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If you intend to use Torque Resource Manager with Moab Workload Manager, you must run Moab version 8.0 or later. However, some Torque functionality may not be available. See Compatibility Requirements in the Moab HPC Suite Release Notes for more information.
This topic contains instructions on how to install, configure, and start Torque Resource Manager (Torque).
For Cray systems, Adaptive Computing recommends that you install Moab and Torque Servers (head nodes) on commodity hardware (not on Cray compute/service/login nodes).
However, you must install the Torque pbs_mom daemon and Torque client commands on Cray login and "mom" service nodes since the pbs_mom must run on a Cray service node within the Cray system so it has access to the Cray ALPS subsystem.
See Installation Notes for Moab and Torque for Cray in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide for instructions on installing Moab and Torque on a non-Cray server.
In this topic:
If your site is running firewall software on its hosts, you will need to configure the firewall to allow connections to the necessary ports.
Location | Ports | Functions | When Needed |
Torque Server Host | 15001 | Torque Client and MOM communication to Torque Server | Always |
Torque MOM Host (Compute Nodes) | 15002 | Torque Server communication to Torque MOMs | Always |
Torque MOM Host (Compute Nodes) | 15003 | Torque MOM communication to other Torque MOMs | Always |
See also:
If your configuration uses firewalls, you must open the necessary ports before installing the Torque Server. See 3.7.1 Open Necessary Ports.
On the Torque Server Host, do the following:
[root]# zypper install moab-torque-server
[root]# . /etc/profile.d/torque.sh
[root]# vi /var/spool/torque/server_priv/nodes node01 np=16 node02 np=16 ...
[root]# systemctl start pbs_server.service [root]# systemctl start trqauthd.service
In most installations, you will install a Torque MOM on each of your compute nodes.
Do the following:
[root]# scp <dir>/RPMs/hwloc*.rpm <torque-mom-host>: [root]# scp <dir>/RPMs/moab-torque-common-*.rpm <torque-mom-host>: [root]# scp <dir>/RPMs/moab-torque-mom-*.rpm <torque-mom-host>: [root]# scp <dir>/RPMs/moab-torque-client-*.rpm <torque-mom-host>:
[root]# zypper install hwloc* moab-torque-common-*.rpm moab-torque-mom-*.rpm moab-torque-client-*.rpm
[root]# echo <torque_server_hostname> > /var/spool/torque/server_name
[root]# vi /var/spool/torque/mom_priv/config $logevent 225 # bitmap of which events to log
On each Torque MOM Host, start the pbs_mom daemon.
[root]# systemctl start pbs_mom.service
[root]# systemctl start trqauthd.service
3.7.4 Configure Data Management
When a batch job completes, stdout and stderr files are generated and placed in the spool directory on the master Torque MOM Host for the job instead of the submit host. You can configure the Torque batch environment to copy the stdout and stderr files back to the submit host. See Configuring Data Management in the Torque Resource Manager Administrator Guide for more information.
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