You are here: Configuration > Roles > Deleting Roles

1.10 Deleting Roles

Use the Role Management page to delete existing roles.

You cannot delete roles if the roles have been selected in principals.

To delete roles, do the following:

  1. If you have not already done so, access the Role Management page. (Click Configuration from the menu, then click Roles from the left pane.)
  2. Hover the mouse over the name of the role you want to remove, click the menu icon that appears, and click Delete.
  3. When the window appears asking you to confirm the delete, click OK to delete the role; otherwise, click Cancel.

If you removed a default role (HPCAdmin, HPCUser, NitroAdmin, NitroUser, RemoteVizAdmin, or RemoteVisUser), a RECREATE BASE ROLES button appears on this page. You can click this button to restore the default role (with its default permissions); however, this action also affects the other default role. This action resets the permissions for both default roles (but not the assigned principals for the still existing role).

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