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See the associated Virtual Containers resource section for more information on how to use this resource and supported operations.
Additional references
Type | Value | Additional information |
Permissions resource | vcs | Permissions |
Hooks filename | vcs.groovy | Pre- and Post-Processing Hooks |
Distinct query-supported | No | Distinct |
A virtual container is a logical grouping of objects with a shared variable space and applied policies. Containers can hold virtual machines, physical machines, jobs, reservations, and/or nodes and req node sets. Containers can also be nested inside other containers.
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
id | String | No | No |
The unique ID of this virtual container. |
aclRules | Set<AclRule> | No | No |
The set of access control rules associated with this virtual container. |
createDate | Date | No | No |
The date/time that the virtual container was created. |
creator | String | No | No |
The creator of the virtual container. |
description | String | Yes | Yes |
A user-defined string that acts as a label. |
flags | Set<VirtualContainerFlag> | No | Yes |
The flags on this virtual container. |
jobs | Set<DomainProxyVersion1> | No | Yes |
The set of jobs in this virtual container. |
nodes | Set<DomainProxyVersion1> | No | Yes |
The set of nodes in this virtual container. |
owner | EmbeddedCredential | Yes | Yes |
The owner of the virtual container. |
reservations | Set<Reservation> | No | Yes |
The set of reservations in this virtual container. |
variables | Map<String, Map> | No | Yes |
Variables associated with the virtual container. |
virtualContainers | Set<VirtualContainer> | No | Yes |
The set of virtual containers in this virtual container. |
virtualMachines | Set<DomainProxyVersion1> | No | Yes |
The set of virtual machines in this virtual container. |
This class represents a rule that can be in Moab's access control list (ACL) mechanism.
The basic AclRule information is the object's name and type. The type directly maps to an AclType value. The default mechanism Moab uses to check the ACL for a particular item is if the user or object coming in has ANY of the values in the ACL, then the user or object is given access. If no values match the user or object in question, the user or object is rejected access.
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
affinity | AclAffinity | No | Yes |
Reservation ACLs allow or deny access to reserved resources but they may also be configured to affect a job's affinity for a particular reservation. By default, jobs gravitate toward reservations through a mechanism known as positive affinity. This mechanism allows jobs to run on the most constrained resources leaving other, unreserved resources free for use by other jobs that may not be able to access the reserved resources. Normally this is a desired behavior. However, sometimes, it is desirable to reserve resources for use only as a last resort-using the reserved resources only when there are no other resources available. This last resort behavior is known as negative affinity. |
comparator | ComparisonOperator | No | Yes |
The type of comparison to make against the ACL object. |
type | AclType | No | Yes |
The type of the object that is being granted (or denied) access. |
value | String | No | Yes |
The name of the object that is being granted (or denied) access. |
This enumeration describes the values available for describing how a rule is used in establishing access to an object in Moab. Currently, these ACL affinities are used only for granting access to reservations.
This enumeration is used when Moab needs to compare items. One such use is in Access Control Lists (ACLs).
This enumeration describes the values available for the type of an ACL Rule.
This enumeration specifies the flag types of a virtual container.
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
id | String | No | No |
The id of the object. |
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
name | String | No | No |
type | CredentialType | No | No |
Value | Description |
USER | |
QOS | |
A reservation is the mechanism by which Moab guarantees the availability of a set of resources at a particular time. Each reservation consists of three major components: (1) a set of resources, (2) a time frame, and (3) an access control list. It is a scheduler role to ensure that the access control list is not violated during the reservation's lifetime (that is, its time frame) on the resources listed. For example, a reservation may specify that node002 is reserved for user Tom on Friday. The scheduler is thus constrained to make certain that only Tom's jobs can use node002 at any time on Friday.
