(Click to open topic with navigation)
This topic contains instructions on how to install Remote Visualization, including licensing and configuration information.
Remote Visualization uses the FastX product. The Remote Visualization installation includes installing the Remote Visualization Server (gateway server) and Remote Visualization on the Torque MOM Hosts (session servers).
Remote Visualization Server (gateway server) and the Remote Visualization Session Servers, must be configured in order for Remote Visualization to work.
In this topic:
If your site is running firewall software on its hosts, you will need to configure the firewall to allow connections to Remote Visualization.
Do the following:
firewall-cmd --add-port=3000/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=3443/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload
firewall-cmd --add-port=3000/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=3443/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=6000-6005/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=16001/tcp --permanent #if using gnome firewall-cmd --add-port=35091/tcp --permanent #if using gnome firewall-cmd --add-port=117/udp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload
3.13.2 Obtain and Install the Remote Visualization License
Remote Visualization uses the RLM to validate the amount of open and available sessions.
These instructions assume you already have access to an RLM Server. See 3.12 Installing RLM Server for instructions on how to set up a new RLM Server.
Do the following:
[root]# yum -y install perl-Crypt-SSLeay StarNetFastX2
When the license has generated you will see something similar to the following:
License activated and saved in /usr/lib/fastx2/rlm/FastX2-<date>.lic
mv /usr/lib/fastx2/rlm/FastX2-<date>.lic /opt/rlm
This license file references the default RLM Server port (5053). If the RLM Server in your configuration uses a different port, you will need to modify the license file to reflect the actual port.
[root]# yum -y remove StarNetFastX2
[root]# systemctl restart rlm.service
3.13.3 Configure the RLM Plugin
Moab can schedule available remote visualization sessions by querying the RLM server for the number of active and total available sessions.
In order for Moab to schedule remote visualization sessions, Moab also needs to be configured to use Moab Web Services as a resource manager. See Configuring Moab Workload Manager in the Moab Web Services Reference Guide for more information.
Do the following:
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Click to enlarge |
Key | Value Description |
URL | URL for the RLM Server web interface in the form: <protocol>://<rlm_server_host>:<rlm_web_interface_port>. For example: http://server:5054 |
Username | The username in the RLM Web interface; typically user. |
Password | Password used by the user listed in the Username key. This is the password you set when you install the RLM. See Change the Default Passwords. |
ISV | Independent software vender for Remote Visualization. This value must be starnet. |
Product | Name of the licensed product for Remote Visualization. This value must be fastx2. |
Resource | Name of the resource to report to Moab Workload Manager. This value must be remote_visualization. |
The state should be "Started". If the state says "Errored", click Edit, modify the values as needed, click Update. Then from the Plugin Monitoring page, locate the RLM plugin and click the play icon.
3.13.4 Configure Moab to use Moab Web Services as a Resource Manager
In order for Moab to schedule remote visualization sessions, Moab also needs to be configured to use Moab Web Services as a resource manager.
On the Moab Server Host, do the following:
RMCFG[mws] TYPE=MWS RMCFG[mws] BASEURL=http://localhost:8080/mws
The BASEURL must match the configured URL of MWS.
Add the following line to /opt/moab/etc/moab-private.cfg:
CLIENTCFG[RM:mws] USERNAME=moab-admin PASSWORD=changeme!
USERNAME and PASSWORD must match the values of auth.defaultUser.username and auth.defaultUser.password, respectively, found in the MWS configuration file. The MWS RM contacts MWS directly using the base URL, username, and password configured.
[root]# systemctl restart moab.service
3.13.5 Install Remote Visualization
Remote Visualization needs to be installed on the gateway server and on all the session servers (Torque MOM Hosts).
You must complete all the tasks earlier in this topic before installing Remote Visualization.
Do the following:
[root]# yum -y install ImageMagick-perl perl-Crypt-SSLeay perl-X11-Protocol StarNetFastX2
The following example uses the ace user and password. You can use an existing user, as long as that user can ssh into this host with a username/password pair.
[root]# useradd ace ... [root]# passwd ace ...
[root]# export LICENSE_SERVER_HOST="<RLM Server IP address>" [root]# export ADMIN_USER="ace" # the Remote Visualization administrator user [root]# printf "y\n$LICENSE_SERVER_HOST\ny\ny\n$ADMIN_USER\ny\n" | /usr/lib/fastx2/install.sh
PasswordAuthentication yes ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
[root]# systemctl restart sshd.service
If your Viewpoint configuration will use key-based authentication for Remote Visualization, do the following:
Log in as the FastX admin user and generate a ssh key.
