You are here: Appendices > Appendix G: Integrating Other Resources with Moab > Compute Resource Managers > Installation Notes for Moab and Torque on the Cray XT
Installation Notes for Moab and Torque on the Cray XT |
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Copyright © 2011 Adaptive Computing Enterprises, Inc.
This document provides information on the steps to install Moab and Torque on a Cray XT system.
Moab and Torque can be used to manage the batch system for a Cray XT4, XT5 or later supercomputers. This document describes how Moab can be configured to use Torque and Moab's native resource manager interface to bring Moab's unmatched scheduling capabilities to the Cray XT4/XT5.
Note: For clarity this document assumes that your SDB node is mounting a persistent /var filesystem from the bootnode. If you have chosen not to use persistent /var filesystems please be aware that the instructions below would have to be modified for your situation.
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Many of the following examples reflect a specific setup and must be modified to fit your unique configuration. |
Download the latest Torque release.
Example 1. Download Torque
# cd /rr/current/software # wget
Using xtopview, unpack the Torque tarball into the software directory in the shared root.
Example 2. Unpack Torque
# xtopview default/:/ # cd /software default/:/software # tar -zxvf torque-2.2.0.tar.gz
While still in xtopview, run configure with the options set appropriately for your installation. Run ./configure —help to see a list of configure options. Adaptive Computing recommends installing the Torque binaries into /opt/torque/$version and establishing a symbolic link to it from /opt/torque/default. At a minimum, you will need to specify the hostname where the Torque server will run (--with-default-server) if it is different from the host it is being compiled on. The Torque server host will normally be the SDB node for XT installations.
Example 3. Run configure
default/:/software # cd torque-2.2.0 default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # ./configure --prefix=/opt/torque/2.2.0 --with-server-home=/var/spool/torque --with-default-server=sdb --enable-syslog --disable-gcc-warnings --enable-maxdefault --with-modulefiles=/opt/modulefiles --with-job-create
Note: The —enable-maxdefault is a change from Torque 2.4.5 onwards. This will enforce max_default queue and server settings the same way previous versions of Torque did by default. Your site may choose not to follow this configuration setting and get the new behavior. See Job Submission for more information.
Note: The --with-job-create is a change for Torque 2.5.9 onwards. This is not necessary on 2.4.16. Sites running Torque 2.5.x should upgrade to 2.5.9 or later.
While still in xtopview, compile and install Torque into the shared root. You may also need to link /opt/torque/default to this installation. Exit xtopview.
Example 4. Make and Make Install
default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # make default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # make packages default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # make install default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # ln -sf /opt/torque/2.2.0/ /opt/torque/default default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # exit
In this example we assume the Torque server will be running on the SDB node. Torque's home directory on the SDB will be /var/spool/torque which is mounted from the bootnode (persistent var). The SDB is usually nid00003 but you will need to confirm this by logging into the SDB and running 'cat /proc/cray_xt/nid'. Use the numeric nodeid from this command in the following example.
Example 5. On the boot node, copy the Torque home directory to the SDB node's persistant /var filesystem (as exported from the bootnode)
# cd /rr/current/var/spool # cp -pr torque /snv/3/var/spool
Stage out the mom dirs and client server info on all login nodes. This example assumes you are using a persistent /var filesystems mounted from /snv on the boot node. Alternatively, a ram var filesystem must be populated by a skeleton tarball on the bootnode (/rr/current/.shared/var-skel.tgz) into which these files must be added. The example below assumes that you have 3 login nodes with nids of 4, 64 and 68. Place the hostname of the SDB node in the server_name file.
Example 6. Copy out mom dirs and client server info
# cd /rr/current/software/torque-2.2.0/tpackages/mom/var/spool # for i in 4 64 68
> do cp -pr torque /snv/$i/var/spool > echo sdb > /snv/$i/var/spool/torque/server_name > # Uncomment the following if userids are not resolvable from the pbs_server host > # echo "QSUBSENDUID true" > /snv/$i/var/spool/torque/torque.cfg > done
Note: It is possible that the hostname for the sdb node is not set to sdb on your system. Run `ssh sdb hostname` to determine the hostname in use. If the command returns, for example, sdb-p1, modify the "for loop" above to echo sdb-p1 into the server_name file.
