

mcredctl [-d   credtype[:credid]] 
         [-h   credtype:credid] 
         [-l   credtype]				
         [-q {role|limit|profile|accessfrom|accessto} credtype[:credid]] [--format=xml]
         [-r {stats|credits|fairshare} credtype[:credid]]
         [-t <STARTTIME>[,<ENDTIME>]


The mcredctl command controls various aspects about the credential objects within Moab. It can be used to display configuration, limits, roles, and relationships for various moab credential objects.


NoteIn all cases <CREDTYPE> is one of acct, group, user, class, or qos.
NoteIn most cases it is necessary to use the --format=xml flag in order to print the output (see examples below for specific syntax requirements).
Purge a credential from moab.cfg (does not delete credential from memory).
> mcredctl -d user:john

All references to USERCFG[john] will be commented out of moab.cfg)

-h - HOLD
Toggles whether a given credetials' jobs should be place on hold or not.
> mcredctl -h user:john

User [john] will be put on hold.

-l - LIST
List the various sub-objects of the specified credential.
> mcredctl -l user --format=xml

List all users within Moab in XML.

> mcredctl -l group --format=xml

List all groups within Moab in XML.

-q - QUERY

{role | accessfrom | accessto | limit| profile | policies}







Display various aspects of a credential (formatted in XML)
> mcredctl -q role user:bob --format=xml

View user bob's administrative role within Moab in XML

> mcredctl -q limit acct --format=xml

Display limits for all accounts in XML

> mcredctl -q policies user:bob

View limits organized by credential for user bob on each partition and resource manager

-r - RESET
Resets the credential within Moab.
> mcredctl -r user:john 

Resets the credential of user john

Can be used in conjunction with the -q profile option to display profiling information for the specified timeframe.
> mcredctl -q profile user -t 14:30_06/20

Credential Statistics XML Output

Credential statistics can be requested as XML (via the --format=xml argument) and will be written to STDOUT in the following format:

> mcredctl -q profile user --format=xml -o time:1182927600,1183013999
  <user ...> 
    <Profile ...>

Example 1

> mcredctl -d group:john
GROUPCFG[john] Successfully purged from config files

Example 2

> mcredctl -l user --format=xml
<Data><user ID="john"</user><user ID="john"></user><user ID="root"></user><user ID="dev"></user></Data>

Example 3

> mcredctl -q role user:john --format=xml
<Data><user ID="test" role="admin5"></user></Data>

See Also

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