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2.22 Upgrading Nitro

This topic contains instructions on how to upgrade Nitro.

In this topic:

2.22.1 Upgrade Nitro

On the host where Nitro resides, do the following:

  1. If you have not already done so, complete the steps to prepare the host. See 2.8 Preparing for Nitro Manual Installation or Upgrade.
  2. Back up your existing launch script in /opt/nitro/bin/.
  3. Change the directory to the root of the unpacked Nitro tarball bundle.

    [root]# cd nitro-tarball-bundle-<version>-<OS>
  4. Identify the Nitro product tarball (nitro-<version>-<OS>.tar.gz) and unpack the tarball into the same directory you created when you first installed Nitro (for example, /opt/nitro).
    [root]# tar xzvpf nitro-<version>-<OS>.tar.gz -C /opt/nitro --strip-components=1
  1. Identify the script version for your resource manager.

    Reference scripts are provided in /opt/nitro/scripts.

    [root]# find . -name
  2. Copy the latest launch script to the bin directory. (This example uses the Torque-based launch script.)
    [root]# cp /opt/nitro/scripts/torque/ /opt/nitro/bin/

    This is a "copy" file operation and not a "move" operation. This allows you to customize your version of the script and always have the factory version available for consultation and/or comparison.

  3. Merge any customizations from your existing script into the script you just copied to the bin directory.
  4. If you are not using a shared file system, copy the updated Nitro installation directory to all hosts.

    Only the Nitro bin directory with its proper path is required to run Nitro jobs. This means that you only need to copy the Nitro bin directory to the other hosts.

    [root]# scp -r /opt/nitro/bin root@host002:/opt/nitro
    nitrostat                                       100%   12KB  12.0KB/s   00:00                                 100% 6890     6.7KB/s   00:00
    nitro                                           100%   15MB  14.9MB/s   00:00

2.22.2 Verify Network Communication

Verify that the nodes that will be running Nitro are able to communicate with the Nitro ports and that the nodes are able to communicate with one another.

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