showq [-b] [-g] [-l] [-c|-i|-r] [-n] [-p partition] [-R rsvid] [-v] [-w <CONSTRAINT>]
Displays information about active, eligible, blocked, and/or recently completed jobs. Since the resource manager is not actually scheduling jobs, the job ordering it displays is not valid. The showq command displays the actual job ordering under the Moab Workload Manager. When used without flags, this command displays all jobs in active, idle, and non-queued states.Access
By default, this command can be run by any user. However, the -c, -i, and -r flags can only be used by level 1, 2, or 3 Moab administrators.Flags
Flag | Description |
-b | display blocked jobs only |
-c | display details about recently completed jobs (see example, JOBCPURGETIME). |
-g | display grid job and system id's for all jobs. |
-i | display extended details about idle jobs. (see example) |
-l | display local/remote view. For use in a Grid environment, displays job usage of both local and remote compute resources. |
-n | displays normal showq output, but lists job names under JOBID |
-p | display only jobs assigned to the specified partition. |
-r | display extended details about active (running) jobs. (see example) |
-R | display only jobs which overlap the specified reservation. |
-v | Display local and full resource manager job IDs as well as partitions. If specified with the '-i' option, will display job reservation time. The -v option displays all array subjobs. All showq commands without the -v option show just the master jobs in an array. |
-w | display only jobs associated with the specified constraint. Valid constraints include user, group, acct, class, and qos. (see showq -w example.) |
Beyond job information, the showqcommand will also report if the scheduler is stopped or paused or if a system reservation is in place. Further, the showq command will also report public system messages.Examples
> showq active jobs------------------------ JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS REMAINING STARTTIME 12941 sartois Running 25 2:44:11 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12954 tgates Running 4 2:57:33 Thu Sep 1 15:02:52 12944 eval1 Running 16 6:37:31 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12946 tgates Running 2 1:05:57:31 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 4 active jobs 47 of 48 processors active (97.92%) 32 of 32 nodes active (100.00%) eligible jobs---------------------- JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS WCLIMIT QUEUETIME 12956 cfosdyke Idle 32 6:40:00 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12969 cfosdyke Idle 4 6:40:00 Thu Sep 1 15:03:23 12939 eval1 Idle 16 3:00:00 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12940 mwillis Idle 2 3:00:00 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12947 mwillis Idle 2 3:00:00 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12949 eval1 Idle 2 3:00:00 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12953 tgates Idle 10 4:26:40 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12955 eval1 Idle 2 4:26:40 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12957 tgates Idle 16 3:00:00 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12963 eval1 Idle 16 1:06:00:00 Thu Sep 1 15:02:52 12964 tgates Idle 16 1:00:00:00 Thu Sep 1 15:02:52 12937 allendr Idle 9 1:00:00:00 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12962 aacker Idle 6 00:26:40 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12968 tamaker Idle 1 4:26:40 Thu Sep 1 15:02:52 14 eligible jobs blocked jobs----------------------- JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS WCLIMIT QUEUETIME 0 blocked jobs Total jobs: 18
The fields are as follows:
Column | Description |
JOBID | job identifier. |
USERNAME | User owning job. |
STATE | Job State. Current batch state of the job. |
PROCS | Number of processors being used by the job. |
REMAINING/WCLIMIT | For active jobs, the time the job has until it has reached its wall clock limit or for idle/blocked jobs, the amount of time requested by the job. Time specified in [DD:]HH:MM:SS notation. |
STARTTIME | Time job started running. |
Active jobs are those that are Running or Starting and consuming resources. Displayed are the job id*, the job's owner, and the job state. Also displayed are the number of processors allocated to the job, the amount of time remaining until the job completes (given in HH:MM:SS notation), and the time the job started. All active jobs are sorted in "Earliest Completion Time First" order.
