

showstats -a [accountid] [-v] [-t <TIMESPEC>]
showstats -c [classid] [-v] [-t <TIMESPEC>]
showstats -f showstats -g [groupid] [-v] [-t <TIMESPEC>]
showstats -j [jobtemplate] [-t <TIMESPEC>]
showstats -n [nodeid] [-t <TIMESPEC>]
showstats -q [qosid] [-v] [-t <TIMESPEC>]
showstats -s showstats -T [leafid | tree-level]
showstats -u [userid] [-v] [-t <TIMESPEC>]


This command shows various accounting and resource usage statistics for the system. Historical statistics cover the timeframe from the most recent execution of the resetstats command.


By default, this command can be run by any Moab level 1, 2, or 3 Administrator.


display account statistics
display class statistics
display full matrix statistics (see showstats -f for full details)
display group statistics
display template statistics
display node statistics (ENABLEPROFILING must be set)
display QoS statistics
display general scheduler statistics
display statistical information from the specified timeframe:
        (ABSTIME: [HH[:MM[:SS]]][_MO[/DD[/YY]]] ie 14:30_06/20)
        (RELTIME: -[[[DD:]HH:]MM:]SS)
NoteProfiling must be enabled for the credential type you want statistics for. See Credential Statistics for information on how to enable profiling. Also, -t is not a stand-alone option. It must be used in conjunction with the -a, -c, -g, -n, -q, or -u flag.
display fairshare tree statistics
display user statistics
display verbose information

Example 1

> showstats -a
Account Statistics Initialized Tue Aug 26 14:32:39
              |----- Running ------|--------------------------------- Completed ----------------------------------|
  Account     Jobs Procs ProcHours Jobs    %   PHReq    %    PHDed    %   FSTgt  AvgXF  MaxXF  AvgQH  Effic  WCAcc
   137651       16    92   1394.52  229  39.15 18486  45.26 7003.5  41.54 40.00   0.77   8.15   5.21  90.70  34.69
   462212       11    63    855.27   43   7.35  6028  14.76 3448.4  20.45  6.25   0.71   5.40   3.14  98.64  40.83
   462213        6    72    728.12   90  15.38  5974  14.63 3170.7  18.81  6.25   0.37   4.88   0.52  82.01  24.14
   005810        3    24    220.72   77  13.16  2537   6.21 1526.6   9.06 -----   1.53  14.81   0.42  98.73  28.40
   175436        0     0      0.00   12   2.05  6013  14.72  958.6   5.69  2.50   1.78   8.61   5.60  83.64  17.04
   000102        0     0      0.00    1   0.17    64   0.16    5.1   0.03 -----  10.85  10.85  10.77  27.90   7.40
   000023        0     0      0.00    1   0.17    12   0.03    0.2   0.00 -----   0.04   0.04   0.19  21.21   1.20

This example shows a statistical listing of all active accounts. The top line (Account Statistics Initialized...) of the output indicates the beginning of the timeframe covered by the displayed statistics.

The statistical output is divided into two categories, Running and Completed. Running statistics include information about jobs that are currently running. Completed statistics are compiled using historical information from both running and completed jobs.

The fields are as follows:

Account Number.
Number of running jobs.
Number of processors allocated to running jobs.
Number of proc-hours required to complete running jobs.
Number of jobs completed.
Percentage of total jobs that were completed by account.
Total proc-hours requested by completed jobs.
Percentage of total proc-hours requested by completed jobs that were requested by account.
Total proc-hours dedicated to active and completed jobs. The proc-hours dedicated to a job are calculated by multiplying the number of allocated procs by the length of time the procs were allocated, regardless of the job's CPU usage.
Percentage of total proc-hours dedicated that were dedicated by account.
Fairshare target. An account's fairshare target is specified in the fs.cfg file. This value should be compared to the account's node-hour dedicated percentage to determine if the target is being met.
Average expansion factor for jobs completed. A job's XFactor (expansion factor) is calculated by the following formula: (QueuedTime + RunTime) / WallClockLimit.
Highest expansion factor received by jobs completed.
Average queue time (in hours) of jobs.
Average job efficiency. Job efficiency is calculated by dividing the actual node-hours of CPU time used by the job by the node-hours allocated to the job.
Average wall clock accuracy for jobs completed. Wall clock accuracy is calculated by dividing a job's actual run time by its specified wall clock limit.
NoteA job's wallclock accuracy is capped at 100% so even if a job exceeds its requested walltime it will report an accuracy of 100%.
Note* These fields are empty until an account has completed at least one job.

