4.225 ViewpointQueryHelper Plugin

This plugin is required if Viewpoint is part of your configuration.

This plugin provides a web service that allows Viewpoint to query the Moab Workload Manager Insight database.

4.225.1 Configuration Parameters

Name Required Type Description
host Yes String The hostname or IP address of the machine where MongoDB is running.
database Yes String The name of the MongoDB database that Insight writes to.
port Yes Integer The port the MongoDB database is running on.
user Yes String The username with which to connect to MongoDB.
password Yes String The password associated with the username parameter.

4.225.2 Permissions

Unless otherwise specified, all web services in the plugin must be called by an authenticated user who has the read-insight-privileged permission. This permission exists in MWS HPC environments and is granted by default to user that have the HPCAdmin role.

The read-insight-privileged permission and the HPCAdmin role are created when MWS starts with the configuration option mws.suite set to "HPC".

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