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As the RLM Server can run multiple licenses, it is recommended that you install one RLM Server for your configuration.
However, if your configuration requires more than one RLM Server, you will need to configure the Adaptive Computing products to connect to a specific RLM Server. If not configured to connect to a specific RLM Server, the Adaptive Computing product will scan the network and connect to the first RLM Server it finds listening to request the license. If the first RLM Server does not have the product's license, the RLM connection will fail.
If you are using multiple RLM Servers, do the following to configure the an Adaptive Computing product to connect to a specific RLM Server:
start() { su -l $rlmuser -s /bin/bash -c "$rlmdir/rlm -l -dlog $debuglog -noudp &" }
On the host where the Adapative Computing product resides, do the following:
HOST <hostname> ANY 5053
Repeat as needed for each Adaptive Computing product that you want to connect to a specific RLM Server.