Configure the Torque server by informing it of its hostname and running the Torque.setup script.
Example 7. Set the server name and run torque.setup
# hostname > /var/spool/torque/server_name # export PATH=/opt/torque/default/sbin:/opt/torque/default/bin:$PATH # cd /software/torque-2.2.0 # ./torque.setup root
Add access and submit permission from your login nodes. You will need to enable host access by setting acl_host_enable to true and adding the nid hostnames of your login nodes to acl_hosts. In order to be able to submit from these same login nodes, you need to add them as submit_hosts and this time use their hostnames as returned from the hostname command.
Note: Sites can configure this as needed for local policies. Please review the Torque documentation.
Example 8. Customize server settings
Enable scheduling to allow Torque events to be sent to Moab. Note: If this is not set, Moab will automatically set it on startup.
# qmgr -c "set server scheduling = true"
Keep information about completed jobs around for a time so that Moab can detect and record their completion status. Note: If this is not set, Moab will automatically set it on startup.
# qmgr -c "set server keep_completed = 300"
Note: Sites can configure this as needed for local policies. Please review the Torque documentation.
Remove the default nodes setting
# qmgr -c "unset queue batch resources_default.nodes"
Note: Sites can configure this as needed for local policies. Setting this default will prevent jobs submitted with mppwidth/mppn* resource definitions from running. The reverse is also true. Setting resources_default.mppwidth default will prevent jobs submitted with nodes/cpus/procs resource definitions from running.
Set resources_available.nodes equal to the maximum number of procs that can be requested in a job.
# qmgr -c "set server resources_available.nodect = 1250"
Do this for each queue individually as well.
# qmgr -c "set queue batch resources_available.nodes = 1250"
Only allow jobs submitted from hosts specified by the acl_hosts parameter.
# qmgr -c "set server acl_host_enable = true" # qmgr -c "set server acl_hosts += nid00004" # qmgr -c "set server acl_hosts += nid00064" # qmgr -c "set server acl_hosts += nid00068" # qmgr -c "set server submit_hosts += login1" # qmgr -c "set server submit_hosts += login2" # qmgr -c "set server submit_hosts += login3"
Note: Sites can configure this as needed for local policies. Please review the Torque documentation.
Define your login nodes to Torque. You should set np to the maximum number of concurrent jobs for your system. A value of 128 is suggested as a typical setting.
Example 9. Populate the nodes file
In this example we have defined three execution hosts in Torque. Additionally, we assigned specific properties to a couple of the nodes so that particular workload can be directed to these hosts (moms).
# vi /var/spool/torque/server_priv/nodes login1 np=128 login2 np=128 mom_himem login3 np=128 mom_netpipe
Note: The names used for mom nodes in this file must match the value returned by the “hostname” command on each of the nodes running pbs_mom. If this name is not of the form nid12345 please ensure that the system /etc/hosts file contains this name as an alias for the nid name for the node. As an example, if nid00060 is running a mom but the hostname on this node returns login1 please update the hosts file similar to the following: nid00060 c0-0c0s1n0 login1
Torque provides an init.d script for starting pbs_server as a service.
Example 10. Copy in init.d script
# cd /rr/current/software/torque-2.2.0 # cp contrib/init.d/pbs_server /etc/init.d # chmod +x /etc/init.d/pbs_server
Edit the init.d file as necessary -- i.e. change PBS_DAEMON and PBS_HOME as appropriate.
# vi /etc/init.d/pbs_server PBS_DAEMON=/opt/torque/default/sbin/pbs_server PBS_HOME=/var/spool/torque
Uncomment the following line to retain core dump files:
ulimit -c unlimited # Uncomment this to preserve core filesTorque provides an init.d script for starting pbs_mom as a service.
Example 11. Copy in init.d script
# cd /rr/current/software/torque-2.2.0
Edit the init.d file as necessary -- i.e. change PBS_DAEMON and PBS_HOME as appropriate, retain core files, etc.
# vi contrib/init.d/pbs_mom PBS_DAEMON=/opt/torque/default/sbin/pbs_mom PBS_HOME=/var/spool/torque
Uncomment the following line to retain core dump files:
ulimit -c unlimited # Uncomment this to preserve core filesExample 12. Stop Torque
# /opt/torque/default/bin/qterm
Alternatively, if you installed the init.d script, you may run:
# service pbs_server stop
Edit the mom config file so job output is copied to locally mounted directories.