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
id | String | No | No |
The unique ID of the reservation. |
accountingAccount | String | Yes | No |
Accountable Account. |
accountingGroup | String | Yes | No |
Accountable Group. |
accountingQOS | String | Yes | No |
Accountable QOS. |
accountingUser | String | Yes | No |
Accountable User. |
aclRules | Set<AclRule> | Yes | No |
The set of access control rules associated with this reservation. |
allocatedNodeCount | Integer | No | No |
The number of allocated nodes for this reservation. |
allocatedNodes | Set<DomainProxyVersion1> | No | No |
The nodes allocated to the reservation. |
allocatedProcessorCount | Integer | No | No |
The number of allocated processors. |
allocatedTaskCount | Integer | No | No |
The number of allocated tasks. |
comments | String | Yes | No |
Reservation's comments or description. |
creationDate | Date | No | No |
Creation date. Automatically set by Moab when a user creates the reservation. |
duration | Long | Yes | No |
The duration of the reservation (in seconds). |
endDate | Date | Yes | No |
The end date of the reservation. This is especially useful for one-time reservations, which have an exact time for when a reservation ends. |
excludeJobs | Set<String> | Yes | No |
The list of jobs to exclude. Client must also set the IGNJOBRSV reservation flag. Otherwise, results are undefined. Used only during reservation creation. |
expireDate | Date | No | No |
The date/time when the reservation expires and vacates. |
flags | Set<ReservationFlag> | Yes | No |
The flags associated with the reservation. |
globalId | String | No | No |
Global reservation ID. |
hostListExpression | String | Yes | No |
The list of nodes a user can select to reserve. This may or may not be the nodes that are currently allocated to this reservation. Note: Either hostListExpression or taskCount must be set to create a reservation. |
idPrefix | String | Yes | No |
The user-specified prefix for this reservation. If provided, Moab combines the idPrefix with an integer, and the combination is the unique identifier for this reservation. |
isActive | Boolean | No | No |
State whether or not this reservation is currently active. |
isTracked | Boolean | No | No |
States whether reservation resource usage is tracked. |
label | String | Yes | No |
When a label is assigned to a reservation, the reservation can then be referenced by that label as well as by the reservation name. |
maxTasks | Integer | No | No |
The maximum number of tasks for this reservation. |
messages | Set<MessageVersion1> | No | No |
Messages for the reservation. |
owner | EmbeddedCredential | Yes | No |
The owner of the reservation |
partitionId | String | Yes | No |
The ID of the partition this reservation is for. |
profile | String | Yes | No |
The profile that this reservation is using. A profile is a specification of attributes that all reservations share. Used only during reservation creation. |
requirements | ReservationRequirement | Yes | No |
The reservation's requirements. |
reservationGroup | String | Yes | No |
The reservation group to which the reservation belongs. |
resources | Map<String, Integer> | Yes | No |
The reservation's resources. This field is a map, where the key is PROCS, MEM DISK, SWAP, or one or more user-defined keys. |
startDate | Date | Yes | No |
The start time for the reservation. This is especially useful for one-time reservations, which have an exact time for when a reservation starts. |
statistics | ReservationStatistics | No | No |
The reservation's statistical information. |
subType | String | Yes | No |
The reservation sub-type. |
taskCount | Integer | No | No |
The number of tasks that must be allocated to satisfy the reservation request. Note: Either hostListExpression or taskCount must be set to create a reservation. |
trigger | Trigger | Yes | No |
Trigger for reservation. Used only during reservation creation. |
triggerIds | Set<String> | No | No |
The IDs of the triggers attached to this reservation. |
uniqueIndex | String | No | No |
The globally-unique reservation index. |
variables | Map<String, Map> | Yes | Yes |
The set of variables for this reservation. |
The flag types of a reservation.
Represents all the types of requirements a user can request while creating a reservation.
Represents some basic statistical information that is kept about the usage of reservations. All metrics that are kept track relate to processor-seconds usage.
