8.9 Provided Aggregated Views

Viewpoint comes configured with several aggregated views that you can copy, customize for your environment, and use as the basis for reports you create. The provided aggregated views include:

Name Description
account_share_of_jobs The share of completed jobs associated with an account
class_completed_job_activity Conpleted jobs categorized by class (e.g., batch, interactive)
class_share_of_jobs The share of completed jobs associated with a class
dedication_and_utilization_by_most_active_accounts Processor time dedicated and utilized, by account
dedication_and_utilization_by_most_active_classes Processor time dedicated and utilized, by class
dedication_and_utilization_by_most_active_groups Processor time dedicated and utilized, by group
dedication_and_utilization_by_most_active_qoses Processor time dedicated and utilized, by QoS
dedication_and_utilization_by_most_active_users Processor time dedicated and utilized, by user
feature_completed_job_activity Completed jobs, categorized by required feature
generic_resource_completed_job_activity Completed jobs, categorized by generic resource
how_long_did_each_job_wait_to_start Wait time for each job
how_many_unique_users_ran_a_job Number of jobs submitted by each user
list_of_the_reservations_that_were_in_effect_during_some_time_period Reservations in effect during a time period, with reservation properties
overall_availablility_and_utilization System processor time available and utilized
partition_completed_job_activity Completed jobs categorized by partition
qos_completed_job_activity Completed jobs categorized by QoS
qos_share_of_jobs The share of completed jobs associated with a QoS
support_node_state_outage_report Node state (e.g., up, down, running, drained, idle) for a time period
wait_time_by_individual_account Wait time for each account's jobs
wait_time_by_individual_class Wait time for jobs in each job class
wait_time_by_individual_group Wait time for each group's jobs
wait_time_by_individual_qos Wait time for jobs in each QoS
wait_time_by_individual_user Wait time for each user's jobs
what_percentage_of_jobs_ran_on_different_intervals Percentage of jobs with wait time in each time interval (<1 min, 1-30 min, 30-60 min, 1-12 hours, 12-24 hours, >24 hours)
who_are_the_most_active_users Job count by user

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