6.24 Upgrading Nitro Web Services

This topic contains instructions on how to upgrade Nitro Web Services.

6.24.1 Upgrade Nitro Web Services

On the host where Nitro Web Services resides, do the following:

  1. If you have not already done so, complete the steps to prepare the host. See 6.17 Preparing for Nitro Manual Installation or Upgrade.
  2. Stop the services.
    [root]# service nitro-web-services stop
    [root]# service nitro-zmq-job-status-adapter stop
    [root]# systemctl stop nitro-web-services.service
    [root]# systemctl stop nitro-zmq-job-status-adapter.service
    [root]# systemctl stop nitro-web-services.service
    [root]# systemctl stop nitro-zmq-job-status-adapter.service
  3. Back up the contents of the /opt/nitro-web-services/etc directory (at least the nitro.cfg and the zmq_job_status_adapter.cfg files).

  4. Remove the /opt/nitro-web-services directory.

    [root]# rm -rf /opt/nitro-web-services
  5. Change the directory to the root of the unpacked Nitro tarball bundle.

    [root]# cd nitro-tarball-bundle-<version>-<OS>
  6. Identify and unpack the Nitro Web Services tarball (nitro-web-services-<version>.<OS>.tar.gz).
    [root]# tar -xzvpf nitro-web-services-<version>.<OS>.tar.gz
  7. Install Nitro Web Services.

    [root]# cd ./nitro-web-services-<version>.<OS>
    [root]# ./install <directory>
    # <directory> is where you want to install Nitro Web Services (defaults to /opt)
  8. Restore the nitro.cfg and the zmq_job_status_adapter.cfg files (and any other files) you backed up earlier in this procedure.

    See "Understand and edit the configuration files." for more information on the configuration files.

  9. Start the services.
    [root]# service nitro-web-services start
    [root]# service nitro-zmq-job-status-adapter start
    [root]# systemctl start nitro-web-services.service
    [root]# systemctl start nitro-zmq-job-status-adapter.service
    [root]# systemctl start nitro-web-services.service
    [root]# systemctl start nitro-zmq-job-status-adapter.service

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