Example 13. Edit the mom config file
# vi var/spool/torque/mom_priv/config $usecp *:/home/users /home/users $usecp *:/scratch /scratch
Note: It may be acceptable to use a $usecp *:/ / in place of the sample above. Consult with the site.
On the boot node as root:
Example 14. Start up the pbs_moms on the login nodes.
# pdsh -w login1,login2,login3 /opt/torque/default/sbin/pbs_mom
Alternatively, if you installed the init.d script, you may run:
# pdsh -w login1,login2,login3 /sbin/service pbs_mom start
On the Torque server host as root:
Example 15. Start pbs_server
# /opt/torque/default/sbin/pbs_server
Alternatively, if you installed the init.d script, you may run:
# service pbs_server start
If Torque is not already installed on your system, follow the Torque-XT Installation Notes to install Torque on the SDB node.
Download the latest Moab release from Adaptive Computing Enterprises, Inc.
Note: The correct tarball type can be recognized by the xt4 tag in its name. The xt4 tarball will be used when it is a Cray XT4, XT5 or later.
Example 16. Download Moab
# cd /rr/current/software # wget --http-user=user --http-passwd=passwd
Using xtopview, unpack the Moab tarball into the software directory in the shared root.
Example 17. Unpack Moab
# xtopview default/:/ # cd /software default/:/software # tar -zxvf moab-5.4.1-linux-x86_64-torque2-xt4.tar.gz
While still in xtopview, run configure with the options set appropriately for your installation. Run ./configure —help to see a list of configure options. Adaptive Computing recommends installing the moab binaries into /opt/moab/$version and establishing a symbolic link to it from /opt/moab/default. Since the moab home directory must be read-write by root, Adaptive Computing recommends you specify the homedir in a location such as /var/spool/moab.
![]() | Moab no longer installs XT4 scripts by default. Use --with-xt4 when running ./configure to install them. |
Example 18. Run configure
default/:/software # cd moab-5.4.1 default/:/software/moab-5.4.1 # ./configure --prefix=/opt/moab/5.4.1 --with-homedir=/var/spool/moab --with-torque=/opt/torque/default --with-modulefiles=/opt/modulefiles --with-xt4
While still in xtopview, install moab into the shared root. You may also need to link /opt/moab/default to this installation.
Example 19. Make Install
default/:/software/moab-5.4.1 # make install default/:/software/moab-5.4.1 # ln -sf /opt/moab/5.4.1/ /opt/moab/default
Moab provides a module file that can be used to establish the proper Moab environment. You may also want to install these module files onto the login nodes.
Example 20. make modulefiles
default/:/software/moab-5.4.1 # make modulefiles
Moab's native resource manager interface scripts require a Perl XML Module to communicate via the basil interface. The Perl XML::LibXML module should be installed. The default method is to use the perldeps make target to install a bundled version of the module into a local Moab lib directory. This module may also be downloaded and installed from Perl's CPAN directory. Exit xtopview.
Example 21. make perldeps
default/:/software/moab-5.4.1 # make perldeps default/:/software/moab-5.4.1 # exit
The moab.cfg file should be customized for your scheduling environment. We will use /rr/current/var/spool/moab as a temporary staging area before copying them out to their final destinations. See the Moab Admin Guide for more details about Moab configuration parameters.
Example 22. Edit the moab configuration file
# cd /rr/current/var/spool/moab # vi moab.cfg SCHEDCFG[moab] SERVER=sdb:42559
TOOLSDIR /opt/moab/default/tools
RMCFG[clustername] TYPE=NATIVE:XT4
CLIENTCFG[msub] FLAGS=AllowUnknownResource
Edit the configuration file ($MOABHOMEDIR/etc/ used by the xt tools.
