
--disable-xopen-networking | With HPUX and GCC, don't force usage of XOPEN and libxnet. |
--enable-acct-x | Enable adding x attributes to accounting log. |
--enable-array | Setting this under IRIX enables the SGI Origin 2000 parallel support. Normally autodetected from the /etc/config/array file. |
--enable-autorun | Turn on the AUTORUN_JOBS flag. When enabled, Torque runs the jobs as soon as they are submitted (destroys Moab compatibly). This option is not supported. |
--enable-blcr | Enable BLCR support. |
--enable-cgroups | Enable cgroups for NUMA-aware configurations. ![]() If you are building with cgroups enabled, you must have boost version 1.41 or later. |
--enable-cpa | Enable Cray's CPA support. |
--enable-cpuset |
Enable Linux 2.6 kernel cpusets. ![]() It is recommended that you turn on this feature to prevent a job from expanding across more CPU cores than it is assigned. ![]() If using NUMA-awareness, cgroups are supported and cpusets are handled by the cgroup cpuset subsystem. If --enable-cgroups is specified, --enable-cpuset is ignored. |
--enable-debug | Prints debug information to the console for pbs_server and pbs_mom while they are running. (This is different than --with-debug which will compile with debugging symbols.) |
--enable-dependency-tracking | Do not reject slow dependency extractors. |
--enable-fast-install[=PKGS] | Optimize for fast installation [default=yes]. |
--enable-FEATURE[=ARG] | Include FEATURE [ARG=yes]. |
--enable-filesync | Open files with sync on each write operation. This has a negative impact on Torque performance. This is disabled by default. |
--enable-force-nodefile | Forces creation of nodefile regardless of job submission parameters. Not on by default. |
--enable-gcc-warnings | Enable gcc strictness and warnings. If using gcc, default is to error on any warning. |
--enable-geometry-requests | Torque is compiled to use procs_bitmap during job submission.![]() When using --enable-geometry-requests, do not disable cpusets. Torque looks at the cpuset when killing jobs. |
--enable-gui | Include the GUI-clients. |
--enable-maintainer-mode | This is for the autoconf utility and tells autoconf to enable so called rebuild rules. See maintainer mode for more information. |
--enable-maxdefault |
Turn on the RESOURCEMAXDEFAULT flag. ![]() Versions of Torque earlier than 2.4.5 attempted to apply queue and server defaults to a job that didn't have defaults specified. If a setting still did not have a value after that, Torque applied the queue and server maximum values to a job (meaning, the maximum values for an applicable setting were applied to jobs that had no specified or default value). In Torque 2.4.5 and later, the queue and server maximum values are no longer used as a value for missing settings. To re-enable this behavior in Torque 2.4.5 and later, use --enable-maxdefault. |
--enable-nochildsignal | Turn on the NO_SIGCHLD flag. |
--enable-nodemask | Enable nodemask-based scheduling on the Origin 2000. |
--enable-pemask | Enable pemask-based scheduling on the Cray T3e. |
--enable-plock-daemons[=ARG] | Enable daemons to lock themselves into memory: logical-or of 1 for pbs_server, 2 for pbs_scheduler, 4 for pbs_mom (no argument means 7 for all three). |
--enable-quickcommit | Turn on the QUICKCOMMIT flag. When enabled, adds a check to make sure the job is in an expected state and does some bookkeeping for array jobs. This option is not supported. |
--enable-shared[=PKGS] | Build shared libraries [default=yes]. |
--enable-shell-use-argv | Enable this to put the job script name on the command line that invokes the shell. Not on by default. Ignores --enable-shell-pipe setting. |
--enable-sp2 | Build PBS for an IBM SP2. |
--enable-srfs | Enable support for SRFS on Cray. |
--enable-static[=PKGS] | Build static libraries [default=yes]. |
--enable-syslog | Enable (default) the use of syslog for error reporting. |
--enable-tcl-qstat | Setting this builds qstat with Tcl interpreter features. This is enabled if Tcl is enabled. |
--enable-unixsockets | Enable the use of Unix Domain sockets for authentication. |
Table 4-16: Optional Packages
Option | Description |
--with-blcr=DIR | BLCR installation prefix (Available in versions 2.5.6 and 3.0.2 and later). |
--with-blcr-include=DIR | Include path for libcr.h (Available in versions 2.5.6 and 3.0.2 and later). |
--with-blcr-lib=DIR | Lib path for libcr (Available in versions 2.5.6 and 3.0.2 and later). |
--with-blcr-bin=DIR |
Bin path for BLCR utilities (Available in versions 2.5.6 and 3.0.2 and later). |
--with-boost-path=DIR |
![]() Boost version 1.36.0 or later is supported. Red Hat 6-based systems come packaged with 1.41.0 and Red Hat 7-based systems come packaged with 1.53.0. Set the path to the Boost header files to be used during make. This option does not require Boost to be built or installed.