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
id | String | No | No |
Trigger id - internal ID used by moab to track triggers |
action | String | No | No |
For exec atype triggers, signifies executable and arguments. For jobpreempt atype triggers, signifies PREEMPTPOLICY to apply to jobs that are running on allocated resources. For changeparam atype triggers, specifies the parameter to change and its new value (using the same syntax and behavior as the changeparam command). |
actionType | TriggerActionType | No | No |
blockTime | Date | No | No |
Time (in seconds) Moab will suspend normal operation to wait for trigger execution to finish. Use caution as Moab will completely stop normal operation until BlockTime expires. |
description | String | No | No |
eventType | TriggerEventType | No | No |
expireTime | Date | No | No |
Time at which trigger should be terminated if it has not already been activated. |
failOffset | Date | No | No |
Specifies the time (in seconds) that the threshold condition must exist before the trigger fires. |
flags | Set<TriggerFlag> | No | No |
interval | Boolean | No | No |
When used in conjunction with MultiFire and RearmTime trigger will fire at regular intervals. Can be used with TriggerEventType.EPOCH to create a Standing Trigger. |
maxRetry | Integer | No | No |
Specifies the number of times Action will be attempted before the trigger is designated a failure. |
multiFire | Boolean | No | No |
Specifies whether this trigger can fire multiple times. Defaults to false. |
name | String | No | No |
Trigger name - can be auto assigned by moab or requested. Alphanumeric up to 16 characters in length |
objectId | String | No | No |
The ID of the object which this is attached to. |
objectType | String | No | No |
The type of object which this is attached to. Possible values:
offset | Date | No | No |
Relative time offset from event when trigger can fire. |
period | TriggerPeriod | No | No |
Can be used in conjunction with Offset to have a trigger fire at the beginning of the specified period. Can be used with EType epoch to create a standing trigger. |
rearmTime | Date | No | No |
Time between MultiFire triggers. Rearm time is enforced from the trigger event time. |
requires | String | No | No |
Variables this trigger requires to be set or not set before it will fire. Preceding the string with an exclamation mark (!) indicates this variable must NOT be set. Used in conjunction with Sets to create trigger dependencies. |
sets | String | No | No |
Variable values this trigger sets upon success or failure. Preceding the string with an exclamation mark (!) indicates this variable is set upon trigger failure. Preceding the string with a caret (^) indicates this variable is to be exported to the parent object when the current object is destroyed through a completion event. Used in conjunction with Requires to create trigger dependencies. |
threshold | String | No | No |
Reservation usage threshold - When reservation usage drops below Threshold, trigger will fire. |
timeout | Date | No | No |
Time allotted to this trigger before it is marked as unsuccessful and its process (if any) killed. |
type | TriggerType | No | No |
The type of the trigger. |
unsets | String | No | No |
Variable this trigger destroys upon success or failure. |
This enumeration specifies the action type of a trigger.
This enumeration specifies the event type of a trigger.
Value | Description |
END | |
FAIL | |
HOLD | |
This enumeration specifies a flag belonging to a trigger.
This enumeration specifies the period of a trigger.
Value | Description |
HOUR | |
DAY | |
WEEK | |
This enumeration specifies the type of the trigger.
Value | Description |
generic | Generic trigger type. |
elastic | Elastic computing trigger type. |
A virtual container is a logical grouping of objects with a shared variable space and applied policies. Containers can hold virtual machines, physical machines, jobs, reservations, and/or nodes and req node sets. Containers can also be nested inside other containers.
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
id | String | No | No |
The unique ID of this virtual container. |
aclRules | Set<AclRule> | No | No |
The set of access control rules associated with this virtual container. |
createDate | Date | No | No |
The date/time that the virtual container was created. |
creator | String | No | No |
The creator of the virtual container. |
description | String | Yes | Yes |
A user-defined string that acts as a label. |
flags | Set<VirtualContainerFlag> | No | Yes |
The flags on this virtual container. |
jobs | Set<DomainProxyVersion1> | No | Yes |
The set of jobs in this virtual container. |
nodes | Set<DomainProxyVersion1> | No | Yes |
The set of nodes in this virtual container. |
owner | EmbeddedCredential | Yes | Yes |
The owner of the virtual container. |
reservations | Set<Reservation> | No | Yes |
The set of reservations in this virtual container. |
variables | Map<String, Map> | No | Yes |
Variables associated with the virtual container. |
virtualContainers | Set<VirtualContainer> | No | Yes |
The set of virtual containers in this virtual container. |
virtualMachines | Set<DomainProxyVersion1> | No | Yes |
The set of virtual machines in this virtual container. |
This class represents a rule that can be in Moab's access control list (ACL) mechanism.
The basic AclRule information is the object's name and type. The type directly maps to an AclType value. The default mechanism Moab uses to check the ACL for a particular item is if the user or object coming in has ANY of the values in the ACL, then the user or object is given access. If no values match the user or object in question, the user or object is rejected access.