Example 23. Edit the XT4 configuration file
# cd /rr/current/var/spool/moab/etc # vi $ENV{PATH} = "/opt/torque/default/bin:/usr/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; $batchPattern = "^login|xt1|xt2|nid00008\b|nid00011\b"; # Non-interactive jobs run here only # The following two lines may also modified or uncommented to support
# interactive job launch. This allows the jobs to roam in the event
# the local mom on the login node is down. %loginReplaceTable = (nid00008 => login1, nid00011 => login2); $allowInteractiveJobsToRoam = "True"
Important: For interactive jobs to launch properly please make sure you read this note:
The %loginReplaceTable must be uncommented and have valid name relationships if the mom node hostname is not nid<xxxxx>. Mom nodes talk to the sdb across the internal network. The host table name for these addresses will resolve to a nid name, such as nid00008 above. If the “hostname” for the mom node has been changed from the default nid name to a more descriptive name such as login1, the mapping from nidname to hostname must be added to the %loginReplaceTable.
In this example we assume the Moab server will be running on the SDB node. If you are installing Moab with its server home in /var as in this example and assuming that your var filesystem is being served from your boot node under /snv, you will need to login to SDB and determine the nid with 'cat /proc/cray_xt/nid'.
Example 24. Copy out Moab home directory
# cd /rr/current/var/spool # cp -pr moab /snv/3/var/spool
Both the Moab configuration file (moab.cfg) and the configuration file for the xt4 scripts ( must be copied out to the /var filesystem on the login nodes. The only essential parameter that must be in the moab.cfg on the login nodes is the SCHEDCFG line so the clients can find the server.
Example 25. Copy out the configuration files
# cd /rr/current/var/spool/moab # for i in 4 64 68; do mkdir -p /snv/$i/var/spool/moab/etc /snv/$i/var/spool/moab/log; cp moab.cfg /snv/$i/var/spool/moab; cp etc/ /snv/$i/var/spool/moab/etc; done
Moab provides an init.d script for starting Moab as a service. Using xtopview into the SDB node, copy the init script into /etc/init.d.
Example 26. Copy in init.d script to the SDB node from the shared root.
# xtopview -n 3 node/3:/ # cp /software/moab/moab-5.1.0/contrib/init.d/moab /etc/init.d/
Edit the init.d file as necessary -- i.e. retain core files, etc.
Uncomment the following line to retain core dump files
ulimit -c unlimited # Uncomment to preserve core filesnode/3:/ # xtspec /etc/init.d/moab node/3:/ # exit
The MOABHOMEDIR environment variable must be set in your environment when starting Moab or using Moab commands. If you are on a system with a large number of nodes (thousands), you will need to increase your stack limit to unlimited. You will also want to adjust your path to include the Moab and Torque bin and sbin directories. The proper environment can be established by loading the appropriate Moab module, by sourcing properly edited login files, or by directly modifying your environment variables.
Example 27. Loading the moab module
# module load moab
Example 28. Exporting the environment variables by hand (in bash)
# export MOABHOMEDIR=/var/spool/moab # export PATH=$PATH:/opt/moab/default/bin:/opt/moab/default/sbin:/opt/torque/default/bin:/opt/torque/default/sbin
Example 29. Setting the stack limit to unlimited
If you are running on a system with large numbers of nodes (thousands), you may need to increase the stack size user limit to unlimited. This should be set in the shell from which Moab is launched. If you start Moab via an init script, this should be set in the script, otherwise it would be recommended to put this in the appropriate shell startup file for root.
# ulimit -s unlimited
Occasionally, Moab can encounter an orphaned ALPS partition -- that is a partition which is no longer associated with an active job. These orphans can occur under different circumstances, such as manually created alps partitions, partitions created by a different resource manager, or as a result of jobs that have been lost to Moab's memory by a catastrophic outage. By setting the MOABPARCLEANUP environment variable, you can set Moab's policy for handling orphaned ALPS partitions. If MOABPARCLEANUP is unset, Moab will not attempt to cleanup orphaned ALPS partitions. If MOABPARCLEANUP is set to Full, Moab will aggressively clean up any orphan it encounters, whether it was the creator of the partition or not. If MOABPARCLEANUP is set to anything else (such as 1, yes, TRUE, etc.), Moab will attempt to clean up only those orphans that it knows that it had a hand in creating. This environment variable must be set in the environment when starting Moab to take effect. This can be accomplished by including it in the appropriate module, init script, or via a manual setenv or export command.
