(Click to open topic with navigation)
This topic provides information on how to modify the application template's history/version number (api/templates/<history_pk>/history/<version>). See 5.89 Modify Template for information on how to modify the application template itself (api/templates/<id>).
The are two different methods that you can use to modify an application template history/version number:
In this topic:
In this section:
PUT /api/templates/<history_pk>/history/<version>/
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | Example |
history_pk | Yes | String | History ID of the application template | b00ce08c-01ed-4a9d-a916-f587b9f1af44 |
version | Yes | Integer | Version of the application template | 2 |
This section provides an example of how to take an older application template's version and copy and save it as a new (current) version.
PUT /api/templates/b00ce08c-01ed-4a9d-a916-f587b9f1af44/history/1/
{ "url": "http://localhost:8080/api/templates/5/", "history_url": "http://localhost:8080/api/templates/b00ce08c-01ed-4a9d-a916-f587b9f1af44/history/", "changed_by": "moab-admin", "current": true, "date": "2016-09-08T12:14:19.647410Z", "id": 5, "name": "Free Form v.2", "type": "regular", "description": { "text": "<h1><strong>Welcome to our Free Form</strong> Application Template!</h1>\n\n<p>Fill in the inputs and press the "Create" button to submit your job!</p>\n\n<p>-- Enjoy!</p>", "visible": true }, "owner": "moab-admin", "permissions": [ { "name": "ALL", "type": "account" }, { "name": "ALL", "type": "group" }, { "name": "ALL", "type": "user" } ], "published": true, "sections": [ { "name": "description", "value": "Application Description" }, { "name": "advanced", "value": "Advanced Settings" }, { "name": "basic", "value": "Basic Settings" }, { "name": "custom", "value": "Custom Settings" }, { "name": "dataManagement", "value": "Data Management" }, { "name": "resources", "value": "Resources" }, { "name": "credentials", "value": "Credentials" }, { "name": "timeManagement", "value": "Time Management" }, { "name": "defaults", "value": "Basic Job Settings" } ], "use": 0, "widgets": [ { "default_value": "ggg", "editable": true, "label": "Name", "variable_name": "NAME", "visible": true, "properties": [ { "name": "id", "value": "name" }, { "name": "enable", "value": "true" } ] }, { "default_value": "0", "editable": true, "label": "Duration", "variable_name": "DURATION", "visible": true, "properties": [ { "name": "id", "value": "duration" }, { "name": "enable", "value": "true" } ] }, { "default_value": "", "editable": false, "label": "Job Arrays", "variable_name": "arrays", "visible": false, "properties": [ { "name": "id", "value": "arrays" }, { "name": "enable", "value": "false" }, { "name": "start-value", "value": "0" }, { "name": "end-value", "value": "1" }, { "name": "start-variable", "value": "STARTINDEX" }, { "name": "end-variable", "value": "ENDINDEX" } ] }, { 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You must the correct content type when using the PATCH API. If not specified, the API will consider the type as 'text/html' which might cause side effects in the request processing code.
In this section:
PATCH /api/templates/<history_pk>/history/<version>/
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | Example |
history_pk | Yes | String | History ID of the application template | b00ce08c-01ed-4a9d-a916-f587b9f1af44 |
version | Yes | Integer | Version of the application template | 2 |
The following table identifies the application template attributes that can be changed via PATCH call.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
version_description | No | String | Description of changes in this application template's version. |
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