You are here: 3 Scheduler Commands > Commands > Deprecated Commands > releaseres

3.53 releaseres

This command is deprecated. Use mrsvctl -r instead.

3.53.1 Synopsis

releaseres [arguments] reservationid [reservationid...]

3.53.2 Overview

Release existing reservation.

This command allows Moab Scheduler Administrators to release any user, group, account, job, or system reservation. Users are allowed to release reservations on jobs they own. Note that releasing a reservation on an active job has no effect since the reservation will be automatically recreated.

3.53.3 Access

Users can use this command to release any reservation they own. Level 1 and level 2 Moab administrators may use this command to release any reservation.

3.53.4 Parameters

RESERVATION ID Name of reservation to release.

3.53.5 Examples

Example 3-69: Release two existing reservations

> releaseres system.1 bob.2
released User reservation 'system.1'
released User reservation 'bob.2'

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