mdiag -r


mdiag -r [reservationid] [-v] [-w type=<type>]


The mdiag -r command allows administrators to look at detailed reservation information. It provides the name, type, partition, starttime and endtime, proc and node counts, as well as actual utilization figures. It also provides detailed information about which resources are being used, how many nodes, how much memory, swap, and processors are being associated with each task. Administrators can also view the Access Control Lists for each reservation as well as any flags that may be active in the reservation. The command gathers information from the Moab cache which prevents it from waiting for the scheduler, but the --blocking option can be used to bypass the cache and allow waiting for the scheduler.

The -w flag filters the output according to the type of reservation. The allowable reservation types are, None, Job, User, and Meta. The None type means there is no filtering performed.

Example 1

> mdiag -r
Diagnosing Reservations
RsvID                      Type Par   StartTime     EndTime     Duration Node Task Proc
-----                      ---- ---   ---------     -------     -------- ---- ---- ----
engineer.0.1               User   A    -6:29:00    INFINITY     INFINITY    0    0    7
    ACL:   CLASS==batch+:==long+:==fast+:==bigmem+ QOS==low-:==high+ JATTR==PREEMPTEE+
    CL:    RSV==engineer.0.1
    Task Resources: PROCS: [ALL]
    Attributes (HostExp='fr10n01 fr10n03 fr10n05 fr10n07 fr10n09 fr10n11 fr10n13 fr10n15')
    Active PH: 43.77/45.44 (96.31%)
    SRAttributes (TaskCount: 0  StartTime: 00:00:00  EndTime: 1:00:00:00  Days: ALL)
research.0.2               User   A    -6:29:00    INFINITY     INFINITY    0    0    8
    ACL:   CLASS==batch+:==long+:==fast+:==bigmem+ QOS==high+:==low- JATTR==PREEMPTEE+
    CL:    RSV==research.0.2
    Task Resources: PROCS: [ALL]
    Attributes (HostExp='fr3n01 fr3n03 fr3n05 fr3n07 fr3n07 fr3n09 fr3n11 fr3n13 fr3n15')
    Active PH: 51.60/51.93 (99.36%)
    SRAttributes (TaskCount: 0  StartTime: 00:00:00  EndTime: 1:00:00:00  Days: ALL)
fast.0.3                   User   A    00:14:05     5:14:05      5:00:00    0    0   16
    ACL:   CLASS==fast+ QOS==high+:==low+:==urgent+:==DEFAULT+ JATTR==PREEMPTEE+
    CL:    RSV==fast.0.3
    Task Resources: PROCS: [ALL]
    Attributes (HostExp='fr12n01 fr12n02 fr12n03 fr12n04 fr12n05 fr12n06 fr12n07 fr12n08 fr12n09 fr12n10 fr12n11 fr12n12 fr12n13 fr12n14 fr12n15 fr12n16')
    SRAttributes (TaskCount: 0  StartTime: 00:00:00  EndTime: 5:00:00  Days: Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri)
fast.1.4                   User   A  1:00:14:05  1:05:14:05      5:00:00    0    0   16
    ACL:   CLASS==fast+ QOS==high+:==low+:==urgent+:==DEFAULT+ JATTR==PREEMPTEE+
    CL:    RSV==fast.1.4
    Task Resources: PROCS: [ALL]
    Attributes (HostExp='fr12n01 fr12n02 fr12n03 fr12n04 fr12n05 fr12n06 fr12n07 fr12n08 fr12n09 fr12n10 fr12n11 fr12n12 fr12n13 fr12n14 fr12n15 fr12n16')
    SRAttributes (TaskCount: 0  StartTime: 00:00:00  EndTime: 5:00:00  Days: Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri)
job2411                     Job   A   -00:01:00    00:06:30     Each tile contains a summary information about the service it represents, including the following:
    ACL:   JOB==job2411=
    CL:    JOB==job2411 USER==jimf GROUP==newyork ACCT==it CLASS==bigmem QOS==low JATTR==PREEMPTEE DURATION==00:07:30 PROC==6 PS==2700
job1292                     Job   A    00:00:00    00:07:30     00:07:30    0    0    4
    ACL:   JOB==job1292=
    CL:    JOB==job1292 USER==jimf GROUP==newyork ACCT==it CLASS==batch QOS==DEFAULT JATTR==PREEMPTEE DURATION==00:07:30 PROC==4 PS==1800

Example 2

With the -v option, a nodes line is included for each reservation and shows how many nodes are in the reservation as well as how many tasks are on each node.