Example 2

> showstats -g
Group Statistics Initialized Tue Aug 26 14:32:39
              |----- Running ------|--------------------------------- Completed ----------------------------------|
GroupName  GID Jobs Procs ProcHours Jobs    %   PHReq    %    PHDed    %   FSTgt  AvgXF  MaxXF  AvgQH  Effic  WCAcc
     univ  214   16    92   1394.52  229  39.15 18486  45.26 7003.5  41.54 40.00   0.77   8.15   5.21  90.70  34.69
      daf  204   11    63    855.27   43   7.35  6028  14.76 3448.4  20.45  6.25   0.71   5.40   3.14  98.64  40.83
    dnavy  207    6    72    728.12   90  15.38  5974  14.63 3170.7  18.81  6.25   0.37   4.88   0.52  82.01  24.14
     govt  232    3    24    220.72   77  13.16  2537   6.21 1526.6   9.06 -----   1.53  14.81   0.42  98.73  28.40
      asp  227    0     0      0.00   12   2.05  6013  14.72  958.6   5.69  2.50   1.78   8.61   5.60  83.64  17.04
    derim  229    0     0      0.00   74  12.65   669   1.64  352.5   2.09 -----   0.50   1.93   0.51  96.03  32.60
   dchall  274    0     0      0.00    3   0.51   447   1.10  169.2   1.00 25.00   0.52   0.88   2.49  95.82  33.67
      nih  239    0     0      0.00   17   2.91   170   0.42  148.1   0.88 -----   0.95   1.83   0.14  97.59  84.31
    darmy  205    0     0      0.00   31   5.30   366   0.90   53.9   0.32  6.25   0.14   0.59   0.07  81.33  12.73
  systems   80    0     0      0.00    6   1.03    67   0.16   22.4   0.13 -----   4.07   8.49   1.23  28.68  37.34
      pdc  252    0     0      0.00    1   0.17    64   0.16    5.1   0.03 -----  10.85  10.85  10.77  27.90   7.40
    staff    1    0     0      0.00    1   0.17    12   0.03    0.2   0.00 -----   0.04   0.04   0.19  21.21   1.20

This example shows a statistical listing of all active groups. The top line (Group Statistics Initialized...) of the output indicates the beginning of the timeframe covered by the displayed statistics.

The statistical output is divided into two categories, Running and Completed. Running statistics include information about jobs that are currently running. Completed statistics are compiled using historical information from both running and completed jobs.

The fields are as follows:

Name of group.
Group ID of group.
Number of running jobs.
Number of procs allocated to running jobs.
Number of proc-hours required to complete running jobs.
Number of jobs completed.
Percentage of total jobs that were completed by group.
Total proc-hours requested by completed jobs.
Percentage of total proc-hours requested by completed jobs that were requested by group.
Total proc-hours dedicated to active and completed jobs. The proc-hours dedicated to a job are calculated by multiplying the number of allocated procs by the length of time the procs were allocated, regardless of the job's CPU usage.
Percentage of total proc-hours dedicated that were dedicated by group.
Fairshare target. A group's fairshare target is specified in the fs.cfg file. This value should be compared to the group's node-hour dedicated percentage to determine if the target is being met.
Average expansion factor for jobs completed. A job's XFactor (expansion factor) is calculated by the following formula: (QueuedTime + RunTime) / WallClockLimit.
Highest expansion factor received by jobs completed.
Average queue time (in hours) of jobs.
Average job efficiency. Job efficiency is calculated by dividing the actual node-hours of CPU time used by the job by the node-hours allocated to the job.
Average wall clock accuracy for jobs completed. Wall clock accuracy is calculated by dividing a job's actual run time by its specified wall clock limit.
NoteA job's wallclock accuracy is capped at 100% so even if a job exceeds its requested walltime it will report an accuracy of 100%.
Note* These fields are empty until a group has completed at least one job.

