You are here: Manual Installation > Additional Configuration > Moab Workload Manager Configuration Options

2.12 Moab Workload Manager Configuration Options

The following is a list of commonly used configure options. For a complete list, use ./configure --help when configuring Moab.

Option Description Example

Specifies the location of the binaries and libraries of the Moab install.

The default location is /opt/moab.

[root]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local

Specifies that you want to configure Moab with Moab Accounting Manager.

There is a similar --with-torque option that configures Moab with Torque, but you do not need to specify this option if you install the "torque" tarball version.

[root]# ./configure --with-am
--with-flexlm Causes Moab to install the script in the /opt/moab/tools directory. For more information about this script, see the Interfacing to FLEXlm section in the Moab Administrator Guide.
[root]# ./configure --with-flexlm

Specifies the location of the Moab configuration directory and the MOABHOMEDIR environment variable. The default location is /opt/moab.

MOABHOMEDIR is automatically set on some distributions during installation, when the --with-profile option is enabled.

[root]# ./configure --with-homedir=/var/moab

The Moab HPC Suite home directory will be /var/moab instead of the default /opt/moab.


Disables the installation of a distribution-specific, Moab service startup file. By default, make install will install an init.d or systemd service startup file as appropriate for your distribution. The installed file (/etc/init.d/moab or /usr/lib/systemd/system/moab.service) may be customized to your needs. If you do not want this file to be installed, use this option to exclude it.

[root]# ./configure --without-init

Disables the installation of a distribution-specific shell profile for bash and C shell. By default, make install will install the Moab shell initialization scripts as appropriate for your operating system. These scripts help to establish the MOABHOMEDIR, PERL5LIB, PATH and MANPATH environment variables to specify where the new moab configuration, scripts, binaries and man pages reside. The installed scripts (/etc/profile.d/moab.{csh,sh}) may be customized to your needs. If you do not want these scripts to be installed, use this option to exclude them.

[root]# ./configure --without-profile

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