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Torque can associate properties with nodes to aid in identifying groups of nodes. It's typical for a site to conglomerate a heterogeneous set of resources. To identify the different sets, properties can be given to each node in a set. For example, a group of nodes that has a higher speed network connection could have the property "ib". Torque can set, update, or remove properties either dynamically with qmgr or by manually editing the nodes file.
4.559.1 Run-time Node Changes
Torque can dynamically change the properties of a node with the qmgr command. For example, note the following to give node001 the properties of "bigmem" and "dualcore":
> qmgr -c "set node node001 properties = bigmem"
> qmgr -c "set node node001 properties += dualcore"
To relinquish a stated property, use the "-=" operator.
4.559.2 Manual Node Changes
The properties of each node are enumerated in
node001 bigmem dualcore
node002 np=4 bigmem matlab
For changes to the nodes file to be activated, pbs_server must be restarted.
For a full description of this file, please see the PBS Administrator Guide.
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