Example 3

> showstats -n
node stats from Mon Jul 10 00:00:00 to Mon Jul 10 16:30:00
node      CfgMem MinMem MaxMem AvgMem | CfgProcs MinLoad MaxLoad AvgLoad
node01     58368      0  21122   5841       32    0.00   32.76   27.62
node02    122880      0  19466    220       30    0.00   33.98   29.54
node03     18432      0   9533   2135       24    0.00   25.10   18.64
node04     60440      0  17531   4468       32    0.00   30.55   24.61
node05     13312      0   2597   1189        8    0.00    9.85    8.45
node06     13312      0   3800   1112        8    0.00    8.66    5.27
node07     13312      0   2179   1210        8    0.00    9.62    8.27
node08     13312      0   3243   1995        8    0.00   11.71    8.02
node09     13312      0   2287   1943        8    0.00   10.26    7.58
node10     13312      0   2183   1505        8    0.00   13.12    9.28
node11     13312      0   3269   2448        8    0.00    8.93    6.71
node12     13312      0  10114   6900        8    0.00   13.13    8.44
node13     13312      0   2616   2501        8    0.00    9.24    8.21
node14     13312      0   3888    869        8    0.00    8.10    3.85
node15     13312      0   3788    308        8    0.00    8.40    4.67
node16     13312      0   4386   2191        7    0.00   18.37    8.36
node17     13312      0   3158   1870        8    0.00    8.95    5.91
node18     13312      0   5022   2397        8    0.00   19.25    8.19
node19     13312      0   2437   1371        8    0.00    8.98    7.09
node20     13312      0   4474   2486        8    0.00    8.51    7.11
node21     13312      0   4111   2056        8    0.00    8.93    6.68
node22     13312      0   5136   2313        8    0.00    8.61    5.75
node23     13312      0   1850   1752        8    0.00    8.39    5.71
node24     13312      0   3850   2539        8    0.00    8.94    7.80
node25     13312      0   3789   3702        8    0.00   21.22   12.83
node26     13312      0   3809   1653        8    0.00    9.34    4.91
node27     13312      0   5637     70        4    0.00   17.97    2.46
node28     13312      0   3076   2864        8    0.00   22.91   10.33

Example 4

> showstats -v
current scheduler time: Sat Aug 18 18:23:02 2007
moab active for      00:00:01   started on Wed Dec 31 17:00:00
statistics for iteration     0  initialized on Sat Aug 11 23:55:25
Eligible/Idle Jobs:                 6/8      (75.000%)
Active Jobs:                       13
Successful/Completed Jobs:        167/167    (100.000%)
Preempt Jobs:                       0
Avg/Max QTime (Hours):           0.34/2.07
Avg/Max XFactor:                 1.165/3.26
Avg/Max Bypass:                  0.40/8.00
Dedicated/Total ProcHours:      4.46K/4.47K  (99.789%)
Preempt/Dedicated ProcHours:     0.00/4.46K  (0.000%)
Current Active/Total Procs:        32/32     (100.0%)
Current Active/Total Nodes:        16/16      (100.0%)
Avg WallClock Accuracy:          64.919%
Avg Job Proc Efficiency:         99.683%
Min System Utilization:          87.323% (on iteration 46)
Est/Avg Backlog:                02:14:06/03:02:567

This example shows a concise summary of the system scheduling state. Note that showstats and showstats -s are equivalent.

The first line of output indicates the number of scheduling iterations performed by the current scheduling process, followed by the time the scheduler started. The second line indicates the amount of time the Moab Scheduler has been scheduling in HH:MM:SS notation followed by the statistics initialization time.

