1.15 Principals Page

The Principals page lets you specify the users, groups, or organizational units and their applicable roles for a principal configuration.

To access this page click Configuration in the menu bar, click Principals in the left pane, and then click either Create to add a new principal or click next to the principal you want to edit.

This topic provides an example of the Principals page and describes its layout and available information.

In this topic:

1.15.1 Page Example

The following image is an example of the Principals page.

Click to enlarge

1.15.2 Available Fields

The following table identifies fields in the Principals page.

Field Description

Lets you specify the name of the principal. The name you specify appears in the list of principals on the Principal Management page.

You cannot modify the principal name after creating a principal.

Description (Optional) Lets you specify a text description of the principal.

Lets you select which roles are assigned to the principal.

Only roles defined for your Viewpoint configuration will appear in the selection list. See Creating or Editing Roles for details on creating roles.

Principal Entity

Lets you specify an LDAP or PAM entity with this principal.

If this principal entity is listed under an LDAP group or organizational unit, you must provide the entire distinguished name; PAM group names represent the UNIX group on the underlying server.

Click to add or click to remove entities.


Specifies whether the principal entity is an LDAP user name, group, or organizational unit or a PAM user name or group.

1.15.3 Page Actions

These buttons let you perform actions on this page:

  • CANCEL – Closes the page without saving any changes.
  • DONE – Saves any changes and closes the page.
  • APPLY – Saves the changes but does not close the page.

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