![]() | *Job id's may be marked with a single character to to specify the following conditions:
![]() | Detailed active job information can be obtained using the '-r' flag. |
Eligible Jobs are those that are queued and eligible to be scheduled. They are all in the Idle job state and do not violate any fairness policies or have any job holds in place. The jobs in the Idle section display the same information as the Active Jobs section except that the wall clock CPULIMIT is specified rather than job time REMAINING, and job QUEUETIME is displayed rather than job STARTTIME. The jobs in this section are ordered by job priority. Jobs in this queue are considered eligible for both scheduling and backfilling.
![]() | Detailed eligible job information can be obtained using the '-i' flag. |
Blocked jobs are those that are ineligible to be run or queued. Jobs listed here could be in a number of states for the following reasons:
State | Description |
Idle | Job violates a fairness policy. Use diagnose -qfor more information. |
UserHold | A user hold is in place. |
SystemHold | An administrative or system hold is in place. |
BatchHold | A scheduler batch hold is in place (used when the job cannot be run because the requested resources are not available in the system or because the resource manager has repeatedly failed in attempts to start the job). |
Deferred | A scheduler defer hold is in place (a temporary hold used when a job has been unable to start after a specified number of attempts. This hold is automatically removed after a short period of time). |
NotQueued | Job is in the resource manager state NQ (indicating the job's controlling scheduling daemon in unavailable). |
A summary of the job queue's status is provided at the end of the output.
Example 2: Detailed Active/Running Job Report
> showq -r active jobs------------------------ JOBID S PAR EFFIC XFACTOR Q USER GROUP MHOST PROCS REMAINING STARTTIME 12941 R 3 100.00 1.0 - sartois Arches G5-014 25 2:43:31 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12954 R 3 100.00 1.0 Hi tgates Arches G5-016 4 2:56:54 Thu Sep 1 15:02:52 12944 R 2 100.00 1.0 De eval1 RedRock P690-016 16 6:36:51 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12946 R 3 100.00 1.0 - tgates Arches G5-001 2 1:05:56:51 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 4 active jobs 47 of 48 processors active (97.92%) 32 of 32 nodes active (100.00%) Total jobs: 4
The fields are as follows:
Column | Description |
JOBID | Name of active job. |
S | Job State. Either "R" for Running or "S" for Starting. |
PAR | Partition in which job is running. |
EFFIC | CPU efficiency of job. |
XFACTOR | Current expansion factor of job, where XFactor = (QueueTime + WallClockLimit) / WallClockLimit |
Q | Quality Of Service specified for job. |
USERNAME | User owning job. |
GROUP | Primary group of job owner. |
MHOST | Master Host running primary task of job. |
PROCS | Number of processors being used by the job. |
REMAINING | Time the job has until it has reached its wall clock limit. Time specified in HH:MM:SS notation. |
STARTTIME | Time job started running. |
After displaying the running jobs, a summary is provided indicating the number of
jobs, the number of allocated processors, and the system utilization.
Column | Description |
JobName | Name of active job. |
S | Job State. Either "R" for Running or "S" for Starting. |
CCode | Completion Code. The return/completion code given when a job completes. (Only applicable to completed jobs.) |
Par | Partition in which job is running. |
Effic | CPU efficiency of job. |
XFactor | Current expansion factor of job, where XFactor = (QueueTime + WallClockLimit) / WallClockLimit |
Q | Quality Of Service specified for job. |
User | User owning job. |
Group | Primary group of job owner. |
Nodes | Number of processors being used by the job. |
Remaining | Time the job has until it has reached its wall clock limit. Time specified in HH:MM:SS notation. |
StartTime | Time job started running. |