Example 30. Activate aggressive ALPS partition cleanup in the optional moab startup script
# vi /etc/init.d/moab export MOABPARCLEANUP=Full
Communication performance within parallel jobs may be improved by customizing Moab to allocate nodes according to a serialized alps XYZ topology ordering. There are two main methods for doing this -- by presenting the nodes to Moab in the serialized topology order, or by prioritizing the nodes in the serialized topology order. By default, Moab will allocate nodes according to an lexicographical (alphanumeric) ordering.
Option A -- Prioritizing the nodes in serialized topology order. This approach requires that you tell Moab to allocate its nodes according to a priority function based on an explicit priority for each node, which we set based on the alps XYZ ordering. An advantage of this method is that the mdiag -n output will remain in lexicographical ordering. If the apstat -no command is not supported in your version, you may build up the priority list by hand by using the XYZ topology information in the alps database. The example will show how to do this by running a script that uses apstat -no to populate a Moab configuration include file according to the XYZ topology ordering. If your current version of alps does not support the XYZ topology ordering, you may build up the nodeprio.cfg file yourself based on XYZ topology information obtained from alps.
Example 31. Populate a Moab configuration node priority file
# /opt/moab/default/tools/ >/var/spool/moab/nodeprio.cfg # echo "#INCLUDE /var/spool/moab/nodeprio.cfg" >> /var/spool/moab/moab.cfg
Option B -- Presenting the nodes in serialized topology order. This approach requires that the nodes are reported to Moab in the alps XYZ ordering. Moab will, by default, allocate nodes in the reverse order from which they are reported. This method requires alps support for the XYZ ordering. Its implementation is simple and dynamic but will cause mdiag -n to report the nodes in the serialized topology order. The example will show how to do this by setting a configuration option in the file (which was discussed in the previous section).
Example 32. Uncomment the topologyOrdering parameter
# vi /var/spool/moab/etc/ $topologyOrdering = 1;
Add the following configuration to the moab.cfg:
It is possible to direct a job to launch from an execution host having a job-specified feature. Assigning features to the mom nodes and declaring these features to be momFeatures allows you to indicate which job features will effect the steering of a job's master task to certain moms as opposed to steering the job's parallel tasks to certain compute nodes.
Example 33. Declaring mom features
Indicates that when a feature of mom_himem or mom_netpipe are specified for a job, this will be used to steer the job to an execution_host (mom) having this feature as opposed to scheduling the parallel tasks on compute nodes having this feature.
# vi /var/spool/moab/etc/ # Setting momFeatures allows you to indicate which job features will effect # the steering of jobs to certain moms as opposed to steering to compute nodes @momFeatures = ("mom_himem", "mom_netpipe");
If there are pbs_moms in the system that are to be used as normal torque nodes rather than execution hosts for the Cray these nodes need to marked as such in the etc/ script in the Moab home directory. This is done by adding the specific node names to the externalMoms array.
Example: @externalMoms entry in $MOABHOMEDIR/etc/ file
@externalMoms = ("es001","es002","es003");
Nodes specified in the externalMoms array are treated as normal TORQUE nodes and are reported to Moab in a partition named "external." Jobs submitted to these nodes do not get an alps reservation.
To submit jobs to the external nodes you can specify the partition at submission time (-l partition=external), specify a feature on the external nodes, or specify a class that is configured to run on the external partition (CLASSCFG[external] PARTITION=external).
Care must be taken so that Cray compute jobs don't end up on the external nodes when they're not supposed to. This can be done by defining features specific to the Cray compute nodes and external nodes, and requesting the corresponding features or by specifying classes that must run on a specific partition.
Start up the Moab daemon.
Example 34. Start Moab
# /opt/moab/default/sbin/moab
Alternatively, if you installed the init.d script, you may run:
# service moab start
It is preferable to have no running jobs during the upgrade. This can be done by closing all queues in Torque or setting a system reservation in Moab and waiting for all jobs to complete. Often, it is possible to upgrade Torque with running jobs in the system, but you may risk problems associated with Torque being down when the jobs complete and incompatibilities between the new and old file formats and job states.
On the boot node as root:
Example 35. Shut down the pbs_moms on the login nodes.
