Gold Allocation Manager

Common Actions Available for most Objects

There are a number of actions that are available for most objects. These actions include Query, Create, Modify, Delete, and Undelete. Commands involving these actions inherit some common structure unique to the action type.

Query Action

The Query action is used to query objects. It accept predicates that describe the attributes (fields) to return (including aggregation operations on those attributes), conditions that select which objects to return the attributes for, and other options unique to queries.


Selections use the Show option to specify a list of the attributes to return for the selected object. If selections are not specified, a default set of attributes (those not marked as hidden) will be returned.

Name = Show
Op = :=
Value = "attribute1,attribute2,attribute3,..."

Aggregation operators may be applied to attributes by enclosing the target attribute in parenthesis and prepending the name of the desired operator. The aggregation operators that can be applied depend on the datatype of the attribute.

Valid selection operators include:

Sort Ascending sort
Tros Descending sort
Count Count
Max Maximum value
Min Minimum value
Average Average value
Sum Sum
GroupBy Group other aggregations by this attribute

For example: Allocation Query Show:="Sum(Amount),GroupBy(Account)"


Conditions are used to select which objects the action is to be performed on.

Name = Name of the attribute to be tested
Op = conditional operator
Value = The object or value against which the attribute is tested

Valid condition operators include:

== Equal to
!= Not equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
~ Matches

Matching uses the wildcards * and ? (equivalent to SQL % and _ respectively) in a manner similar to file globbing. * matches zero or more unspecified characters and ? matches exactly one unspecified character. For example mscf* matches objects having the specified attributes whose values start with the letters mscf, while mscf? matches objects having the specified attributes whose values start with mscf and have a total of exactly five characters.


Options indicate processing options that affect the result.

Name = Name of the option
Op = :=
Value = Value of the option

Valid options for query actions include:

ShowHidden:=True|False (False) Includes hidden attributes in the result
Time:="YYYY-MM-DD [hh:mm:ss]" Run the command as if it were the specified time
Unique:=True|False (False) Display only unique results (like DISTINCT in SQL)
Limit:={Integer Number} Limit the results to the number of objects specified

Example 7. Return the number of inactive reservations

gold> Reservation Query EndTime<now Show:="Count(Id)"


Create Action

The Create action is used to create a new object. It accepts predicates that describe the values of the attributes to be set.


Assignments specify values to be assigned to attributes in the new object.

Name = Name of the attribute being assigned a value
Op = = (is assigned)
Value = The new value being assigned to the attribute

Example 8. Add a new project member

gold> ProjectUser Create Project=chemistry Name=scottmo

Project       Name       Active    Admin 
------------- ---------- --------- ------- 
chemistry     scottmo    True      False 

Successfully created 1 ProjectUser

Modify Action

The Modify action is used to modify existing objects. It accepts predicates that select which objects will be modified and predicates that describe the values of the attributes to be set.


Assignments specify values to be assigned to attributes in the selected objects.

Name = Name of the attribute being assigned a value
Op = assignment operators {=, +=, -=}
Value = The value being assigned to the attribute

Valid assignment operators include:

= is assigned
+= is incremented by
-= is decremented by


Conditions are used to select which objects the action is to be performed on.

Name = Name of the attribute to be tested
Op = conditional operator
Value = The object or value against which the attribute is tested

Valid condition operators include:

== Equal to
!= Not equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
~ Matches

Matching uses the wildcards * and ? (equivalent to SQL % and _ respectively) in a manner similar to file globbing. * matches zero or more unspecified characters and ? matches exactly one unspecified character. For example mscf* matches objects having the specified attributes whose values start with the letters mscf, while mscf? matches objects having the specified attributes whose values start with mscf and have a total of exactly five characters.

Example 9. Change/set scottmo phone number and email address

gold> User Modify Name==scottmo PhoneNumber="(509) 376-2204" EmailAddress=""

Name       Active    CommonName                PhoneNumber           EmailAddress                    DefaultProject        Description 
---------- --------- ------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------- 
scottmo    True      Jackson, Scott M.         (509) 376-2204           

Successfully modified 1 Users

Example 10. Extend all reservations against project chemistry by 10 days

gold> Reservation Modify EndTime+="10 days" Project==chemistry

Id  Account    Amount    Name            Job  User   Project       Machine    EndTime                      Description 
--- ---------- --------- --------------- ---- ------ ------------- ---------- ---------------------------- ---------------- 
1   2          57600     PBS.1234.0      1    amy    chemistry     colony     2004-11-06 10:47:30             

Successfully modified 1 Reservations

Delete Action

The Delete action is used to delete objects. It accepts predicates that select which objects are to be deleted.


Conditions are used to select which objects the action is to be performed on.

Name = Name of the attribute to be tested
Op = conditional operator
Value = The object or value against which the attribute is tested

Valid condition operators include:

== Equal to
!= Not equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
~ Matches

Matching uses the wildcards * and ? (equivalent to SQL % and _ respectively) in a manner similar to file globbing. * matches zero or more unspecified characters and ? matches exactly one unspecified character. For example mscf* matches objects having the specified attributes whose values start with the letters mscf, while mscf? matches objects having the specified attributes whose values start with mscf and have a total of exactly five characters.

Example 11. Get rid of the pesky Jacksons

gold> User Delete CommonName~"Jackson*"

Name       Active    CommonName                PhoneNumber           EmailAddress                    DefaultProject        Description 
---------- --------- ------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------- 
scottmo    True      Jackson, Scott M.         (509) 376-2204           

Successfully deleted 1 Users and 1 associations

Undelete Action

The Delete action is used to restore deleted objects. It accepts predicates that select which objects are to be undeleted.


Conditions are used to select which objects the action is to be performed on.

Name = Name of the attribute to be tested
Op = conditional operator
Value = The object or value against which the attribute is tested

Valid condition operators include:

== Equal to
!= Not equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
~ Matches

Matching uses the wildcards * and ? (equivalent to SQL % and _ respectively) in a manner similar to file globbing. * matches zero or more unspecified characters and ? matches exactly one unspecified character. For example mscf* matches objects having the specified attributes whose values start with the letters mscf, while mscf? matches objects having the specified attributes whose values start with mscf and have a total of exactly five characters.

Example 12. Resurrect the deleted users that were active

gold> User Undelete Active==True

Name       Active    CommonName                PhoneNumber           EmailAddress                    DefaultProject        Description 
---------- --------- ------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------- 
scottmo    True      Jackson, Scott M.         (509) 376-2204           

Successfully undeleted 1 Users and 1 associations