You are here: 3 Scheduler Commands > Commands > Deprecated Commands > setres

3.58 setres

This command is deprecated. Use mrsvctl -c instead.

3.58.1 Synopsis

setres [arguments] resourceexpression
[ -b <SUBTYPE> ]
[ -c <CHARGE_SPEC> ]
[ -d <DURATION> ]
[ -e <ENDTIME> ]
[ -g <GROUP_LIST> ]
[ -n <NAME> ]
[ -o <OWNER> ]
[ -p <PARTITION> ]
[ -q <QUEUE_LIST> ] // (i.e. CLASS_LIST)
[ -Q <QOSLIST> ]
[ -s <STARTTIME> ]
[ -T <TRIGGER> ]
[ -u <USER_LIST> ]
[ -x <FLAGS> ]

3.58.2 Overview

Reserve resources for use by jobs with particular credentials or attributes.

3.58.3 Access

This command can be run by level 1 and level 2 Moab administrators.

3.58.4 Parameters

Name Format Default Description
ACCOUNT_LIST <STRING>[:<STRING>]... --- List of accounts that will be allowed access to the reserved resources
SUBTYPE <STRING> --- Specify the subtype for a reservation
CHARGE_SPEC <ACCOUNT>[,<GROUP>[,<USER>]] --- Specifies which credentials will be accountable for unused resources dedicated to the reservation
CLASS_LIST <STRING>[:<STRING>]... --- List of classes that will be allowed access to the reserved resource
DURATION [[[DD:]HH:]MM:]SS INFINITY Duration of the reservation (not needed if ENDTIME is specified)
INFINITY Absolute or relative time reservation will end (not required if Duration specified)
EXCLUSIVE N/A N/A Requests exclusive access to resources
FEATURE_LIST <STRING>[:<STRING>]... --- List of node features which must be possessed by the reserved resources
FLAGS <STRING>[:<STRING>]... --- List of reservation flags (See Managing Reservations for details)
GROUP_LIST <STRING>[:<STRING>]... --- List of groups that will be allowed access to the reserved resources
NAME <STRING> Name set to first name listed in ACL or SYSTEM if no ACL specified Name for new reservation
OWNER <CREDTYPE>:<CREDID> where CREDTYPE is one of user, group, acct, class, or qos N/A Specifies which credential is granted reservation ownership privileges
PARTITION <STRING> [ANY] Partition in which resources must be located
QOS_LIST <STRING>[:<STRING>]... --- List of QOS's that will be allowed access to the reserved resource
Existing reservation profile ID N/A Requests that default reservation attributes be loaded from the specified reservation profile (see RSVPROFILE)
RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION Colon delimited list of zero or more of the following <ATTR>=<VALUE> pairs
PROCS=-1 Specifies the resources to be reserved per task. (-1 indicates all resources on node)
Required Field. No Default

Specifies the tasks to reserve. ALL indicates all resources available should be reserved.

If ALL or a host expression is specified, Moab will apply the reservation regardless of existing reservations and exclusive issues. If TASKS is used, Moab will only allocate accessible resources.

NOW Absolute or relative time reservation will start
TRIGGER <STRING> N/A Comma delimited reservation trigger list following format described in the trigger format section of the reservation configuration overview.
USER_LIST <STRING>[:<STRING>]... --- List of users that will be allowed access to the reserved resources

3.58.5 Description

The setres command allows an arbitrary block of resources to be reserved for use by jobs which meet the specified access constraints. The timeframe covered by the reservation can be specified on either an absolute or relative basis. Only jobs with credentials listed in the reservation ACL (i.e., USERLIST, GROUPLIST,...) can utilize the reserved resources. However, these jobs still have the freedom to utilize resources outside of the reservation. The reservation will be assigned a name derived from the ACL specified. If no reservation ACL is specified, the reservation is created as a system reservation and no jobs will be allowed access to the resources during the specified timeframe (valuable for system maintenance, etc.). See the Reservation Overview for more information.

Reservations can be viewed using the showres command and can be released using the releaseres command.

3.58.6 Examples

Example 3-74:  

> setres -u john:mary -s +24:00:00 -d 8:00:00 TASKS==2
reservation 'john.1' created on 2 nodes (2 tasks)

Reserve two nodes for use by users john and mary for a period of 8 hours starting in 24 hours.

Example 3-75:  

> setres -s 8:00:00_06/20 -e 17:00:00_06/22 ALL
reservation 'system.1' created on 8 nodes (8 tasks)

Schedule a system wide reservation to allow system maintenance on Jun 20, 8:00 AM until Jun 22, 5:00 PM.

Example 3-76:  

> setres -r PROCS=1:MEM=512 -g staff -l interactive 'node00[3-6]'
reservation 'staff.1' created on 4 nodes (4 tasks)

Reserve one processor and 512 MB of memory on nodes node003 through node node006 for members of the group staff and jobs in the interactive class.

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