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mdiag -n [-t partitionid] [-A creds] [-w <CONSTRAINT>] [-v] [--format=xml] [nodeid]
5.525.2 Overview
The mdiag -n command provides detailed information about the state of nodes Moab is currently tracking. This command also performs a large number of sanity and state checks. The node configuration and status information as well as the results of the various checks are presented by this command.
5.525.3 Arguments
Flag | Argument | Description |
[-A] | {user|group|account|qos|class|job}:<OBJECTID> | report if each node is accessible by requested job or credential |
[-t] | <partitionid> | report only nodes from specified partition |
[-v] | --- | show verbose output (do not truncate columns and add columns for additional node attributes) |
[-w] | nodestate=drained | display only jobs associated with the specified constraint: nodestate (See DISPLAYFLAGS for more information.) |
5.525.4 Output
This command presents detailed node information in whitespace-delineated fields.
The output of this command can be extensive and the values for a number of fields may be truncated. If truncated, the -v flag can be used to display full field content.
Column | Format |
Name | <NODE NAME> |
State | <NODE STATE> |
Classes | <CLASS NAME> |
Network | <NETWORK NAME>... |
Features | <NODE FEATURE>... |
5.525.5 Examples
Example 5-297:
> mdiag -n compute node summary Name State Procs Memory Opsys opt-001 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-002 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-003 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-004 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-005 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-006 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE WARNING: swap is low on node opt-006 opt-007 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-008 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-009 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-010 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-011 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-012 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-013 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-014 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-015 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE opt-016 Busy 0:2 2048:2048 SUSE x86-001 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-002 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-003 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-004 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-005 Idle 1:1 512:512 Redhat x86-006 Idle 1:1 512:512 Redhat x86-007 Idle 1:1 512:512 Redhat x86-008 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-009 Down 1:1 512:512 Redhat x86-010 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-011 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-012 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-013 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-014 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-015 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat x86-016 Busy 0:1 512:512 Redhat P690-001 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-002 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-003 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-004 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-005 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-006 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-007 Idle 1:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-008 Idle 1:1 16384:16384 AIX WARNING: node P690-008 is missing ethernet adapter P690-009 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-010 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-011 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-012 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-013 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-014 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-015 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX P690-016 Busy 0:1 16384:16384 AIX ----- --- 6:64 745472:745472 ----- Total Nodes: 36 (Active: 30 Idle: 5 Down: 1)
Warning messages are interspersed with the node configuration information with all warnings preceded by the keyword WARNING.
If XML output is requested (via the --format=xml argument), XML based node information will be written to STDOUT in the following format:
mdiag -n --format=xml <Data> <node> <ATTR>="<VAL>" ... </node> ... </Data>
5.525.7 XML Attributes
Name | Description |
ACL | Node Access Control List |
AGRES | Available generic resources |
ALLOCRES | Special allocated resources (like vlans) |
ARCH | The node's processor architecture. |
AVLCLASS | Classes available on the node. |
AVLETIME | Time when the node will no longer be available (used in Utility centers) |
AVLSTIME | Time when the node will be available (used in Utility centers) |
CFGCLASS | Classes configured on the node |
ENABLEPROFILING | If true, a node's state and usage is tracked over time. |
FEATURES | A list of comma-separated custom features describing a node. |
GEVENT | A user-defined event that allows Moab to perform some action. |
GMETRIC | A list of comma-separated consumable resources associated with a node. |
GRES | generic resources on the node |
ISDELETED | Node has been deleted |
ISDYNAMIC | Node is dynamic (used in Utility centers) |
JOBLIST | The list of jobs currently running on a node. |
LOAD | Current load as reported by the resource manager |
LOADWEIGHT | Load weight used when calculating node priority |
MAXJOB | See Node Policies for details. |
MAXJOBPERUSER | See Node Policies for details. |
MAXLOAD | See Node Policies for details. |
MAXPROC | See Node Policies for details. |
MAXPROCPERUSER | See Node Policies for details. |
NETWORK | The ability to specify which networks are available to a given node is limited to only a few resource managers. Using the NETWORK attribute, administrators can establish this node to network connection directly through the scheduler. The NODECFG parameter allows this list to be specified in a comma-delimited list. |
NODEID | The unique identifier for a node. |
NODESTATE | The state of a node. |
OS | A node's operating system. |
OSLIST | Operating systems the node can run |
OSMODACTION | URL for changing the operating system |
OWNER | Credential type and name of owner |
PARTITION | The partition a node belongs to. See Node Location for details. |
POWER | The state of the node's power. Either ON or OFF. |
PRIORITY | The fixed node priority relative to other nodes. |
PROCSPEED | A node's processor speed information specified in MHz. |
RACK | The rack associated with a node's physical location. |
RADISK | The total available disk on a node. |
RAMEM | The total available memory available on a node. |
RAPROC | The total number of processors available on a node. |
RASWAP | The total available swap on a node. |
RCMEM | The total configured memory on a node. |
RCPROC | The total configured processors on a node. |
RCSWAP | The total configured swap on a node. |
RequestID | Dynamic Node RequestID set by the RM |
RESCOUNT | Number of reservations on the node |
RESOURCES | Deprecated (use GRES) |
RSVLIST | List of reservations on the node |
RMACCESSLIST | A comma-separated list of resource managers who have access to a node. |
SIZE | The number of slots or size units consumed by the node. |
SLOT | The first slot in the rack associated with the node's physical location. |
SPEED | A node's relative speed. |
SPEEDWEIGHT | speed weight used to calculate node's priority |
STATACTIVETIME | Time node was active |
STATMODIFYTIME | Time node's state was modified |
STATTOTALTIME | Time node has been monitored |
STATUPTIME | Time node has been up |
TASKCOUNT | The number of tasks on a node. |
TTL | Dynamic Node Time To Live set by the RM (expiration date in epoch format) |
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