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4.516.1 Introduction
This test determines if the proper environment has been established.
4.516.2 Test Steps
Submit a test job and the issue a hold on the job.
> qsub -c enabled test.sh
> qhold 999
4.516.3 Possible Failures
Normally the result of qhold is nothing. If an error message is produced saying that qhold is not a supported feature then one of the following configuration errors might be present.
4.516.4 Successful Results
If no configuration was done to specify a specific directory location for the checkpoint file, the default location is off of the Torque directory, which in my case is
Otherwise, go to the specified directory for the checkpoint image files. This was done by either specifying an option on job submission, i.e. -c dir=/home/test or by setting an attribute on the execution queue. This is done with the command qmgr -c 'set queue batch checkpoint_dir=/home/test'.
Doing a directory listing shows the following.
# find /var/spool/torque/checkpoint
# find /var/spool/torque/checkpoint |xargs ls -l
-r-------- 1 root root 543779 2008-03-11 14:17 /var/spool/torque/checkpoint/999.xxx.yyy.CK/ckpt.999.xxx.yyy.1205266630
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2008-03-11 14:17 999.xxx.yyy.CK
total 536
-r-------- 1 root root 543779 2008-03-11 14:17 ckpt.999.xxx.yyy.1205266630
Doing a qstat -f command should show the job in a held state, job_state = H. Note that the attribute checkpoint_name is set to the name of the file seen above.
If a checkpoint directory has been specified, there will also be an attribute checkpoint_dir in the output of qstat -f.
$ qstat -f
Job Id: 999.xxx.yyy
Job_Name = test.sh
Job_Owner = [email protected]
resources_used.cput = 00:00:00
resources_used.mem = 0kb
resources_used.vmem = 0kb
resources_used.walltime = 00:00:06
job_state = H
queue = batch
server = xxx.yyy
Checkpoint = u
ctime = Tue Mar 11 14:17:04 2008
Error_Path = xxx.yyy:/home/test/test.sh.e999
exec_host = test/0
Hold_Types = u
Join_Path = n
Keep_Files = n
Mail_Points = a
mtime = Tue Mar 11 14:17:10 2008
Output_Path = xxx.yyy:/home/test/test.sh.o999
Priority = 0
qtime = Tue Mar 11 14:17:04 2008
Rerunable = True
Resource_List.neednodes = 1
Resource_List.nodect = 1
Resource_List.nodes = 1
Resource_List.walltime = 01:00:00
session_id = 9402 substate = 20
Variable_List = PBS_O_HOME=/home/test,PBS_O_LANG=en_US.UTF-8,
PBS_O_PATH=/usr/local/perltests/bin:/home/test/bin:/usr/local/s bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games,
euser = test
egroup = test
hashname = 999.xxx.yyy
queue_rank = 3
queue_type = E comment = Job started on Tue Mar 11 at 14:17
exit_status = 271
submit_args = test.sh
start_time = Tue Mar 11 14:17:04 2008
start_count = 1
checkpoint_dir = /var/spool/torque/checkpoint/999.xxx.yyy.CK
checkpoint_name = ckpt.999.xxx.yyy.1205266630
The value of Resource_List.* is the amount of resources requested.
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