The fields are as follows:

Number of jobs currently active (Running or Starting).
Number of jobs in the system queue (jobs that are considered when scheduling).
Number of jobs both in and out of the system queue that are in the LoadLeveler Idle state.
Number of jobs completed since statistics were initialized.
Jobs that completed successfully without abnormal termination.
Average expansion factor of all completed jobs.
Maximum expansion factor of completed jobs.
Maximum bypass of completed jobs.
Total proc-hours available to the scheduler.
Total proc-hours made available to jobs.
Scheduling efficiency (DedicatedProcHours / Available ProcHours).
Minimum scheduling efficiency obtained since scheduler was started.
Iteration on which the minimum scheduling efficiency occurred.
Number of procs currently available.
Number of procs currently busy.
Current system efficiency (BusyProcs/AvailableProcs).
Average wall clock accuracy of completed jobs (job-weighted average).
Average job efficiency (UtilizedTime / DedicatedTime).
Estimated backlog of queued work in hours.
Average backlog of queued work in hours.

Example 5

> showstats -u
User Statistics Initialized Tue Aug 26 14:32:39
              |----- Running ------|--------------------------------- Completed ----------------------------------|
 UserName  UID Jobs Procs ProcHours Jobs    %   PHReq    %    PHDed    %   FSTgt  AvgXF  MaxXF  AvgQH  Effic  WCAcc
  moorejt 2617    1    16     58.80    2   0.34   221   0.54 1896.6  11.25 -----   1.02   1.04   0.14  99.52 100.00
    zhong 1767    3    24    220.72   20   3.42  2306   5.65 1511.3   8.96 -----   0.71   0.96   0.49  99.37  67.48
      lui 2467    0     0      0.00   16   2.74  1970   4.82 1505.1   8.93 -----   1.02   6.33   0.25  98.96  57.72
    evans 3092    0     0      0.00   62  10.60  4960  12.14 1464.3   8.69   5.0   0.62   1.64   5.04  87.64  30.62
   wengel 2430    2    64    824.90    1   0.17   767   1.88  630.3   3.74 -----   0.18   0.18   4.26  99.63   0.40
    mukho 2961    2    16     71.06    6   1.03   776   1.90  563.5   3.34 -----   0.31   0.82   0.20  93.15  30.28
  jimenez 1449    1    16    302.29    2   0.34   768   1.88  458.3   2.72 -----   0.80   0.98   2.31  97.99  70.30
     neff 3194    0     0      0.00   74  12.65   669   1.64  352.5   2.09  10.0   0.50   1.93   0.51  96.03  32.60
   cholik 1303    0     0      0.00    2   0.34   552   1.35  281.9   1.67 -----   1.72   3.07  25.35  99.69  66.70
 jshoemak 2508    1    24    572.22    1   0.17   576   1.41  229.1   1.36 -----   0.55   0.55   3.74  99.20  39.20
     kudo 2324    1     8    163.35    6   1.03  1152   2.82  211.1   1.25 -----   0.12   0.34   1.54  96.77   5.67
   xztang 1835    1     8     18.99 ---- ------ ----- ------  176.3   1.05  10.0 ------ ------ ------  99.62 ------
   feller 1880    0     0      0.00   17   2.91   170   0.42  148.1   0.88 -----   0.95   1.83   0.14  97.59  84.31
    maxia 2936    0     0      0.00    1   0.17   191   0.47  129.1   0.77   7.5   0.88   0.88   4.49  99.84  69.10
 ktgnov71 2838    0     0      0.00    1   0.17   192   0.47   95.5   0.57 -----   0.53   0.53   0.34  90.07  51.20

This example shows a statistical listing of all active users. The top line (User Statistics Initialized...) of the output indicates the timeframe covered by the displayed statistics.

The statistical output is divided into two statistics categories, Running and Completed. Running statistics include information about jobs that are currently running. Completed statistics are compiled using historical information from both running and completed jobs.

The fields are as follows:

Name of user.
User ID of user.
Number of running jobs.
Number of procs allocated to running jobs.
Number of proc-hours required to complete running jobs.
Number of jobs completed.
Percentage of total jobs that were completed by user.
Total proc-hours requested by completed jobs.
Percentage of total proc-hours requested by completed jobs that were requested by user.
Total proc-hours dedicated to active and completed jobs. The proc-hours dedicated to a job are calculated by multiplying the number of allocated procs by the length of time the procs were allocated, regardless of the job's CPU usage.
Percentage of total prochours dedicated that were dedicated by user.
Fairshare target. A user's fairshare target is specified in the fs.cfg file. This value should be compared to the user's node-hour dedicated percentage to determine if the target is being met.
Average expansion factor for jobs completed. A job's XFactor (expansion factor) is calculated by the following formula: (QueuedTime + RunTime) / WallClockLimit.
Highest expansion factor received by jobs completed.
Average queue time (in hours) of jobs.
Average job efficiency. Job efficiency is calculated by dividing the actual node-hours of CPU time used by the job by the node-hours allocated to the job.
Average wallclock accuracy for jobs completed. Wallclock accuracy is calculated by dividing a job's actual run time by its specified wallclock limit.
NoteA job's wallclock accuracy is capped at 100% so even if a job exceeds its requested walltime it will report an accuracy of 100%.
Note* These fields are empty until a user has completed at least one job.