# pdsh -w login1,login2,login3 /opt/torque/default/sbin/momctl -s
Alternatively, if you installed the init.d script, you may run:
# pdsh -w login1,login2,login3 /sbin/service pbs_mom stop
Example 36. Stop Torque
# /opt/torque/default/bin/qterm
Alternatively, if you installed the init.d script, you may run:
# service pbs_server stop
Download the latest Torque release from Adaptive Computing Enterprises, Inc.
Example 37. Download Torque
# cd /rr/current/software # wget
Using xtopview, unpack the Torque tarball into the software directory in the shared root.
Example 38. Unpack Torque
# xtopview default/:/ # cd /software default/:/software # tar -zxvf torque-2.2.0.tar.gz
While still in xtopview, run configure with the options set appropriately for your installation. Run ./configure —help to see a list of configure options. Adaptive Computing recommends installing the torque binaries into /opt/torque/$version and establishing a symbolic link to it from /opt/torque/default. At a minimum, you will need to specify the hostname where the torque server will run (--with-default-server) if it is different from the host it is being compiled on. The torque server host will normally be the sdb node for XT installations.
Example 39. Run configure
default/:/software # cd torque-2.2.0 default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # ./configure --prefix=/opt/torque/2.2.0 --with-server-home=/var/spool/torque --with-default-server=nid00003 --enable-syslog
While still in xtopview, compile and install torque into the shared root. You may also need to link /opt/torque/default to this installation. Exit xtopview.
Example 40. Make and Make Install
default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # make default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # make packages default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # make install default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # rm /opt/torque/default default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # ln -sf /opt/torque/2.2.0/ /opt/torque/default default/:/software/torque-2.2.0 # exit
Note: If you have still have running jobs, you will want to start pbs_mom with the -p flag to preserve running jobs. By default, the init.d startup script will not preserve running jobs unless altered to start pbs_mom with the -p flag.
On the boot node as root:
Example 41. Start up the pbs_moms on the login nodes.
# pdsh -w login1,login2,login3 /opt/torque/default/sbin/pbs_mom -p
On the torque server host as root:
Example 42. Start pbs_server
# /opt/torque/default/sbin/pbs_server
Alternatively, if you installed the init.d script, you may run:
# service pbs_server start
It is preferable to have no running jobs during the upgrade. This can be done by setting a system reservation in Moab and waiting for all jobs to complete. Often, it is possible to upgrade Moab with running jobs in the system, but you may risk problems associated with Moab being down when the jobs complete.
Shut down the moab daemon.
Example 43. Stop Moab
# /opt/moab/default/sbin/mschedctl -k
Alternatively, if you installed the init.d script, you may run:
# service moab stop
Download the latest Moab release from Adaptive Computing Enterprises, Inc.
Note: The correct tarball type can be recognized by the xt4 tag in its name.
Example 44. Download Moab
# cd /rr/current/software # wget --http-user=user --http-passwd=passwd
Using xtopview, unpack the Moab tarball into the software directory in the shared root.
Example 45. Unpack Moab
# xtopview default/:/ # cd /software default/:/software # tar -zxvf moab-5.2.2.s10021-linux-x86_64-torque2-xt4.tar.gz
While still in xtopview, run configure with the options set appropriately for your installation. Run ./configure —help to see a list of configure options. Adaptive Computing recommends installing the moab binaries into /opt/moab/$version and establishing a symbolic link to it from /opt/moab/default. Since the moab home directory must be read-write by root, Adaptive Computing recommends you specify the homedir in a location such as /var/spool/moab.
Example 46. Run configure
default/:/software # cd moab-5.2.2.s10021 default/:/software/moab-5.2.2.s10021 # autoconf default/:/software/moab-5.2.2.s10021 # ./configure --prefix=/opt/moab/5.2.2.s10021 --with-homedir=/var/spool/moab --with-torque
While still in xtopview, install moab into the shared root. You may also need to link /opt/moab/default to this installation.
Example 47. Make Install
default/:/software/moab-5.2.2.s10021 # make install default/:/software/moab-5.2.2.s10021 # ln -sf /opt/moab/5.2.2.s10021/ /opt/moab/default
If you have previously installed the perl modules in the perl site directories (configure --with-perl-libs=site), you should not need to remake the perl modules. However, the default is to install the perl modules local to the moab install directory and since it is normal practice to configure the moab upgrade to use a new install directory (configure --prefix), it will generally be necessary to reinstall the perl modules. Exit xtopview when done with this step.
