You are here: Troubleshooting > General Issues

5.1 General Issues

This topic details some common problems and general solutions.

In this topic:

5.1.1 Where do I need to set credentials and what are the default values?

Communication and cooperation between various components of the Moab requires credentials to be properly configured. For ease of use, the credential information, including where credentials are set, default values, and where they are used are grouped by database and product.

In this section:

5.1.1.A Database Credentials

5.1.1.B Product Credentials

5.1.1.A Database Credentials


Database User Default Password Used By


admin admin_user secret1 system admins NA
moab moab_user secret2 /opt/moab/etc/moab-private.cfg MONGOUSER, MONGOPASSWORD
moab mws_user secret3 /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy grails.mongo.username, grails.mongo.password
moab insight_user secret4 /opt/insight/etc/config.groovy moab.mongo.username, moab.mongo.password
mws mws_user secret3 /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy grails.mongo.username, grails.mongo.password
insight insight_user secret4 /opt/insight/etc/config.groovy mongo.username, mongo.password
insight mws_user secret3 http://<mws_server>:8080/mws/admin/plugins/edit/viewpoint-query-helper user, password
nitro-db nitro_user secret5 /opt/nitro-web-services/etc/nitro.cfg db_username, db_password
reporting reporting_user secret6 /opt/reporting/application.conf database.username, database.password

The following characters must be escaped in strings in the /opt/insight/etc/config.groovy and /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy files (such as when used in a password): \ (backslash), " (double quote), ' (single quote), $ (dollar sign). Example: mongo.password="my\$cool\$password". It is recommended that you avoid using these characters.


Database User Default Password Used By


moab_viewpoint moab_viewpoint changeme! /opt/viewpoint/etc/viewpoint.cfg



mam mam changeme! /opt/mam/etc/mam-server.cfg



Apache Drill

The Drill host should have a a user that Reporting Web Services can use to authenticate to Drill

Host User File Parameter Name

Default Value

Drill host drilluser /opt/reporting-web-services/etc/ changeme!

5.1.1.B Product Credentials

Moab Workload Manager

Declared Parameter Used By Default Value
File Parameter Name File Parameter Name
/opt/moab/etc/moab-private.cfg MESSAGEQUEUESECRETKEY /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy moab.messageQueue.secretKey NA
/opt/insight/etc/config.groovy messageQueue.secretKey
/opt/moab/etc/.moab.key NA /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy moab.secretKey NA


Moab Accounting Manager

Declared Parameter Used By Default Value
File Parameter Name File Parameter Name
/opt/mam/etc/mam-site.conf token.value /opt/moab/etc/moab-private.cfg CLIENTCFG[AM:mam] KEY NA

Moab Web Services

Declared Parameter Used By Default Value
File Parameter Name File Parameter Name
/opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy auth.defaultUser.username http://<viewpoint_server>:8081/configuration/ Username moab-admin
/opt/moab/etc/moab-private.cfg CLIENTCFG[RM:mws] USERNAME
/opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy auth.defaultUser.password http://<viewpoint_server>:8081/configuration/ Password changeme!
/opt/moab/etc/moab-private.cfg CLIENTCFG[RM:mws] PASSWORD
/opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy grails.plugin.springsecurity.oauthProvider.clients[0].clientSecret http://<viewpoint_server>:8081/configuration/ Client Secret NA

The following characters must be escaped in strings in the /opt/insight/etc/config.groovy and /opt/mws/etc/mws-config.groovy files (such as when used in a password): \ (backslash), " (double quote), ' (single quote), $ (dollar sign). Example: mongo.password="my\$cool\$password". It is recommended that you avoid using these characters.

Nitro Web Services

Declared Parameter Used By Default Value
File Parameter Name
/opt/nitro-web-services/etc/nitro.cfg ws_admin_password Installation - default NWS API user creation ChangeMe2!
/opt/nitro-web-services/etc/nitro.cfg ws_readonly_username

Installation - default NWS API user creation

http://<viewpoint_server>:8081/configuration/ -> Nitro Services -> Username

/opt/nitro-web-services/etc/nitro.cfg ws_readonly_password

Installation - default NWS API user creation

http://<viewpoint_server>:8081/configuration/ -> Nitro Services -> Password

/opt/nitro-web-services/etc/nitro.cfg ws_writeonly_username

Installation - default NWS API user creation

/opt/nitro-web-services/etc/zmq_job_status_adapter.cfg -> username

/opt/nitro-web-services/etc/nitro.cfg ws_writeonly_password

Installation - default NWS API user creation

/opt/nitro-web-services/etc/zmq_job_status_adapter.cfg -> password



Declared Parameter Used By Default Value
File Parameter Name
/opt/viewpoint/etc/viewpoint.cfg username http://<viewpoint_server>:8081/login/ viewpoint-admin
/opt/viewpoint/etc/viewpoint.cfg password http://<viewpoint_server>:8081/login/ changeme!

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