> mdiag -r -v
Diagnosing Reservations
RsvID                      Type Par   StartTime     EndTime     Duration Node Task Proc
-----                      ---- ---   ---------     -------     -------- ---- ---- ----
Moab.6                      Job   B   -00:01:05    00:00:35     00:01:40    1    1    1
    Flags: ISACTIVE
    ACL:   JOB==Moab.6= 
    CL:    JOB==Moab.6 USER==tuser1 GROUP==tgroup1 CLASS==fast QOS==starter JPRIORITY<=0 DURATION==00:01:40 PROC==1 PS==100 
    SubType: JobReservation
    Rsv-Group: Moab.6

Moab.4                      Job   B   -00:01:05    00:00:35     00:01:40    1    1    1
    Flags: ISACTIVE
    ACL:   JOB==Moab.4= 
    CL:    JOB==Moab.4 USER==tuser1 GROUP==tgroup1 CLASS==batch QOS==starter JPRIORITY<=0 DURATION==00:01:40 PROC==1 PS==100 
    SubType: JobReservation
    Rsv-Group: Moab.4

Moab.5                      Job   A   -00:01:05    00:00:35     00:01:40    3    3    6
    Flags: ISACTIVE
    ACL:   JOB==Moab.5= 
    CL:    JOB==Moab.5 USER==tuser1 GROUP==tgroup1 ACCT==marketing CLASS==long QOS==low JPRIORITY<=0 DURATION==00:01:40 PROC==6 PS==600 
    Task Resources: PROCS: [ALL]
    SubType: JobReservation
    Rsv-Group: Moab.5

Moab.7                      Job   A   -00:01:04    00:00:36     00:01:40    1    1    1
    Flags: ISACTIVE
    ACL:   JOB==Moab.7= 
    CL:    JOB==Moab.7 USER==tuser1 GROUP==tgroup1 CLASS==bigmen QOS==starter JPRIORITY<=0 DURATION==00:01:40 PROC==1 PS==100 
    SubType: JobReservation
    Rsv-Group: Moab.7

Moab.2                      Job   A   -00:01:07     3:58:53      4:00:00    1    2    2
    Flags: ISACTIVE
    ACL:   JOB==Moab.2= 
    CL:    JOB==Moab.2 USER==tuser1 GROUP==tgroup1 QOS==starter JPRIORITY<=0 DURATION==4:00:00 PROC==2 PS==28800 
    SubType: JobReservation
    Rsv-Group: Moab.2

Moab.8                      Job   A     3:58:53     7:58:53      4:00:00    8   16   16
    Flags: PREEMPTEE
    ACL:   JOB==Moab.8= 
    CL:    JOB==Moab.8 USER==tuser1 GROUP==tgroup1 ACCT==development CLASS==bigmen QOS==starter JPRIORITY<=0 DURATION==4:00:00 PROC==16 PS==230400 
    SubType: JobReservation
    Attributes (Priority=148)
    Rsv-Group: idle

system.3                   User bas   -00:01:08    INFINITY     INFINITY    1    1    2
    ACL:   RSV==system.3= 
    CL:    RSV==system.3 
    Accounting Creds:  User:root
    Task Resources: PROCS: [ALL]
    SubType: Other
    Attributes (HostExp='node254')
    Active PH: 0.00/0.01 (0.00%)
    History: 1322773208:PROCS=2

system.2                   User bas   -00:01:08    INFINITY     INFINITY    1    1    2
    ACL:   RSV==system.2= 
    CL:    RSV==system.2 
    Accounting Creds:  User:root
    Task Resources: PROCS: [ALL]
    SubType: Other
    Attributes (HostExp='node255')
    Active PH: 0.00/0.01 (0.00%)
    History: 1322773208:PROCS=2

system.1                   User bas   -00:01:08    INFINITY     INFINITY    1    1    2
    ACL:   RSV==system.1= 
    CL:    RSV==system.1 
    Accounting Creds:  User:root
    Task Resources: PROCS: [ALL]
    SubType: Other
    Attributes (HostExp='node256')
    Active PH: 0.00/0.01 (0.00%)
    History: 1322773208:PROCS=2    

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