You are here: RPM Installation > Installation and Configuration > Preparing for RPM Installs > Preparing the Host – Typical Method

3.4 Preparing the Host – Typical Method

This topic contains instructions on how to download the Moab HPC Suite RPM bundle and enable the Adaptive Computing repository for all the hosts in your configuration.

The Moab HPC Suite RPM bundle contains all the RPMs for the Moab HPC Suite components and modules. However, not every component may be installed on the same host (for example, it is recommended that you install the Torque Server on a different host from the Moab Server.

Whether you are installing RPMs on one host or on several hosts, each host (physical machine) on which a server is installed (Torque Server Host, Moab Server Host, etc) must have the Adaptive Computing Package Repository enabled. If Remote Visualization is part of your configuration, the Adaptive Computing Package Repository must also be enabled on the Torque MOM Hosts (compute nodes); otherwise is not necessary to enable the Adaptive Computing repository on the Torque MOM Hosts or client hosts.

On each host (physical machine), do the following:

  1. If your site uses a proxy to connect to the Internet, do the following:

    export http_proxy=http://<proxy_server_id>:<port>
    export https_proxy=http://<proxy_server_id>:<port>
  2. Add the SLES 12 DVD ISO image as a repository.

    [root]# zypper addrepo --refresh iso:/?iso=/srv/iso/SLE-12-SP1-Server-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso sles12sp1_dvd1
  3. Download the SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 Software Development Kit e-Media Kit and add the ISO image as a repository.

    [root]# zypper addrepo --refresh iso:/?iso=/srv/iso/SLE-12-SP1-SDK-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso sles12sp1_sdk1
  4. Update your system software to the latest version.

    [root]# zypper update
  5. Ensure hostname resolution for all hosts.

    Each host should be resolvable from all other hosts in the cluster. Usually this is implemented by having all hosts in DNS. Alternatively, each host may include all other hosts (with the correct IP address) in its /etc/hosts file.

  6. Download the latest Moab HPC Suite RPM bundle from the Adaptive Computing Moab HPC Suite Download Center.
  7. Untar the RPM bundle.
    [root]# tar zxf moab-hpc-suite-9.1.1-<OS>.tar.gz

    The variable marked <OS> indicates the OS for which the build was designed.

  8. Change directories into the untarred directory.
    [root]# cd moab-hpc-suite-9.1.1-<OS>

    Consider reviewing the README file for additional details on using the RPM distribution tarball.

  9. Install the suite repositories. The -y option installs with the default settings for the RPM suite.

    For a description of the options of the repository installer script, run:

    [root]# ./ -h

    [root]# ./ [<repository-directory>] [-y]

    The [<repository-directory>] option is the directory where you want to copy the RPMs. If no argument is given, run " -h" to view usage information and identify the default directory location. If the [<repository-directory>] already exists, RPMs will be added to the existing directory. No files are overwritten in [<repository-directory>].

    A repository file is also created and points to the [<repository-directory>] location.

    The repository file is created in /etc/zypp/repos.d/.

    For ease in repository maintenance, the install script fails if Adaptive Computing RPMs are copied to different directories. If a non-default [<repository-directory>] is specified, please use the same directory for future updates.

    The script installs the createrepo package and its dependencies. You must answer "y" to all the questions in order for the RPM install of the suite to work.

    Additionally, the script installs the openSUSE Apache:Modules, devel:languages:python, devel:languages:perl, and server:database repositories.

  10. Test the repository.
    [root]# zypper search moab

    If no error is given, the repository is correctly installed. The following is an example of the output after verifying the repository:

    moab-accounting-manager.x86_64 : Moab Accounting Manager for Moab HPC Suite
    moab-hpc-enterprise-suite.noarch : Moab HPC Suite virtual package
    moab-insight.x86_64 : Moab Insight
    moab-perl-RRDs.noarch : Moab RRDs
    moab-tomcat-config.x86_64 : Tomcat Configuration for Web Services
    moab-web-services.x86_64 : Moab Web Services
    moab-workload-manager.x86_64 : Moab Workload Manager
    moab-workload-manager-client.x86_64 : Moab Workload Manager Client
    moab-workload-manager-common.x86_64 : Moab Workload Manager Common Files
    moab-perl-data.noarch : Perl Configuration for perl packages by Adaptive Computing
    moab-torque-client.x86_64 : Torque Client
    moab-torque-common.x86_64 : Torque Common Files
    moab-torque-devel.x86_64 : Torque Development Files
    moab-torque-mom.x86_64 : Torque MOM agent
    moab-torque-server.x86_64 : Torque Server
  11. Continue with instructions to install the Moab HPC Suite components. See 3.2 RPM Installations.

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