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You must deploy Moab Web Services on the same host as Moab Server (Moab Server Host). For documentation clarity, these instructions refer to the host for Moab Server and MWS Server as the MWS Server Host.
This topic contains instructions on how to install, configure, and start Moab Web Services (MWS).
In this topic:
If your site is running firewall software on its hosts, you will need to configure the firewall to allow connections to the necessary ports.
In this section:
3.9.1.A Open the Tomcat Port (8080)
On the MWS Server Host, do the following:
[root]# firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent [root]# firewall-cmd --reload
3.9.1.B Open the MWS MongoDB Database Port (27017)
Depending on your system configuration, your MongoDB databases may not be installed on the same host as their corresponding component servers. For example, you may choose to install the MWS MongoDB database on the same host where you have installed other MongoDB databases instead of on the MWS Server Host.
Do the following, as needed:
[root]# firewall-cmd --add-port=27017/tcp --permanent [root]# firewall-cmd --reload
3.9.2 Install Dependencies, Packages, or Clients
In this section:
Install the Linux x64 RPM version of Oracle® Java® 8 Runtime Environment.
Oracle Java 8 Runtime Environment is the recommended Java environment, but Oracle Java 7 is also supported. All other versions of Java, including OpenJDK/IcedTea, GNU Compiler for Java, and so on cannot run MWS.
On the MWS Server Host, do the following:
[root]# rpm -Uh <URL>
To install and enable MongoDB, on the MWS Server Host, do the following:
[root]# yum install mongo-10gen-server
There may be a short delay (approximately 3 minutes) for Mongo to start the first time.
[root]# cat > /usr/lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service <<End-of-file [Unit] Description=High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database After=syslog.target network.target [Service] Type=forking User=mongod Group=mongod Environment=CONFIG=/etc/mongod.conf Environment=OPTIONS= EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/mongod ExecStart=/usr/bin/mongod -f \$CONFIG \$OPTIONS PrivateTmp=true LimitNOFILE=65536 TimeoutStartSec=180 StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target End-of-file [root]# rm -f /etc/init.d/mongod [root]# systemctl enable mongodb.service [root]# systemctl start mongodb.service
The passwords used below (secret1, secret2, and secret3) are examples. Choose your own passwords for these users.
[root]# mongo > use admin; > db.addUser("admin_user", "secret1"); > db.auth ("admin_user", "secret1"); > use moab; > db.addUser("moab_user", "secret2"); > db.addUser("mws_user", "secret3", true); > use mws; > db.addUser("mws_user", "secret3"); > exit
Because the admin_user has read and write rights to the admin database, it also has read and write rights to all other databases. See Control Access to MongoDB Instances with Authentication for more information.
[root]# vi /etc/mongod.conf auth = true [root]# systemctl restart mongodb.service
You must complete the tasks to install the dependencies, packages, or clients before installing MWS Server. See 3.9.2 Install Dependencies, Packages, or Clients.
If your configuration uses firewalls, you must also open the necessary ports before installing MWS Server. See 3.9.1 Open Necessary Ports .
On the MWS Host, do the following:
[root]# yum install moab-web-services moab-web-services-hpc-configuration
The USEDATABASE parameter is unrelated to the MongoDB configuration.
MONGOSERVER <host>[:<port>]
If your MONGOSERVER host is set to anything other than localhost, edit the /etc/mongod.conf file on the MongoDB Server host and either comment out any bind_ip parameter or set it to the correct IP address.
# Listen to local interface only. Comment out to listen on all interfaces. #bind_ip=
[root]# systemctl restart moab.service [root]# mdiag -S | grep Mongo Mongo connection (localhost) is up (credentials are set)
Secure communication using secret keys
[root]# systemctl stop moab.service [root]# dd if=/dev/urandom count=24 bs=1 2>/dev/null | base64 > /opt/moab/etc/.moab.key [root]# chown root:root /opt/moab/etc/.moab.key [root]# chmod 400 /opt/moab/etc/.moab.key [root]# systemctl start moab.service
[root]# systemctl stop moab.service [root]# echo "MESSAGEQUEUESECRETKEY $(dd if=/dev/urandom count=16 bs=1 2>/dev/null | base64)" >> /opt/moab/etc/moab-private.cfg [root]# systemctl start moab.service
If MWS is configured to encrypt the message queue and Moab is not (or vice versa), then MWS will ignore the messsages from Moab. Furthermore, all attempts to access the MWS service resource will fail.
[root]# mdiag -S|grep 'ZeroMQ MWS' ZeroMQ MWS connection is bound on port 5570 (encryption is on)
Set up the MWS configuration file.
If MWS is configured to encrypt the message queue and Moab is not (or vice versa), then the messages from Moab will be ignored. Furthermore, all attempts to access the MWS service resource will fail.
[root]# vi /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy // Replace <ENTER-KEY-HERE> with the contents of /opt/moab/etc/.moab.key. moab.secretKey = "<ENTER-KEY-HERE>" moab.server = "localhost" moab.port = 42559 // Replace <ENTER-KEY-HERE> with the value of MESSAGEQUEUESECRETKEY in /opt/moab/etc/moab-private.cfg. moab.messageQueue.secretKey = "<ENTER-KEY-HERE>" // Change these to be whatever you like. auth.defaultUser.username = "moab-admin" auth.defaultUser.password = "changeme!"
If you do not change auth.defaultUser.password, your MWS will not be secure (because anyone reading these instructions would be able to log into your MWS). Here are some tips for choosing a good password.
[root]# vi /opt/mws/etc/mws.d/mws-config-hpc.groovy mam.secretKey = "<ENTER-KEY-HERE>" mam.server = "localhost" mam.port = 7112
You can configure only one authentication method in /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy—LDAP or PAM, but not both. If you have configured both LDAP and PAM, MWS defaults to using LDAP.
If you need multiple authentication methods, you must add them to your local PAM configuration. See your distribution documentation for details.
ldap.server = "" ldap.port = 389 ldap.baseDNs = ["dc=acme,dc=com"] ldap.bindUser = "cn=Manager,dc=acme,dc=com" ldap.password = "*****" ldap.directory.type = "OpenLDAP Using InetOrgPerson Schema"
This is just an example LDAP connection. Be sure to use the appropriate domain controllers (dc) and common names (cn) for your environment.
If you followed the Adaptive Computing tutorial, 4.4 Setting Up OpenLDAP on CentOS 6, your ldap.directory.type should be set to "OpenLDAP Using InetOrgPerson Schema." However, the use of other schemas is supported. For more information see LDAP Configuration Using /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy.
To see how to configure a secure connection to the LDAP server, see 4.80 Securing the LDAP Connection.
pam.configuration.service = "login"
This is just an example PAM configuration file name. Make sure you specify the name of the configuration file you want MWS to use.
Configuring MWS to authenticate via PAM using local passwd and shadow files presents a significant security risk. To make local authentication work, you would need to run Tomcat as root or give Tomcat read access to /etc/shadow. This configuration is highly discouraged and is not supported by Adaptive Computing.
The recommended approach is to configure PAM and NSS to authenticate against NIS or LDAP. For example, to make sure users with both local and NIS accounts are authenticating against NIS, configure the nsswitch.conf file as shown below.
passwd: nis files shadow: nis files group: nis files
For more information about PAM configuration with MWS, see PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) Configuration Using /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy.
... grails.mongo.username = "mws_user" grails.mongo.password = "secret3"
[root]# systemctl enable tomcat.service [root]# systemctl restart tomcat.service
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If you encounter problems, or if the application does not seem to be running, see the steps in 4.2 Moab Web Services Issues.
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