Example 48. make perldeps
default/:/software/moab-5.2.2.s10021 # make perldeps default/:/software/moab-5.2.2.s10021 # exit
If the upgrade brings in new changes to the file, you will need to edit the file and manually merge in the changes from the file. One way to discover if new changes have been introduced is to diff the from the old and new etc directories. This is rare, but does happen on occasion. One will generally discover quite quickly if necessary changes were not made because the xt4 scripts will usually fail if the config file has not been updated.
Example 49. Merge any updates into the XT4 configuration file
# diff /snv/3/var/spool/moab/etc/ /rr/current/software/moab-5.2.2.s10021/etc/ # vi /snv/3/var/spool/moab/etc/
Example 50. Swapping in the new moab module
# module swap moab/5.2.2.s10021
When configuring the nodes in the moab.cfg file, such as when adding a feature to a node, use the NID (node ID) rather than the node name. For example, if your node name is NID00064 but the NID is 64, use:
Start up the moab daemon.
Example 51. Start Moab
# /opt/moab/default/sbin/moab
Alternatively, if you installed the init.d script, you may run:
# service moab start
For systems using a standing reservation method to block off time for system maintenance, the following examples show two standing reservations which are required.
The first standing reservations is for the compute nodes in the cluster. Set TASKCOUNT to the total number of procs in your cluster:
SRCFG[PM] TASKCOUNT=7832 NODEFEATURES=compute SRCFG[PM] PERIOD=DAY DAYS=TUE SRCFG[PM] FLAGS=OWNERPREEMPT SRCFG[PM] STARTTIME=8:00:00 ENDTIME=14:00:00 SRCFG[PM] JOBATTRLIST=PREEMPTEE SRCFG[PM] TRIGGER=EType=start, Offset=300,AType=internal,Action="rsv::modify:acl:jattr-=PREEMPTEE" SRCFG[PM] TRIGGER=EType=start,Offset=-60,AType=jobpreempt,Action="cancel"
The second standing reservation is for the login/mom nodes that do not have procs, but execute size 0 jobs using the GRES method. Set TASKCOUNT to the total number of GRES resources on those nodes:
SRCFG[PMsvc] TASKCOUNT=16 SRCFG[PMsvc] RESOURCES=GRES=master:100 SRCFG[PMsvc] PERIOD=DAY DAYS=TUE SRCFG[PMsvc] FLAGS=OWNERPREEMPT SRCFG[PMsvc] STARTTIME=8:00:00 ENDTIME=14:00:00 SRCFG[PMsvc] JOBATTRLIST=PREEMPTEE SRCFG[PMsvc] TRIGGER=EType=start,Offset=300,AType=internal,Action="rsv::modify:acl:jattr-=PREEMPTEE" SRCFG[PMsvc] TRIGGER=EType=start,Offset=-60,AType=jobpreempt,Action="cancel"
Point Moab to the qsub binary on the server where Moab is running (ex. sdb).
RMCFG[] SUBMITCMD=/opt/torque/default/bin/qsub
Setup Moab to schedule nodes when -l nodes is requested.
Because Moab uses qsub to submit msub'd jobs, qsub must be configured to not validate the path of the working directory on the sdb as they don't exist on the sdb. (ex. msub -d /users/jdoe/tmpdir). Add VALIDATEPATH FALSE to the torque.cfg on the sdb.
As of torque 2.4.11, the node count and the processors per node count can be obtained in the in the job's environment by using $PBS_NUM_NODES and $PBS_NUM_PPN respectively. This aids in mapping the requested nodes to aprun calls. For example, the general format for calling aprun within a job script is: aprun -n $(($PBS_NUM_NODES * $PBS_NUM_PPN)) -N $PBS_NUM_PPN
Example submissions:
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16 aprun -n 16 -N 16 hostname
#PBS -l nodes=20 aprun -n 20 hostname
#PBS -l nodes=20:ppn=16 aprun -n 320 -N 16 hostname
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=16 #PBS -l hostlist=35+36 aprun -n 32 -N 16 hostname
#PBS -l procs=64 aprun -n 64 hostname
#run on login nodes only #PBS -l procs=0
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