The --with-boost-path value must be a directory containing a sub-directory called boost that contains the boost .hpp files. For example, if downloading the boost 1.55.0 source tarball to the adaptive user's home directory: [adaptive]$ cd ~ [adaptive]$ wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.55.0/boost_1_55_0.tar.gz/download [adaptive]$ tar xzf boost_1_55_0.tar.gz [adaptive]$ ls boost_1_55_0 boost boost-build.jam ... In this case use --with-boost-path=/home/adaptive/boost_1_55_0 during configure.
Another example would be to use an installed version of Boost. If the installed Boost header files exist in /usr/include/boost/*.hpp, use --with-boost-path=/usr/include. |
--with-cpa-include=DIR | Include path for cpalib.h. |
--with-cpa-lib=DIR | Lib path for libcpalib. |
--with-debug=no | Do not compile with debugging symbols. |
--with-default-server=HOSTNAME | Set the name of the computer that clients will access when no machine name is specified as part of the queue name. It defaults to the hostname of the machine on which PBS is being compiled. |
--with-environ=PATH | Set the path containing the environment variables for the daemons. For SP2 and AIX systems, suggested setting is to /etc/environment. Defaults to the file "pbs_environment" in the server-home. Relative paths are interpreted within the context of the server-home. |
--with-gnu-ld | Assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no]. |
--with-maildomain=MAILDOMAIN | Override the default domain for outgoing mail messages, i.e. "user@maildomain". The default maildomain is the hostname where the job was submitted from. |
--with-modulefiles[=DIR] | Use module files in specified directory [/etc/modulefiles]. |
--with-momlogdir | Use this directory for MOM logs. |
--with-momlogsuffix | Use this suffix for MOM logs. |
--without-PACKAGE | Do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no). |
--without-readline | Do not include readline support (default: included if found). |
--with-PACKAGE[=ARG] | Use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]. |
--with-pam=DIR | Directory that holds the system PAM modules. Defaults to /lib(64)/security on Linux. |
--with-pic | Try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects [default=use both]. |
--with-qstatrc-file=FILE | Set the name of the file that qstat will use if there is no ".qstatrc" file in the directory where it is being invoked. Relative path names will be evaluated relative to the server home directory (see above). If this option is not specified, the default name for this file will be set to "qstatrc" (no dot) in the server home directory. |
--with-rcp | One of "scp", "rcp", "mom_rcp", or the full path of a remote file copy program. scp is the default if found, otherwise mom_rcp is used. Some rcp programs don't always exit with valid error codes in case of failure. mom_rcp is a copy of BSD rcp included with this source that has correct error codes, but it is also old, unmaintained, and doesn't have large file support. |
--with-sched=TYPE | Sets the scheduler type. If TYPE is "c", the scheduler will be written in C. If TYPE is "tcl" the server will use a Tcl based scheduler. If TYPE is "basl", Torque will use the rule based scheduler. If TYPE is "no", then no scheduling is done. "c" is the default. |
--with-sched-code=PATH | Sets the name of the scheduler to use. This only applies to BASL schedulers and those written in the C language. For C schedulers this should be a directory name and for BASL schedulers a filename ending in ".basl". It will be interpreted relative to srctree/src/schedulers.SCHD_TYPE/samples. As an example, an appropriate BASL scheduler relative path would be "nas.basl". The default scheduler code for "C" schedulers is "fifo". |
--with-scp | In Torque 2.1 and later, SCP is the default remote copy protocol. See --with-rcp if a different protocol is desired. |
--with-sendmail[=FILE] | Sendmail executable to use. |
--with-server-home=DIR | Set the server home/spool directory for PBS use. Defaults to /var/spool/torque. |
--with-server-name-file=FILE | Set the file that will contain the name of the default server for clients to use. If this is not an absolute pathname, it will be evaluated relative to the server home directory that either defaults to /usr/spool/PBS or is set using the --with-server-home option to configure. If this option is not specified, the default name for this file will be set to "server_name". |
--with-tcl |
Directory containing tcl configuration (tclConfig.sh). |
--with-tclatrsep=CHAR | Set the Tcl attribute separator character this will default to "." if unspecified. |
--with-tclinclude | Directory containing the public Tcl header files. |
--with-tclx | Directory containing tclx configuration (tclxConfig.sh). |
--with-tk | Directory containing tk configuration (tkConfig.sh). |
--with-tkinclude | Directory containing the public Tk header files. |
--with-tkx | Directory containing tkx configuration (tkxConfig.sh). |
--with-xauth=PATH | Specify path to xauth program. |
Wordxp() performs a shell-like expansion, including environment variables. By default, HAVE_WORDEXP is set to 1 in src/pbs_config.h. If set to 1, will limit the characters that can be used in a job name to those allowed for a file in the current environment, such as BASH. If set to 0, any valid character for the file system can be used.
If a user would like to disable this feature by setting HAVE_WORDEXP to 0 in src/include/pbs_config.h, it is important to note that the error and the output file names will not expand environment variables, including $PBS_JOBID. The other important consideration is that characters that BASH dislikes, such as (), will not be allowed in the output and error file names for jobs by default.
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