A passphrase is not supported by Viewpoint. Leave this field empty.
[ace@<hostname> ~]$ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ace/.ssh/id_rsa): Created directory '/home/ace/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/ace/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/ace/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: ---
Set the generated id_rsa public key as an authorized key for the Gateway Server.
root# cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
Copy the id_rsa publish key to all the Session Servers and set it as an authorized key.
For documentation clarity, these instructions use node00 through node09 as the names of the Session Servers; with node00 designated as the initial Session Server.
[root]# for i in {00..09} ; do scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub <fastxadminuser>@node$i:id_rsa.pub ; done [root]# for i in {00..09} ; do ssh <fastxadminuser>@node$i "cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys ; rm -f id_rsa.pub" ; done
3.13.6 Configure the Gateway Server
Do the following:
Log in as the FastX admin user.
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
Click the icon for Admin\System Configuration. The icon is circled in the example to assist in finding its location.
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Click to enlarge |
Select the Network tab. If it is not already selected, select the Configuration sub-tab to display the FastX Network Configuration page.
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
The following image is an example of the completed FastX Network Configuration page for the Gateway Server.
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Click to enlarge |
3.13.7 Configure a Session Server
This section provides instructions on how to configure one Session Server (referred to as the initial Session Server). The configuration will then be copied to the additional Session Servers in your environment in a later procedure.
Do the following:
Log in as the FastX admin user.
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
Select the icon for Admin\System Configuration. The icon is circled in the example to assist in finding its location.
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Click to enlarge |
Select the Network tab. If it is not already selected, select the Configuration sub-tab to display the FastX Network Configuration page.
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
You will not be able to login to the portal on the Gateway Server until you have completed the configuration of at least one Session Server. If you did not save it earlier, the secret key can be found in the /usr/lib/fastx2/config/network.json on the Gateway Server.
The following image is an example of the completed FastX Network Configuration page.
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Click to enlarge |
3.13.8 Copy the Session Server Configuration to the Remaining Session Servers
After you configured the initial Session Server, the settings are saved in the network.json file.
For documentation clarity, these instructions use node00 through node09 as the names of the Session Servers; with node00 designated as the initial Session Server.
On the initial Session Server Host, copy the network.json file to the remaining Session Server Hosts in your environment, and restart the FastX service.
[root]# for i in {01..09} ; do scp /usr/lib/fastx2/config/network.json root@node$i:/usr/lib/fastx2/config/network.json ; done [root]# for i in {01..09} ; do ssh node$i "chown fastx. /usr/lib/fastx2/config/. -R" ; done [root]# for i in {01..09} ; do ssh node$i "systemctl restart fastx.service" ; done
3.13.9 (Optional) Install Graphical Packages on Each Torque MOM Host
A few graphical packages are available to let you easily submit remote visualization jobs from Viewpoint (install a desktop environment).
One each Torque MOM Host, run the following command(s):
Non-RHEL systems (e.g. CentOS and Scientific Linux)
[root]# yum -y groupinstall "GNOME Desktop" "X Window System" "Fonts" [root]# yum -y install xterm
RHEL systems
[root]# yum -y groupinstall "GNOME" "X Window System" "Fonts" [root]# yum -y install xterm
3.13.10 Configure Moab for Remote Visualization
On the Moab Server Host, verify the /opt/moab/etc/moab.cfg file contains the following uncommented parameter:
JOBCFG[remote_visualization] FLAGS=usemoabjobid SELECT=TRUE
This parameter configuration specifies that Moab will reference remote visualization jobs by their internal Moab job id. However, the job's output and error files will still be generated by your resource manager (for exampe, Torque). This means that, even though your job will get assigned a Moab job id, your job's output and error file names will reference the resource manager's job id (for example, job.oX).
If you need the job's output files to match the same job id as your Moab job, append the following parameters to your moab.cfg:
RMCFG[internal] JOBIDFORMAT=integer
Be advised that these appended parameters are not recommended for all systems; especially if your configuration includes customizations. If your system is not working as expected, contact Adaptive Computing support for assistance.
If you have made changes to the moab.cfg file, make sure you restart Moab.
[root]# systemctl restart moab.service
3.13.11 Configure Viewpoint for Remote Visualization
Do the following:
Click Configuration from the menu and then click Remote Visualization Services from the left pane.
The following is an example of the Remote Visualization Configuration page.
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Click to enlarge |
The /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on each Session server must be configured to enable password authentication. See 3.13.5 Install Remote Visualization earlier in this topic for more information.