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
affinity | AclAffinity | No | Yes |
Reservation ACLs allow or deny access to reserved resources but they may also be configured to affect a job's affinity for a particular reservation. By default, jobs gravitate toward reservations through a mechanism known as positive affinity. This mechanism allows jobs to run on the most constrained resources leaving other, unreserved resources free for use by other jobs that may not be able to access the reserved resources. Normally this is a desired behavior. However, sometimes, it is desirable to reserve resources for use only as a last resort-using the reserved resources only when there are no other resources available. This last resort behavior is known as negative affinity. |
comparator | ComparisonOperator | No | Yes |
The type of comparison to make against the ACL object. |
type | AclType | No | Yes |
The type of the object that is being granted (or denied) access. |
value | String | No | Yes |
The name of the object that is being granted (or denied) access. |
This enumeration describes the values available for describing how a rule is used in establishing access to an object in Moab. Currently, these ACL affinities are used only for granting access to reservations.
This enumeration is used when Moab needs to compare items. One such use is in Access Control Lists (ACLs).
This enumeration describes the values available for the type of an ACL Rule.
This enumeration specifies the flag types of a virtual container.
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
id | String | No | No |
The id of the object. |
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
name | String | No | No |
type | CredentialType | No | No |
Value | Description |
USER | |
QOS | |
A reservation is the mechanism by which Moab guarantees the availability of a set of resources at a particular time. Each reservation consists of three major components: (1) a set of resources, (2) a time frame, and (3) an access control list. It is a scheduler role to ensure that the access control list is not violated during the reservation's lifetime (that is, its time frame) on the resources listed. For example, a reservation may specify that node002 is reserved for user Tom on Friday. The scheduler is thus constrained to make certain that only Tom's jobs can use node002 at any time on Friday.
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
id | String | No | No |
The unique ID of the reservation. |
accountingAccount | String | Yes | No |
Accountable Account. |
accountingGroup | String | Yes | No |
Accountable Group. |
accountingQOS | String | Yes | No |
Accountable QOS. |
accountingUser | String | Yes | No |
Accountable User. |
aclRules | Set<AclRule> | Yes | No |
The set of access control rules associated with this reservation. |
allocatedNodeCount | Integer | No | No |
The number of allocated nodes for this reservation. |
allocatedNodes | Set<DomainProxyVersion1> | No | No |
The nodes allocated to the reservation. |
allocatedProcessorCount | Integer | No | No |
The number of allocated processors. |
allocatedTaskCount | Integer | No | No |
The number of allocated tasks. |
comments | String | Yes | No |
Reservation's comments or description. |
creationDate | Date | No | No |
Creation date. Automatically set by Moab when a user creates the reservation. |
duration | Long | Yes | No |
The duration of the reservation (in seconds). |
endDate | Date | Yes | No |
The end date of the reservation. This is especially useful for one-time reservations, which have an exact time for when a reservation ends. |
excludeJobs | Set<String> | Yes | No |
The list of jobs to exclude. Client must also set the IGNJOBRSV reservation flag. Otherwise, results are undefined. Used only during reservation creation. |
expireDate | Date | No | No |
The date/time when the reservation expires and vacates. |
flags | Set<ReservationFlag> | Yes | No |
The flags associated with the reservation. |
globalId | String | No | No |
Global reservation ID. |
hostListExpression | String | Yes | No |
The list of nodes a user can select to reserve. This may or may not be the nodes that are currently allocated to this reservation. Note: Either hostListExpression or taskCount must be set to create a reservation. |
idPrefix | String | Yes | No |
The user-specified prefix for this reservation. If provided, Moab combines the idPrefix with an integer, and the combination is the unique identifier for this reservation. |
isActive | Boolean | No | No |
State whether or not this reservation is currently active. |
isTracked | Boolean | No | No |
States whether reservation resource usage is tracked. |
label | String | Yes | No |
When a label is assigned to a reservation, the reservation can then be referenced by that label as well as by the reservation name. |
maxTasks | Integer | No | No |
The maximum number of tasks for this reservation. |
messages | Set<MessageVersion1> | No | No |
Messages for the reservation. |
owner | EmbeddedCredential | Yes | No |
The owner of the reservation |
partitionId | String | Yes | No |
The ID of the partition this reservation is for. |
profile | String | Yes | No |
The profile that this reservation is using. A profile is a specification of attributes that all reservations share. Used only during reservation creation. |
requirements | ReservationRequirement | Yes | No |
The reservation's requirements. |
reservationGroup | String | Yes | No |
The reservation group to which the reservation belongs. |
resources | Map<String, Integer> | Yes | No |
The reservation's resources. This field is a map, where the key is PROCS, MEM DISK, SWAP, or one or more user-defined keys. |
startDate | Date | Yes | No |
The start time for the reservation. This is especially useful for one-time reservations, which have an exact time for when a reservation starts. |
statistics | ReservationStatistics | No | No |
The reservation's statistical information. |
subType | String | Yes | No |
The reservation sub-type. |
taskCount | Integer | No | No |
The number of tasks that must be allocated to satisfy the reservation request. Note: Either hostListExpression or taskCount must be set to create a reservation. |
trigger | Trigger | Yes | No |
Trigger for reservation. Used only during reservation creation. |
triggerIds | Set<String> | No | No |
The IDs of the triggers attached to this reservation. |
uniqueIndex | String | No | No |
The globally-unique reservation index. |
variables | Map<String, Map> | Yes | Yes |
The set of variables for this reservation. |
The flag types of a reservation.
