Moab Adaptive Computing Suite Administrator's Guide 5.4

Identity Managers

The Moab identity manager interface can be used to coordinate global and local information regarding users, groups, accounts, and classes associated with compute resources. The identity manager interface may also be used to allow Moab to automatically and dynamically create and modify user accounts and credential attributes according to current workload needs.

Identity Manager Overview

Moab allows sites extensive flexibility when it comes to defining credential access, attributes, and relationships. In most cases, use of the USERCFG, GROUPCFG, ACCOUNTCFG, CLASSCFG, and QOSCFG parameters is adequate to specify the needed configuration. However, in certain cases such as the following, this approach may not be ideal or even adequate:

  • Environments with very large user sets
  • Environments with very dynamic credential configurations in terms of fairshare targets, priorities, service access constraints, and credential relationships
  • Grid environments with external credential mapping information services
  • Enterprise environments with fairness policies based on multi-cluster usage

Moab addresses these and similar issues through the use of an identity manager. An identity manager is configured with the IDCFG parameter and allows Moab to exchange information with an external identity management service. As with Moab resource manager interfaces, this service can be a full commercial package designed for this purpose, or something far simpler by which Moab obtains the needed information for a web service, text file, or database.

Basic Configuration

Configuring an identity manager in basic read-only mode can be accomplished by simply setting the SERVER attribute. If Moab is to interact with the identity manager in read/write mode, some additional configuration may be required.

Attribute Format Description
One or more comma delimited object types from the following list: acct, group, or user If specified, Moab will block all jobs associated with credentials not explicitly reported in the most recent identity manager update. If the credential appears on subsequent updates, resource access will be immediately restored.

IMPORTANT Note: Jobs will only be blocked if fairshare is enabled. This can be accomplished by setting the FSPOLICY parameter to any value such as in the following example:

<BOOLEAN> (default is FALSE) Specifies whether Moab should create credentials reported by the identity manager that have not yet been locally discovered or loaded via the resource manager. By default, Moab will only load information for credentials which have been discovered outside of the identity manager.
<URL> Specifies the URL to use when creating a new credential.
One or more comma delimited object types from the following list: acct, group, or user If specified, Moab will reset the account access list and fairshare cap and target for all credentials of the specified type(s) regardless of whether they are included in the current info manager report. Moab will then load information for the specified credentials.
<URL> Specifies the protocol/interface to use to contact the identity manager.


IDCFG[alloc] SERVER=file://$HOME/globalid.dat

The globalid.dat file could contain information regarding credential priority, fairshare targets, credential membership, and other attributes. Once per identify manager update period, Moab will then import this information, adjust its internal configuration, and immediately respect the new fairness policies.

Importing Credential Fairness Policies

One common use for an identity manager is to import fairness data from a global external information service. As an example, assume a site needed to coordinate Moab group level fairshare targets with an allocation database that constraints total allocations available to any given group. To enable this, a configuration like the following might be used:


The tools/ script could be set up to query a local database and report its results to Moab. Each iteration, Moab will then import this information, adjust its internal configuration, and immediately respect the new fairness policies.

Identity Manager Data Format

When an identity manager outputs credential information either through an exec or file based interface, the data should be organized in the following format:



  • <CREDTYPE> is one of user, group, acct, class, or qos.
  • <CREDID> is the name of the credential.
  • <ATTR> is one of adminlevel, alist, chargerate, comment, emailaddress, fstarget, gfstarget, gfsusage, maxjob, maxmem, maxnode, maxpe, maxproc, maxps, maxwc, plist, pref, priority, qlist, or role.
  • <VALUE> is the value for the specified attribute.
Note To clear a comment, set its value to ""; for example: comment="".


The following output may be generated by an exec based identity manager:

group:financial fstarget=16.3 alist=project2
group:marketing fstarget=2.5
group:engineering fstarget=36.7
group:dm fstarget=42.5
user:jason adminlevel=3
account:sales maxnode=128 maxjob=8,16

Identity Manager Conflicts

When local credential configuration (as specified via moab.cfg) conflicts with identity manager configuration, the identity manager value takes precedence and the local values are overwritten.

Refreshing Identity Manager Data

By default, Moab only loads identity manager information once when it is first started up. If the identity manager data is dynamic, then you may want Moab to periodically update its information. To do this, set the REFRESHPERIOD attribute of the IDCFG parameter. Legal values are documented in the following table:

update identity information once per minute
update identity information once per hour
update identity information once per day
update identity information only at start-up (default)



Note Job credential feasibility is evaluated at job submission and start time.

Exporting Data to Identity Managers

Local usage information can be exported to an identity manager. One possible use of this feature is for multiple clusters to export local usage to an identity manager and import global usage for usage and fairshare policies.

Creating External Credentials via an Identity Manager

To create or modify an external credential such as a user or group, the identity manager's CREDCREATEURL attribute must be specified. This URL can point to a database, a script, or a service and indicates the method to use to create a new external credential. If enabled, this method is called to create credentials on remote compute hosts if the credential is not currently defined on the master host. To enable Moab to automatically use this capability in a utility computing, grid, or cluster environment, the DYNAMICCRED flag must be set on the appropriate destination resource manager.



Note One or more user.create.* tools may already exist in the $TOOLSDIR ($PREFIX/tools) directory. These can be used as is or customized appropriately for use in the local environment.

See Also