LSF Integration via the Native Interface


# moab.cfg
# Using the native interface to run query commands.
RMCFG[native]       TYPE=NATIVE FLAGS=queueisprivate
RMCFG[native]       CLUSTERQUERYURL=/usr/local/etc/ TIMEOUT=30
RMCFG[native]       PARTITION=lsf
# Only use some features from the LSF (non-native) interface.
RMCFG[lsf]          TYPE=LSF FLAGS=executionserver,ignqueuestate
RMCFG[lsf]          FNLIST=queuequery,workloadquery,jobstart
------ - script to provide information about LSF nodes

use strict;
# Extract node data from LSF and pass it to Moab.
# Note: Should pay attention to command line,
#   but currently doesn't.
# Note: Other node information can be passed along,
#   for now this is the bare minimum required.
my $command = "bhosts -w |";
my $current_time = time();
my %job_state;
my $num_nodes;
my $node_id;
my $state;
open (DATA, $command);
for (<DATA>) 
  if (/^HOST_NAME/) 
    # NO-OP
  elsif (/(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) 
    $job_state{$1} = $2;
close DATA;
$num_nodes = scalar keys %job_state;
# If no nodes are found, assume an error.
if ($num_nodes == 0) 
  print "SC=-1";
# Output the data in the format Moab is expecting.
for $node_id (sort keys %job_state) 
  if ($job_state{$node_id} =~ /ok/) 
    $state = 'Idle';
  elsif ($job_state{$node_id} =~ /unavail/) 
    $state = 'Down';
  elsif ($job_state{$node_id} =~ /unreach/) 
    $state = 'Down';
  elsif ($job_state{$node_id} =~ /closed_Adm/) 
    $state = 'Drained';
  elsif ($job_state{$node_id} =~ /closed_Full/) 
    $state = 'Drained';
  elsif ($job_state{$node_id} =~ /closed_Excl/) 
    $state = 'Busy';
    $state = 'Unknown';
  print "$node_id STATE=$state UPDATETIME=$current_time CPROC=2\n";

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