> showq -i eligible jobs---------------------- JOBID PRIORITY XFACTOR Q USER GROUP PROCS WCLIMIT CLASS SYSTEMQUEUETIME 12956* 20 1.0 - cfosdyke RedRock 32 6:40:00 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12969* 19 1.0 - cfosdyke RedRock 4 6:40:00 batch Thu Sep 1 15:03:23 12939 16 1.0 - eval1 RedRock 16 3:00:00 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12940 16 1.0 - mwillis Arches 2 3:00:00 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12947 16 1.0 - mwillis Arches 2 3:00:00 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12949 16 1.0 - eval1 RedRock 2 3:00:00 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12953 16 1.0 - tgates Arches 10 4:26:40 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12955 16 1.0 - eval1 RedRock 2 4:26:40 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12957 16 1.0 - tgates Arches 16 3:00:00 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12963 16 1.0 - eval1 RedRock 16 1:06:00:00 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:52 12964 16 1.0 - tgates Arches 16 1:00:00:00 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:52 12937 1 1.0 - allendr RedRock 9 1:00:00:00 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12962 1 1.2 - aacker RedRock 6 00:26:40 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 12968 1 1.0 - tamaker RedRock 1 4:26:40 batch Thu Sep 1 15:02:52 14 eligible jobs Total jobs: 14
The fields are as follows:
Column | Description |
JOBID | Name of job. |
PRIORITY | Calculated job priority. |
XFACTOR | Current expansion factor of job, where XFactor = (QueueTime + WallClockLimit) / WallClockLimit |
Q | Quality Of Service specified for job. |
USER | User owning job. |
GROUP | Primary group of job owner. |
PROCS | Minimum number of processors required to run job. |
WCLIMIT | Wall clock limit specified for job. Time specified in HH:MM:SS notation. |
CLASS | Class requested by job. |
SYSTEMQUEUETIME | Time job was admitted into the system queue. |
![]() | An asterisk at the end of a job (job 12956* in this example) indicates that the job has a job reservation created for it. The details of this reservation can be displayed using the checkjob command. |
Example 4: Detailed Completed Job Report
> showq -c completed jobs------------------------ JOBID S CCODE PAR EFFIC XFACTOR Q USERNAME GROUP MHOST PROC WALLTIME STARTTIME 13098 C 0 bas 93.17 1.0 - sartois Arches G5-014 25 2:43:31 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 13102 C 0 bas 99.55 2.2 Hi tgates Arches G5-016 4 2:56:54 Thu Sep 1 15:02:52 13103 C 2 tes 99.30 2.9 De eval1 RedRock P690-016 16 6:36:51 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 13115 C 0 tes 97.04 1.0 - tgates Arches G5-001 2 1:05:56:51 Thu Sep 1 15:02:50 3 completed jobs
The fields are as follows:
Column | Description |
JOBID | job id for completed job. |
S | Job State. Either "C" for Completed or "V" for Vacated. |
CCODE | Completion code reported by the job. |
PAR | Partition in which job ran. |
EFFIC | CPU efficiency of job. |
XFACTOR | Expansion factor of job, where XFactor = (QueueTime + WallClockLimit) / WallClockLimit |
Q | Quality of Service specified for job. |
USERNAME | User owning job. |
GROUP | Primary group of job owner. |
MHOST | Master Host which ran the primary task of job. |
PROCS | Number of processors being used by the job. |
WALLTIME | Wallclock time used by the job. Time specified in [DD:]HH:MM:SS notation. |
STARTTIME | Time job started running. |
After displaying the active jobs, a summary is provided indicating the number of jobs, the number of allocated processors, and the system utilization.
![]() | If the DISPLAYFLAGS parameter is set to ACCOUNTCENTRIC, job group information will be replaced with job account information. |
Example 5: Filtered Job Report
Show only jobs associated with user john and class benchmarkJob arrays show the name of the job array and then in parenthesis, the number of sub-jobs in the job array that are in the specified state.
> showq active jobs------------------------ JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS REMAINING STARTTIME Moab.1(14) aesplin Running 14 00:59:41 Fri May 27 14:58:57 14 active jobs 14 of 14 processors in use by local jobs (100.00%) 2 of 2 nodes active (100.00%) eligible jobs---------------------- JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS WCLIMIT QUEUETIME Moab.1(4) aesplin Idle 4 1:00:00 Fri May 27 14:58:52 4 eligible jobs blocked jobs----------------------- JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS WCLIMIT QUEUETIME Moab.1(2) aesplin Blocked 2 1:00:00 Fri May 27 14:58:52 2 blocked jobs Total jobs: 20
See Also
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