Maui Scheduler

Appendix G: mjobctl

mjobctl [ARGS] <JOBID>


modify attributes or perform operation on a specified job


This command can be run by any Maui administrator or by the owner of the specified job.

JOBID Name of the job to be affected.
Args Description
-c Cancel job
-f Attempt to force the job to run, ignoring throttling policies (Only valid with the -r flag)
-h Help for this command.
-m Modify specified job. See details below.
-n <NODELIST> Attempt to start the job using the specified nodelist where nodenames are comma or colon delimited (Only valid with the -r flag)
-p <PARTITION> Attempt to start the job in the specified partition. (Only valid with the -r flag)
-r Attempt to start (run) the job
-s Attempt to suspend the job
-x Attempt to force the job to run, ignoring throttling policies, QoS constraints, and reservations (only valid with the -r flag)


This command will attempt to alter a specified job


> mjobctl -r cluster.231

job cluster.231 successfully started

This example attempts to run job cluster.231.

See Also:

checkjob - show detailed status of a job.
showq - list queued jobs.