mdiag -T


mdiag -T [triggerid] [--blocking]


The 'mdiag -T' command is used to present information about each Trigger. The information presented includes Name, State, Action, Event Time. The command gathers information from the Moab cache which prevents it from waiting for the scheduler, but the --blocking option can be used to bypass the cache and allow waiting for the scheduler.

Example 1

> mdiag -T
[test@node01 moab]$ mdiag -T
TrigID    Event  MFire   Offset Thresh  AType           ActionDate       State  Launchtime
------ -------- ------ -------- ------ ------ -------------------- ----------- -----------
9         start  FALSE        -      -   exec            -00:00:02      Active   -00:00:01
  Object:           rsv:test.1
  PID:              23786
  Timeout:          00:01:00
  Action Data:      $HOME/bin/
  Sets on Success:  Initialized
  Output Buffer:    /opt/moab/spool/
  Error Buffer:     /opt/moab/spool/
10        start  FALSE        -      -   exec            -00:00:02    Inactive           -
  Object:           rsv:test.1
  Action Data:      $HOME/bin/
  Sets on Success:  COLOR
  Requires:         Initialized
11       cancel  FALSE        -      -   exec                    -    Inactive           -
  Object:           rsv:test.1
  Action Data:      $HOME/bin/ $USERNAME
  Requires:         USERNAME

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