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Torque can add and remove nodes either dynamically with qmgr or by manually editing the TORQUE_HOME/server_priv/nodes file. See Initializing/Configuring Torque on the Server (pbs_server).
Be aware of the following:
5.30.1 Run-time Node Changes
Torque can dynamically add nodes with the qmgr command. For example, the following command will add node node003:
$ qmgr -c 'create node node003[,node004,node005...] [np=n][,[TTL=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ],[acl=user:user1[:user2:user3...]],[requestid=n]]'
The optional parameters are used as follows:
np – Number of virtual processors.
TTL – (Time to Live) Specifies the time in UTC format that the node is supposed to be retired by Moab. Moab will not schedule any jobs on a node after its time to live has passed.
acl – (Access control list) Can be used to control which users have access to the node in Moab.
Except for temporary nodes and/or the simplest of cluster configurations, Adaptive Computing recommends avoiding the use of the acl parameter, as this can lead to confusion about the root cause of jobs being unable to run. Use Moab reservations with user ACLs instead.
requestid – An ID that can be used to track the request that created the node.
You can alter node parameters by following these examples:
qmgr -c 'set node node003 np=6' qmgr -c 'set node node003 TTL=2020-12-31T23:59:59Z' qmgr -c 'set node node003 requestid=23234' qmgr -c 'set node node003 acl="user:user10:user11:user12"' qmgr -c 'set node node003 acl=""'
Torque does not use the TTL, acl, and requestid parameters. Information for those parameters are simply passed to Moab.
The set node subcommand of qmgr supports the += and -= syntax, but has known problems when used to alter the acl parameter. Do not use it for this. Instead, simply reset the full user list, as shown in the above example.
The create node and set node command examples above would append the following line(s) to the bottom of the TORQUE_HOME/server_priv/nodes file:
node003 np=6 TTL=2020-12-31T23:59:59Z acl=user1:user2:user3 requestid=3210 node004 ...
Nodes can also be removed with a similar command:
> qmgr -c 'delete node node003[,node004,node005...]'
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