Represents all the types of requirements a user can request while creating a reservation.
Represents some basic statistical information that is kept about the usage of reservations. All metrics that are kept track relate to processor-seconds usage.
Field Name | Type | POST | PUT | Description |
id | String | No | No |
Trigger id - internal ID used by moab to track triggers |
action | String | No | No |
For exec atype triggers, signifies executable and arguments. For jobpreempt atype triggers, signifies PREEMPTPOLICY to apply to jobs that are running on allocated resources. For changeparam atype triggers, specifies the parameter to change and its new value (using the same syntax and behavior as the changeparam command). |
actionType | TriggerActionType | No | No |
blockTime | Date | No | No |
Time (in seconds) Moab will suspend normal operation to wait for trigger execution to finish. Use caution as Moab will completely stop normal operation until BlockTime expires. |
description | String | No | No |
eventType | TriggerEventType | No | No |
expireTime | Date | No | No |
Time at which trigger should be terminated if it has not already been activated. |
failOffset | Date | No | No |
Specifies the time (in seconds) that the threshold condition must exist before the trigger fires. |
flags | Set<TriggerFlag> | No | No |
interval | Boolean | No | No |
When used in conjunction with MultiFire and RearmTime trigger will fire at regular intervals. Can be used with TriggerEventType.EPOCH to create a Standing Trigger. |
maxRetry | Integer | No | No |
Specifies the number of times Action will be attempted before the trigger is designated a failure. |
multiFire | Boolean | No | No |
Specifies whether this trigger can fire multiple times. Defaults to false. |
name | String | No | No |
Trigger name - can be auto assigned by moab or requested. Alphanumeric up to 16 characters in length |
objectId | String | No | No |
The ID of the object which this is attached to. |
objectType | String | No | No |
The type of object which this is attached to. Possible values:
offset | Date | No | No |
Relative time offset from event when trigger can fire. |
period | TriggerPeriod | No | No |
Can be used in conjunction with Offset to have a trigger fire at the beginning of the specified period. Can be used with EType epoch to create a standing trigger. |
rearmTime | Date | No | No |
Time between MultiFire triggers. Rearm time is enforced from the trigger event time. |
requires | String | No | No |
Variables this trigger requires to be set or not set before it will fire. Preceding the string with an exclamation mark (!) indicates this variable must NOT be set. Used in conjunction with Sets to create trigger dependencies. |
sets | String | No | No |
Variable values this trigger sets upon success or failure. Preceding the string with an exclamation mark (!) indicates this variable is set upon trigger failure. Preceding the string with a caret (^) indicates this variable is to be exported to the parent object when the current object is destroyed through a completion event. Used in conjunction with Requires to create trigger dependencies. |
threshold | String | No | No |
Reservation usage threshold - When reservation usage drops below Threshold, trigger will fire. |
timeout | Date | No | No |
Time allotted to this trigger before it is marked as unsuccessful and its process (if any) killed. |
type | TriggerType | No | No |
The type of the trigger. |
unsets | String | No | No |
Variable this trigger destroys upon success or failure. |
This enumeration specifies the action type of a trigger.
This enumeration specifies the event type of a trigger.
Value | Description |
END | |
FAIL | |
HOLD | |
This enumeration specifies a flag belonging to a trigger.
This enumeration specifies the period of a trigger.
Value | Description |
HOUR | |
DAY | |
WEEK | |
This enumeration specifies the type of the trigger.
Value | Description |
generic | Generic trigger type. |
elastic | Elastic computing trigger type. |
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