Example 6

> showstats -T
statistics initialized Mon Jul 10 15:29:41
              |-------- Active ---------|---------------------------------- Completed -----------------------------------|
user           Jobs Procs ProcHours  Mem Jobs    %    PHReq    %    PHDed    %   FSTgt   AvgXF  MaxXF  AvgQH  Effic  WCAcc
root              0     0      0.00    0   56 100.00  2.47K 100.00  1.58K  48.87 -----    1.22   0.00   0.24 100.00  58.84
 l1.1             0     0      0.00    0   25  44.64 845.77  34.31 730.25  22.54 -----    1.97   0.00   0.20 100.00  65.50
  Administrati    0     0      0.00    0   10  17.86 433.57  17.59 197.17   6.09 -----    3.67   0.00   0.25 100.00  62.74
  Engineering     0     0      0.00    0   15  26.79 412.20  16.72 533.08  16.45 -----    0.83   0.00   0.17 100.00  67.35
 l1.2             0     0      0.00    0   31  55.36  1.62K  65.69 853.00  26.33 -----    0.62   0.00   0.27 100.00  53.46
  Shared          0     0      0.00    0    3   5.36  97.17   3.94  44.92   1.39 -----    0.58   0.00   0.56 100.00  31.73
  Test            0     0      0.00    0    3   5.36  14.44   0.59  14.58   0.45 -----    0.43   0.00   0.17 100.00  30.57
  Research        0     0      0.00    0   25  44.64  1.51K  61.16 793.50  24.49 -----    0.65   0.00   0.24 100.00  58.82

> showstats -T 2
statistics initialized Mon Jul 10 15:29:41
              |-------- Active ---------|---------------------------------- Completed -----------------------------------|
user           Jobs Procs ProcHours  Mem Jobs    %    PHReq    %    PHDed    %   FSTgt   AvgXF  MaxXF  AvgQH  Effic  WCAcc
  Test            0     0      0.00    0   22   4.99 271.27   0.55 167.42   0.19 -----    3.86   0.00   2.89 100.00  60.76
  Shared          0     0      0.00    0   59  13.38 12.30K  24.75  4.46K   5.16 -----    6.24   0.00  10.73 100.00  49.87
  Research        0     0      0.00    0  140  31.75  9.54K  19.19  5.40K   6.25 -----    2.84   0.00   5.52 100.00  57.86
  Administrati    0     0      0.00    0   84  19.05  7.94K  15.96  4.24K   4.91 -----    4.77   0.00   0.34 100.00  62.31
  Engineering     0     0      0.00    0  136  30.84 19.67K  39.56 28.77K  33.27 -----    3.01   0.00   3.66 100.00  63.70

> showstats -T l1.1
statistics initialized Mon Jul 10 15:29:41
              |-------- Active ---------|---------------------------------- Completed -----------------------------------|
user           Jobs Procs ProcHours  Mem Jobs    %    PHReq    %    PHDed    %   FSTgt   AvgXF  MaxXF  AvgQH  Effic  WCAcc
 l1.1             0     0      0.00    0  220  49.89 27.60K  55.52 33.01K  38.17 -----    3.68   0.00   2.39 100.00  63.17
  Administrati    0     0      0.00    0   84  19.05  7.94K  15.96  4.24K   4.91 -----    4.77   0.00   0.34 100.00  62.31
  Engineering     0     0      0.00    0  136  30.84 19.67K  39.56 28.77K  33.27 -----    3.01   0.00   3.66 100.00  63.70

See Also

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