

mvmctl -c [<options>] <vmid>
mvmctl -d <vmid>
mvmctl -m [<options>] <vmid>
mvmctl -M dsthost=<newhost> <vmid>
mvmctl -q <vmid> [--xml]


mvmctl controls the creation, modification, querying, migration, and destruction of virtual machines (VMs).


[<options>] <vmid>

The <options> variable is a comma-separated list of <attr>=<value> pairs.

Where the <attr> attribute is one of the following:

  • feature - Dictates initial placement and automatic live migration of the VM. This needs to run on a hypervisor with that feature already installed. Multiple features are specified in the following form:
  • image - The VM type/image to use for the new VM.
  • hypervisor - The node on which the new VM resides.
  • disk - Disk space for the VM OS.
  • mem - Amount of memory to use.
  • procs - Number of processors for the VM.
  • sovereign - Boolean.
  • template - Job template for the VM. The vm_create job inherits the template.
  • variable - User-defined VM variables (of the form <varname>:<value>[+<varname>:<value>] - must be a name/value pair).
  • storage - Storage request (not OS disk storage). Only viable at create time; cannot be modified. Storage is a percent sign-delimited list of storage requests with the following form:
    • You can define advanced storage options with the following syntax:

      <MOUNTOWNER> and <MOUNTOPTIONS> are Linux mount parameters and are not processed or parsed by Moab. They are passed indiscriminately.

      Multiple storage requests are allowed and are delimited by the percent symbol (%).

  • trigger - A trigger to attach to a VM. The Start trigger is the only trigger you can use on a VM.

    Note that the vmid must be unique; Moab returns an error if the name is already taken.

Creates a VM.
> mvmctl -c image=rhel51,hypervisor=n4,storage=gold:3@'/data/mount1'%silver:5@'/data/mount2'%gold:3@'/data/mount3' MyTestVM 

> mvmctl -c image=rhel51,hypervisor=n4,storage=gold:3%silver:5@'/data/mount/silver' MyTestVM 

> mvmctl -c hypervisor=n4,variable=build_email:"exampleadmin"+hosttype:"dev"+identifier:"42424",mem=4096,procs=2,storage=os:16@'/'%nobackup:20@'/tools/ptx6'#'rw^root:root',image=rhel54-stateful test_vm
Destroys the specified VM.
> mvmctl -d oldVM
[<options>] <vmid>

The <options> variable is a comma-separated list of <attr>=<value> pairs.

Modifies the VM.
> mvmctl -m gevent=hitemp:'mymessage' myNewVM 
Gevents can be set using gevent.
> mvmctl -m gmetric=bob:5.6 myNewVM 
Gmetrics can be set using gmetric.
> mvmctl -m os=compute myNewVM 
Reprovisioning is done by changing os.
> mvmctl -m powerstate=off myNewVM 
Power management is done by modifying powerstate.
> mvmctl -m trigger=etype=start\&atype=exec\&action=' $OID $HOSTLIST' myNewVM 
The modify variable uses the same syntax as Create.
> mvmctl -m variable=user:bob+purpose:myVM myNewVM
  • The variable option is a set-only operation. Previous variables will be over-written.
dsthost=<newhost> <vmid>
Migrate the given VM to the destination host.
> mvmctl -M dsthost=node05 myNewVM 

myNewVM migrates to node05

> mvmctl -M dsthost=ANY vm42 				

Moab migrates vm42 to a node based on policy destination limitations (such as the NoVMMigrations flag).

<vmid> [--xml]
Queries the specified VM; that is, it returns detailed information about the given VM. May be used with or without the --xml flag. "ALL" may also be used to display information about all VMs.
< mvmctl -q myNewVM
< mvmctl -q ALL --xml 

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