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Searching the Documentation

The Adaptive Computing Online Help lets you search for a particular word or phrase within a specific feature or within all of the product's features.

This topic provides information about the different tools available to help you easily location information.

In this topic:

Search Filter Sets

Search filter sets are provided to limit the functionality within to search. For example, the Moab product documentation includes a search filter set for key functionality. For example,

Click to enlarge

All Files is the default; however All Files can pull topics from another product's help. For example a search term found in both the Moab and the Torque product documentation. To limit your search results to all topics for the specific topic, select the search filter set with the product’s name.

Search Terms

You can change search terms to make searches more broad or narrow to locate a desired topic. Some examples of search terms and matching topics are shown in the table below.

Search has some peculiarities in the way it handles variants of a search term. For example, a search for the word "templates" also matches topics containing the word "template", but only instances of "templates" will be highlighted in the topic. It is usually better to search for the basic form of the word (for example, template), unless you want a particular variant. If so, search for the variant by placing it in quotes (for example, "variants").

Search Type Search Term Matches Topics Containing . . .
General word search (searches are case insensitive) rsvgroup



Exact word search "template"


(Exact match of what is in quotes, for example, no preceding or following characters.)

Partial word search (for words of more than 3 letters, not in quotes) view






Multi-word search job template menu "job" and "template" and "menu" (topic must contain all 3 words, but not necessarily in that order)
Phrase search "job template" job template (exact phrase)
  Complex search

job and template

job & template

job + template

both "job" and "template"

job not template

job ^ template

"job", but not "template"

job or template

job | template

either "job" or "template"
  job (template not menu) "job" and "template", but not containing "menu"

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