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Additionally, pbs_server no longer allows incoming requests to pile up indefinitely. When the threadpool is too busy for incoming requests, it indicates such, returning PBSE_SERVER_BUSY with the accompanying message that "Pbs Server is currently too busy to service this request. Please retry this request." The threshold for this message, if the request is from a manager, is that at least two threads be available in the threadpool. If the request comes from a non-manager, 5% of the threadpool must be available for the request to be serviced. Note that availability is calculated based on the maximum threads and not based on the current number of threads allocated.
If an undesirably large number of requests are given a busy response, one option is to increase the number of maximum threads for the threadpool. If the load on the server is already very high, then this is probably not going to help, but if the CPU load is lower, then it may help. Remember that by default the threadpool shrinks down once the extra threads are no longer needed. This is controlled via the thread_idle_seconds server parameter.
Any change in the min_threads, max_threads, or thread_idle_seconds parameters requires a restart of pbs_server to take effect.